Nerv (band)

Nerv (band)

:"See Nerv for the organization related to Neon Genesis Evangelion"Infobox musical artist
Name = Nerv

Img_capt = Nerv's Logo
Background = group_or_band
Origin = Chambéry, France
Genre = Mathcore
Technical metal
Years_active = 1999
Label =
URL = []
Current_members = Raphael Bouvier - guitars
David Favero - bass guitar
Younés "OYC" Chraibi - vocals

Nerv is an French mathcore / technical metal band from Chambéry.


Nerv's music is a jazz-influenced death metal and hardcore punk band. Its first release was called "mech. Naturaleza", and was followed by an EP entitled "away.fromanyhuman".

After several line up changes the band got stable with the arrival of David and Younés, respectively bassist and vocals in the band. Nerv's first effort built strong basis with odd time signatures and complex, jazz-influenced structures. Away.fromanyhuman, soon to be released, uses thinking metal's strengths, linking the vocalstructures with the music, using paradoxes, autoreference and even more complex mathematical patterns.

After the recording of that EP, Ivo, founder of the band with Raphael, had to leave it for professional reasons. His new band Breathe Your Dirt is a "no-guitar noisecore" trio based in Montpellier, France.


*OYC is also the composer of "The OYC Trilogy", a three-bands trilogy composed of the technical metal project Ohmsägør where he plays bass, guitars and oud, oriental music experiment Yalb!, and brutal death metal act Conundrum. He is also the webmaster of the website AlgoBlast.
*Raphael Bouvier also plays guitar in the emo-psyche-progrock band Blow
*Nerv are often cited as writing some of the most twisted compositions among French metal/hardcore bands.


*Raphael Bouvier - guitars
*David Favero - bass guitar
*Younés "OYC" Chraibi - vocals


*"mech. Naturaleza" (2004), self-released
*"away.fromanyhuman" (2006), self-released

External links

* [ Official website]
* [ The OYC Trilogy]
*MySpace-music|breatheyourdirt|Breathe Your Dirt

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