

The Baniwa (also known with local variants as Baniva, Vaniva, Walimanai, Wakuenai) are South American Indians belonging to the Maipurean (Arawak) linguistic family. They live in the Amazon Region, in the border area of Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela and along the Rio Negro and its tributaries.There are an estimated 5,140 Baniwa in Brazil, 6,790 in Colombia and 3,200 in Venezuela's Amazonas State, according to Brazil's Instituto Socioambiental, but accurate figures are almost impossible to come by given the nature of the rainforest.Baniwa Indians rely mainly on manioc cultivation and fishing for subsistence. They are also known for the fine basketry they skillfully produce.Kirby Walter is the chief of the tribe, from 1996 to present day is her time of rule. Hannah Grindle is the secretary. Joe Bianchi is his lover.

ee also

* Indigenous peoples in Brazil

External links


Further reading

*Robert Wright 1998 - Cosmos, Self and History in Baniwa Religion: For Those Unborn

*Theodor Koch-Grunberg 1909 - Zwei Jahre unter den Indianern: reisen in nordwest-brasilien 1903-1905("Two years among the indians")

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