- Rahova
Rahova is a neighbourhood of southwest
Bucharest ,Romania , situated in Sector 5, west ofDâmboviţa River . It is named after theBulgaria n town "Rahovo" (todayOryahovo ), site of a battle in theRomanian War of Independence .The neighborhood stretches from between Antiaeriană and Drumul Sării Avenues to Panduri Square (in the west), Panduri and 13 Septembrie Streets in the north, George Cosbuc Avenue, Viilor and Sălaj Streets in the east and Bucharest City Limits in the South. Roughly, the neighbourhood is organized alongside two important arterial streets (13 Septembrie and Rahovei Streets, and the streets linking them). It neighbors
Drumul Taberei ,Centrul Civic (at Izvor), andFerentari . Roughly, Rahova is situated on the Uranus and Viilor hills.The inhabitants of the neighbourhood split it further in "zones", partially based on the naming and numbering of the block of flats (a specificity of Rahova is that house numbering and postal addressing is not done based on actual street numbers but rather on block numbers - a letter of the zone and an index number). As such, there are seven zones (east to west and north to south): Drumul Sǎrii (DS), Petre Ispirescu (P), Mārgeanului (M), Panduri, 13 Septembrie/Sebastian (S), Rahova (R) and Alexandriei (A).
According to the "Local Tax Direction of The 5th District", the population of this area is around 180,000.
One of the main roads crossing the neighbourhood, and bearing today its name ("Calea Rahovei", Rahova Road) was previously known as "Podul Calicilor" (Bridge of the Greedy), with the first document mentioning it dating from 1639. The term "bridge" came from the material used to pave it: long wooden bridge beams, which were cheaper than stone pavement at the time. Living near this road were at the time beggars and poor people, gathered together like those from "La Cour des Miracles" in
Paris . Later, after the authorities had scattered them away, the road was renamed to "Calea Craiovei" to remove the association with poverty. The modern name dates from the end of the Independence War. [ [http://www.ps4.ro/02paginidocumentaristorice.htm Historical documentary] , Mayoralty, 4th Sector, Bucharest (in Romanian)]From the 1950s onwards, Rahova entered a period of long
urban decline , because it was, until the 1960s, the furthest district from the city centre, had a lack of infrastructure and contained the Rahova Penitentiary, the largest jail in Bucharest. In the early 1970s the area was also the headquarter of the infamous Barbugiu clan, the firstorganized crime gang to be recognized by the authorities. Calea Rahovei was also known as The Florists' Street ("Drumul Florăreselor"), because it was (and to some amount still is) the location of Bucharest's flower markets and flower gardens.Starting from 1997, various efforts were made to renew the area, and Rahova is currently undergoing a period of modernisation in order to improve its image. Rahova is now linked to the Bucharest city centre by a light metro line, upgraded from the existing tram line, with trains coming at a frequency of one minute. New
façade s have been built for the apartment blocks along Calea Rahovei, as well as significant improvements in the neighbourhood high school (including a new swimming pool) and a complete overhaul of the parks, the Flower Market ("Piaţa de Flori") and Rahova Market. This was done with the support of both the Mayors of Bucharest and the Mayors of the 5th Sector, in which Rahova is located, and has resulted in thegentrification of the district.Transportation
Rahova is serviced by a number of
public transport (RATB ) lines, especially tramways (or light rail) and to a lesser extent buses. Line 32 is the main line, with tramways running every minute from Rahovei Market to Unirii Square. Currently a number of tramway lines are upgraded and/or converted to Light Rail. There is no subway ("Metrou") in the area, nor are there plans to build or extend the network to the area. Because of a chaotic layout of roads and streets, and the presence of a belt of factories to the north of the neighbourhood (The Old Industrial Area of Trafic Greu, officially Progresului Road), there are basically only three roads heading downtown (Calea Rahovei, 13 Septembrie and Drumul Sării - with no secondary streets whatsoever), all with only two lanes per way of traffic and heavy public transport. This causes severe traffic jams that can last for up to five hours daily. The only solution found was to demolish two factories and make way for a new road, but the proposal was deemed too expensive and scrapped.Administration
As part of the 5th Sector, it is directly administered by the Mayor and Council of the Sector, which has responsibility over local affairs such as schools and cleaning services, and by the General Mayor and
General Council of Bucharest , which is responsible for main roads and other city-wide affairs. Offices of the Sector 5 mayorality exist in The Flower Market and in Rahova Market. The area is taxed at all taxation levels - A level (the highest) for the 13 Septembrie Avenue and Drumul Sării, B level for the Rahova Avenue, Mărgeanului and Alexandriei Road, C level for the low density rezidential district and D level for a small, completely undeveloped area belonging to the Rahova Penitentiary, at the outskirts of the city. [ http://www1.pmb.ro/pmb/zonafisc/anexag.jpgMap of the taxation zones, Bucharest City Hall]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.