Quantum calculus

Quantum calculus

Quantum calculus is equivalent to traditional infinitesimal calculus without the notion of limits. It defines "q-calculus" and "h-calculus". h ostensibly stands for Planck's constant while "q" stands for quantum. The two parameters are related by the formula

:q = exp(ih)

We can define differentials of functions in the q-calculus and h-calculus by

:d_q(f(x)) = f(qx) - f(x):d_h(f(x)) = f(x + h) - f(x)

We may then further define derivatives of functions as fractions by

:D_q(f(x)) = frac{d_q(f(x))}{d_q(x)} = frac{f(qx) - f(x)}{(q - 1)x}:D_h(f(x)) = frac{d_h(f(x))}{d_h(x)} = frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}

In the limit, as h goes to 0, or equivalently as q goes to 1, we may reconstitute the derivative of the classical calculus. Now consider the function x^n for some positive integer n. Its derivative in the classical calculus is simply nx^{n - 1}. We can calculate

:D_q(x^n) = frac{q^n - 1}{q - 1} x^{n - 1}:D_h(x^n) = x^{n - 1} + h x^{n - 2} + cdots + h^{n - 1}

By setting

:{n}_q = frac{q^n - 1}{q - 1}

We can see that D_q{x^n} = {n}_q x^{n - 1}. This is the q-calculus analogue of the simple power rule forpositive integral powers. In this sense, the function x^n is still "nice" in the q-calculus, but ratherugly in the h-calculus. One may proceed further and develop, for example, equivalent notions of Taylor expansion, et cetera, and even arrive at q-calculus analogues for all of the usual functions one would want to have, such as an analogue for the sine function whose q-derivative is the appropriate analogue for the cosine.

Of course, the h-calculus is just the calculus of finite differences, which had been studied by George Boole and others, and has proven useful in a number of fields, among them combinatorics and fluid mechanics. The q-calculus, on the other hand, while dating in a sense back to Euler and Jacobi, is only recently beginning to see more usefulness in quantum mechanics, having an intimate connection with commutativity relations and Lie algebra.

See also

* Noncommutative geometry
* Time scale calculus
* Q-derivative

Notice that


*Victor Kac, Pokman Cheung, Quantum calculus", Universitext, Springer-Verlag, 2002. ISBN 0-387-95341-8

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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