Ein Dor

Ein Dor


latd=32 |latm=39 |lats=22.31 |latNS=N
longd=35 |longm=25 |longs=1.55 |longEW=E

caption= Ein Dor's water tower.
imgsize= 250
hebname=Hebrew|עין דור
kibbutz_name = Ein Dor
foundation = 1948
founded_by = Hashomer Hatzair
region = Lower Galilee
council = Jezreel Valley
industry = Agriculture, manufacturing
affiliation = Kibbutz Movement
website =

Ein Dor ( _he. עין דור, lit. "Dor Spring") is a kibbutz in northern Israel. Located in the Lower Galilee, it falls under the jurisdiction of Jezreel Valley Regional Council. In 2006 it had a population of 688.


Ein Dor was founded in 1948 by members of the Hashomer Hatzair youth movement. The founders were from Israel, Hungary and the United States, and were joined later by members from South America.

The kibbutz is named for Endor, a village mentioned in the Bible - an accordance with the common Zionist practice of bestowing Biblical names on modern communities and towns. After the death of prophet Samuel, King Saul comes to Endor to meet a woman medium (the Witch of Endor) who helps him to contact the spirit of Samuel. The prophecy he receives is that his army will be vanquished and that he and his sons would die in battle. (Samuel 28:3-19). However, it is by no means certain that the kibbutz's location is anywhere near to where the Biblical village stood. An archeological museum located close to the main dining hall includes pre-historical findings from the kibbutz area.


The kibbutz's main source of income is the Teldor Cables and Wires factory. Other sources include agriculture, pet clinic, a wood factory and Dorli.

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