

nativename=Adhola, Jopadhola, Ludama
region=Tororo District, Uganda
fam2=Eastern Sudanic
fam4=Western Nilotic
fam6=Southern Luo

Dhopadhola is the language of the Jopadhola (a.k.a. Badama) ethnic group in Uganda. Dhopadhola is generally mutually intelligible with Acholi language, Lango language, Kumam language and Alur language of Uganda and Dholuo language of Kenya.

The prefix "dho" means "language of". It can be attached to a nationality or speech community to imply the language of such a people. "jo" means "people of". The infix "pa" means possessive 'of'.

"Dhopadhola" thus means the language spoken in Padhola.
"Padhola" is the area or region where Dhopadhola is spoken.
"Jopadhola" is the plural of "Japadhola"; a person who speaks Dhopadhola. Hence, "Jopadhola" are speakers of Dhopadhola.

"Ja" is a prefix meaning the 'doer' or a person belonging to a particular place or position. The plural is "Jo". That is, people who do something or belong to a particular place or organisation.

For instance
"Jafwonji" means a teacher.
"Jofwonji" means teachers.
"Jawer" means a singer.
"Jower" means singers.
"Janywol" means a parent.
"Jonywol" means parents.
"Japach" means a carpenter.
"Jopach" means carpenters.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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