Sibley-Monroe checklist 16

Sibley-Monroe checklist 16

The Sibley-Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA-DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds.

Passeriformes (continued)


* "Speirops melanocephalus" Cameroon Speirops
* "Speirops lugubris" Black-capped Speirops
* "Speirops brunneus" Fernando Po Speirops
* "Speirops leucophoeus" Principe Speirops
* "Zosterops senegalensis" African Yellow White-eye
* "Zosterops vaughani" Pemba White-eye
* "Zosterops mayottensis" Chestnut-sided White-eye
* "Zosterops poliogaster" Broad-ringed White-eye
* "Zosterops abyssinicus" White-breasted White-eye
* "Zosterops pallidus" Pale White-eye
* "Zosterops maderaspatanus" Malagasy White-eye
* "Zosterops mouroniensis" Comoro White-eye
* "Zosterops ficedulinus" Principe White-eye
* "Zosterops griseovirescens" Annobon White-eye
* "Zosterops borbonicus" Mascarene Grey White-eye
* "Zosterops olivaceus" Reunion Olive White-eye
* "Zosterops chloronothos" Mauritius Olive White-eye
* "Zosterops modestus" Seychelles Grey White-eye
* "Zosterops ceylonensis" Ceylon White-eye
* "Zosterops erythropleurus" Chestnut-flanked White-eye
* "Zosterops palpebrosus" Oriental White-eye
* "Zosterops japonicus" Japanese White-eye
* "Zosterops meyeni" Lowland White-eye
* "Zosterops salvadorii" Enggano White-eye
* "Zosterops conspicillatus" Bridled White-eye
* "Zosterops hypolais" Plain White-eye
* "Zosterops semperi" Caroline Islands White-eye
* "Zosterops atricapillus" Black-capped White-eye
* "Zosterops everetti" Everett's White-eye
* "Zosterops nigrorum" Golden-yellow White-eye
* "Zosterops montanus" Mountain White-eye
* "Zosterops natalis" Christmas Island White-eye
* "Zosterops flavus" Javan White-eye
* "Zosterops chloris" Lemon-bellied White-eye
* "Zosterops citrinellus" Ashy-bellied White-eye
* "Zosterops grayi" Pearl-bellied White-eye
* "Zosterops uropygialis" Golden-bellied White-eye
* "Zosterops consobrinorum" Pale-bellied White-eye
* "Zosterops anomalus" Lemon-throated White-eye
* "Zosterops wallacei" Yellow-spectacled White-eye
* "Zosterops atrifrons" Black-crowned White-eye
* "Zosterops atriceps" Creamy-throated White-eye
* "Zosterops minor" Black-fronted White-eye
* "Zosterops meeki" White-throated White-eye
* "Zosterops hypoxanthus" Black-headed White-eye
* "Zosterops mysorensis" Biak White-eye
* "Zosterops fuscicapillus" Capped White-eye
* "Zosterops buruensis" Buru Yellow White-eye
* "Zosterops kuehni" Ambon Yellow White-eye
* "Zosterops novaeguineae" New Guinea White-eye
* "Zosterops luteus" Australian Yellow White-eye
* "Zosterops griseotinctus" Louisiade White-eye
* "Zosterops rennellianus" Rennell White-eye
* "Zosterops vellalavella" Banded White-eye
* "Zosterops splendidus" Ganongga White-eye
* "Zosterops luteirostris" Splendid White-eye
* "Zosterops kulambangrae" Solomon Islands White-eye
* "Zosterops murphyi" Hermit White-eye
* "Zosterops metcalfii" Yellow-throated White-eye
* "Zosterops rendovae" Grey-throated White-eye
* "Zosterops stresemanni" Malaita White-eye
* "Zosterops sanctaecrucis" Santa Cruz White-eye
* "Zosterops lateralis" Silvereye
* "Zosterops tephropleurus" Lord Howe Island White-eye
* "Zosterops strenuus" Robust White-eye
* "Zosterops tenuirostris" Slender-billed White-eye
* "Zosterops albogularis" White-chested White-eye
* "Zosterops inornatus" Large Lifu White-eye
* "Zosterops explorator" Layard's White-eye
* "Zosterops flavifrons" Yellow-fronted White-eye
* "Zosterops xanthochrous" Green-backed White-eye
* "Zosterops minutus" Small Lifu White-eye
* "Zosterops samoensis" Samoan White-eye
* "Zosterops finschii" Dusky White-eye
* "Zosterops cinereus" Grey-brown White-eye
* "Zosterops oleagineus" Yap Olive White-eye
* "Rukia longirostra" Long-billed White-eye
* "Rukia ruki" Truk White-eye
* "Cleptornis marchei" Golden White-eye
* "Tephrozosterops stalkeri" Bicolored White-eye
* "Madanga ruficollis" Rufous-throated White-eye
* "Lophozosterops javanicus" Javan Grey-throated White-eye
* "Lophozosterops squamiceps" Streaky-headed White-eye
* "Lophozosterops goodfellowi" Black-masked White-eye
* "Lophozosterops superciliaris" Yellow-browed White-eye
* "Lophozosterops pinaiae" Grey-hooded White-eye
* "Lophozosterops dohertyi" Crested White-eye
* "Oculocincta squamifrons" Pygmy White-eye
* "Heleia crassirostris" Thick-billed White-eye
* "Heleia muelleri" Spot-breasted White-eye
* "Chlorocharis emiliae" Mountain Blackeye
* "Woodfordia superciliosa" Bare-eyed White-eye
* "Woodfordia lacertosa" Sanford's White-eye
* "Megazosterops palauensis" Giant White-eye
* "Hypocryptadius cinnamomeus" Cinnamon Ibon


* "Tesia castaneocoronata" Chestnut-headed Tesia
* "Tesia olivea" Slaty-bellied Tesia
* "Tesia cyaniventer" Grey-bellied Tesia
* "Tesia superciliaris" Javan Tesia
* "Tesia everetti" Russet-capped Tesia
* "Urosphena subulata" Timor Stubtail
* "Urosphena whiteheadi" Bornean Stubtail
* "Urosphena squameiceps" Asian Stubtail
* "Cettia pallidipes" Pale-footed Bush Warbler
* "Cettia canturians" Manchurian Bush Warbler
* "Cettia diphone" Japanese Bush Warbler
* "Cettia seebohmi" Philippine Bush Warbler
* "Cettia annae" Palau Bush Warbler
* "Cettia parens" Shade Warbler
* "Cettia ruficapilla" Fiji Bush Warbler
* "Cettia fortipes" Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler
* "Cettia vulcania" Sunda Bush Warbler
* "Cettia carolinae" Tanimbar Bush Warbler
* "Cettia major" Chestnut-crowned Bush Warbler
* "Cettia flavolivacea" Aberrant Bush Warbler
* "Cettia acanthizoides" Yellowish-bellied Bush Warbler
* "Cettia brunnifrons" Grey-sided Bush Warbler
* "Cettia cetti" Cetti's Warbler
* "Bradypterus baboecala" African Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus grandis" Ja River Scrub Warbler
* "Bradypterus carpalis" White-winged Scrub Warbler
* "Bradypterus graueri" Grauer's Scrub Warbler
* "Bradypterus alfredi" Bamboo Scrub Warbler
* "Bradypterus sylvaticus" Knysna Scrub Warbler
* "Bradypterus lopezi" Cameroon Scrub Warbler
* "Bradypterus mariae" Evergreen Forest Warbler
* "Bradypterus barratti" African Scrub Warbler
* "Bradypterus cinnamomeus" Cinnamon Bracken Warbler
* "Bradypterus victorini" Victorin's Scrub Warbler
* "Bradypterus thoracicus" Spotted Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus major" Long-billed Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus tacsanowskius" Chinese Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus luteoventris" Brown Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus seebohmi" Russet Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus palliseri" Ceylon Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus caudatus" Long-tailed Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus accentor" Friendly Bush Warbler
* "Bradypterus castaneus" Chestnut-backed Bush Warbler
* "Dromaeocercus brunneus" Brown Emu-tail
* "Bathmocercus cerviniventris" Black-capped Rufous Warbler
* "Bathmocercus rufus" Black-faced Rufous Warbler
* "Scepomycter winifredae" Mrs Moreau's Warbler
* "Nesillas aldabrana" Aldabra Brush Warbler
* "Nesillas longicaudata" Anjouan Brush Warbler
* "Nesillas typica" Madagascar Brush Warbler
* "Nesillas brevicaudata" Grand Comoro Brush Warbler
* "Nesillas mariae" Moheli Brush Warbler
* "Thamnornis chloropetoides" Thamnornis Warbler
* "Melocichla mentalis" Moustached Grass Warbler
* "Achaetops pycnopygius" Damara Rock-jumper
* "Sphenoeacus afer" Cape Grass Warbler
* "Locustella lanceolata" Lanceolated Warbler
* "Locustella naevia" Common Grasshopper Warbler
* "Locustella certhiola" Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler
* "Locustella ochotensis" Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler
* "Locustella pleskei" Pleske's Grasshopper Warbler
* "Locustella fluviatilis" River Warbler
* "Locustella luscinioides" Savi's Warbler
* "Locustella fasciolata" Gray's Grasshopper Warbler
* "Acrocephalus melanopogon" Moustached Warbler
* "Acrocephalus paludicola" Aquatic Warbler
* "Acrocephalus schoenobaenus" Sedge Warbler
* "Acrocephalus sorghophilus" Streaked Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus bistrigiceps" Black-browed Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus agricola" Paddyfield Warbler
* "Acrocephalus concinens" Blunt-winged Warbler
* "Acrocephalus scirpaceus" Eurasian Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus baeticatus" African Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus dumetorum" Blyth's Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus palustris" Marsh Warbler
* "Acrocephalus arundinaceus" Great Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus stentoreus" Clamorous Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus griseldis" Basra Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus australis" Australian Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus luscinia" Nightingale Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus syrinx" Caroline Islands Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus rehsei" Nauru Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus familiaris" Millerbird
* "Acrocephalus aequinoctialis" Bokikokiko
* "Acrocephalus caffer" Tahiti Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus mendanae" Marquesan Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus atyphus" Tuamotu Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus kerearako" Cook Islands Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus rimatarae" Rimatara Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus vaughani" Pitcairn Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus taiti" Henderson Island Reed Warbler
* "Acrocephalus rufescens" Greater Swamp Warbler
* "Acrocephalus brevipennis" Cape Verde Swamp Warbler
* "Acrocephalus gracilirostris" Lesser Swamp Warbler
* "Acrocephalus newtoni" Madagascar Swamp Warbler
* "Acrocephalus aedon" Thick-billed Warbler
* "Bebrornis rodericanus" Rodriguez Brush Warbler
* "Bebrornis sechellensis" Seychelles Brush Warbler
* "Hippolais caligata" Booted Warbler
* "Hippolais rama" Sykes's Warbler
* "Hippolais pallida" Olivaceous Warbler
* "Hippolais languida" Upcher's Warbler
* "Hippolais olivetorum" Olive-tree Warbler
* "Hippolais polyglotta" Melodious Warbler
* "Hippolais icterina" Icterine Warbler
* "Chloropeta natalensis" Yellow Flycatcher-warbler
* "Chloropeta similis" Mountain Flycatcher-warbler
* "Chloropeta gracilirostris" Thin-billed Flycatcher-warbler
* "Stenostira scita" Fairy Warbler
* "Phyllolais pulchella" Buff-bellied Warbler
* "Orthotomus metopias" African Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus moreaui" Long-billed Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus cuculatus" Mountain Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus heterolaemus" Rufous-headed Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus sutorius" Common Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus atrogularis" Dark-necked Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus castaneiceps" Philippine Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus frontalis" Rufous-fronted Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus derbianus" Grey-backed Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus sericeus" Rufous-tailed Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus ruficeps" Ashy Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus sepium" Olive-backed Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus samarensis" Yellow-breasted Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus nigriceps" Black-headed Tailorbird
* "Orthotomus cinereiceps" White-eared Tailorbird
* "Poliolais lopezi" White-tailed Warbler
* "Graueria vittata" Grauer's Warbler
* "Eremomela icteropygialis" Yellow-bellied Eremomela
* "Eremomela salvadorii" Salvadori's Eremomela
* "Eremomela flavicrissalis" Yellow-vented Eremomela
* "Eremomela pusilla" Senegal Eremomela
* "Eremomela canescens" Green-backed Eremomela
* "Eremomela scotops" Greencap Eremomela
* "Eremomela gregalis" Yellow-rumped Eremomela
* "Eremomela badiceps" Rufous-crowned Eremomela
* "Eremomela turneri" Turner's Eremomela
* "Eremomela atricollis" Black-necked Eremomela
* "Eremomela usticollis" Burnt-neck Eremomela
* "Randia pseudozosterops" Rand's Warbler
* "Newtonia amphichroa" Dark Newtonia
* "Newtonia brunneicauda" Common Newtonia
* "Newtonia archboldi" Archbold's Newtonia
* "Newtonia fanovanae" Red-tailed Newtonia
* "Sylvietta virens" Green Crombec
* "Sylvietta denti" Lemon-bellied Crombec
* "Sylvietta chapini" Chapin's Crombec
* "Sylvietta leucophrys" White-browed Crombec
* "Sylvietta brachyura" Northern Crombec
* "Sylvietta philippae" Short-billed Crombec
* "Sylvietta ruficapilla" Red-capped Crombec
* "Sylvietta whytii" Red-faced Crombec
* "Sylvietta isabellina" Somali Crombec
* "Sylvietta rufescens" Cape Crombec
* "Hemitesia neumanni" Neumann's Warbler
* "Macrosphenus kempi" Kemp's Longbill
* "Macrosphenus flavicans" Yellow Longbill
* "Macrosphenus concolor" Grey Longbill
* "Macrosphenus pulitzeri" Pulitzer's Longbill
* "Macrosphenus kretschmeri" Kretschmer's Longbill
* "Amaurocichla bocagii" Bocage's Longbill or São Tomé Short-tail
* "Hylia prasina" Green Hylia
* "Leptopoecile sophiae" White-browed Tit-warbler
* "Leptopoecile elegans" Crested Tit-warbler
* "Phylloscopus laetus" Red-faced Woodland Warbler
* "Phylloscopus laurae" Laura's Woodland Warbler
* "Phylloscopus ruficapillus" Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler
* "Phylloscopus herberti" Black-capped Woodland Warbler
* "Phylloscopus budongoensis" Uganda Woodland Warbler
* "Phylloscopus umbrovirens" Brown Woodland Warbler
* "Phylloscopus trochilus" Willow Warbler
* "Phylloscopus collybita" Common Chiffchaff
* "Phylloscopus lorenzii" Caucasian Chiffchaff
* "Phylloscopus neglectus" Plain Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus bonelli" Bonelli's Warbler
* "Phylloscopus sibilatrix" Wood Warbler
* "Phylloscopus fuscatus" Dusky Warbler
* "Phylloscopus fuligiventer" Smoky Warbler
* "Phylloscopus affinis" Tickell's Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus subaffinis" Buff-throated Warbler
* "Phylloscopus griseolus" Sulphur-bellied Warbler
* "Phylloscopus armandii" Yellow-streaked Warbler
* "Phylloscopus schwarzi" Radde's Warbler
* "Phylloscopus pulcher" Buff-barred Warbler
* "Phylloscopus maculipennis" Ashy-throated Warbler
* "Phylloscopus proregulus" Pallas's Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus chloronotus" Lemon-rumped Warbler
* "Phylloscopus subviridis" Brooks's Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus inornatus" Yellow-browed Warbler
* "Phylloscopus borealis" Arctic Warbler
* "Phylloscopus trochiloides" Greenish Warbler
* "Phylloscopus tenellipes" Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus borealoides" Sakhalin Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus magnirostris" Large-billed Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus tytleri" Tytler's Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus occipitalis" Western Crowned Warbler
* "Phylloscopus coronatus" Eastern Crowned Warbler
* "Phylloscopus ijimae" Ijima's Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus reguloides" Blyth's Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus davisoni" White-tailed Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus cantator" Yellow-vented Warbler
* "Phylloscopus ricketti" Sulphur-breasted Warbler
* "Phylloscopus olivaceus" Philippine Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus cebuensis" Lemon-throated Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus trivirgatus" Mountain Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus sarasinorum" Sulawesi Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus presbytes" Timor Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus poliocephalus" Island Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus makirensis" San Cristobal Leaf Warbler
* "Phylloscopus amoenus" Sombre Leaf Warbler
* "Seicercus burkii" Golden-spectacled Warbler
* "Seicercus xanthoschistos" Grey-hooded Warbler
* "Seicercus affinis" White-spectacled Warbler
* "Seicercus poliogenys" Grey-cheeked Warbler
* "Seicercus castaniceps" Chestnut-crowned Warbler
* "Seicercus montis" Yellow-breasted Warbler
* "Seicercus grammiceps" Sunda Warbler
* "Tickellia hodgsoni" Broad-billed Warbler
* "Abroscopus albogularis" Rufous-faced Warbler
* "Abroscopus schisticeps" Black-faced Warbler
* "Abroscopus superciliaris" Yellow-bellied Warbler
* "Hyliota flavigaster" Yellow-bellied Hyliota
* "Hyliota australis" Southern Hyliota
* "Hyliota violacea" Violet-backed Hyliota
* "Amphilais seebohmi" Grey Emu-tail
* "Megalurus pryeri" Marsh Grassbird
* "Megalurus timoriensis" Tawny Grassbird
* "Megalurus palustris" Striated Grassbird
* "Megalurus albolimbatus" Fly River Grassbird
* "Megalurus gramineus" Little Grassbird
* "Megalurus punctatus" New Zealand Fernbird
* "Megalurus rufescens" Chatham Islands Fernbird
* "Cincloramphus cruralis" Brown Songlark
* "Cincloramphus mathewsi" Rufous Songlark
* "Eremiornis carteri" Spinifex-bird
* "Buettikoferella bivittata" Buff-banded Grassbird
* "Megalurulus mariei" New Caledonian Grassbird
* "Megalurulus grosvenori" Bismarck Thicketbird
* "Megalurulus llaneae" Bougainville Thicketbird
* "Megalurulus whitneyi" Guadalcanal Thicketbird
* "Megalurulus rubiginosus" Rusty Thicketbird
* "Trichocichla rufa" Long-legged Thicketbird
* "Chaetornis striatus" Bristled Grassbird
* "Graminicola bengalensis" Rufous-rumped Grassbird
* "Schoenicola brevirostris" Fan-tailed Grassbird
* "Schoenicola platyura" Broad-tailed Grassbird
* "Garrulax cinereifrons" Ashy-headed Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax palliatus" Sunda Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax rufifrons" Rufous-fronted Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax perspicillatus" Masked Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax albogularis" White-throated Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax leucolophus" White-crested Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax monileger" Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax pectoralis" Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax lugubris" Black Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax calvus" Bare-headed Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax striatus" Striated Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax strepitans" White-necked Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax milleti" Black-hooded Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax maesi" Grey Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax ruficollis" Rufous-necked Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax nuchalis" Chestnut-backed Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax chinensis" Black-throated Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax vassali" White-cheeked Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax galbanus" Yellow-throated Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax delesserti" Wynaad Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax gularis" Rufous-vented Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax davidi" Plain Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax sukatschewi" Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax cineraceus" Moustached Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax rufogularis" Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax lunulatus" Barred Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax bieti" White-speckled Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax maximus" Giant Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax ocellatus" Spotted Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax caerulatus" Grey-sided Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax poecilorhynchus" Rusty Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax mitratus" Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax merulinus" Spot-breasted Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax canorus" Hwamei
* "Garrulax sannio" White-browed Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax cachinnans" Rufous-breasted Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax jerdoni" Grey-breasted Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax lineatus" Streaked Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax virgatus" Striped Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax austeni" Brown-capped Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax squamatus" Blue-winged Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax subunicolor" Scaly Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax elliotii" Elliot's Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax variegatus" Variegated Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax henrici" Brown-cheeked Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax affinis" Black-faced Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax morrisonianus" White-whiskered Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax erythrocephalus" Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax yersini" Collared Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax formosus" Red-winged Laughingthrush
* "Garrulax milnei" Red-tailed Laughingthrush
* "Liocichla phoenicea" Red-faced Liocichla
* "Liocichla omeiensis" Omei Shan Liocichla
* "Liocichla steerii" Steere's Liocichla
* "Modulatrix stictigula" Spot-throat
* "Arcanator orostruthus" Dapple-throat
* "Trichastoma rostratum" White-chested Babbler
* "Trichastoma celebense" Sulawesi Babbler
* "Trichastoma bicolor" Ferruginous Babbler
* "Trichastoma woodi" Bagobo Babbler
* "Malacocincla abbotti" Abbott's Babbler
* "Malacocincla sepiarium" Horsfield's Babbler
* "Malacocincla vanderbilti" Vanderbilt's Babbler
* "Malacocincla perspicillata" Black-browed Babbler
* "Malacocincla malaccensis" Short-tailed Babbler
* "Malacocincla cinereiceps" Ashy-headed Babbler
* "Pellorneum tickelli" Buff-breasted Babbler
* "Pellorneum pyrrogenys" Temminck's Babbler
* "Pellorneum albiventre" Spot-throated Babbler
* "Pellorneum palustre" Marsh Babbler
* "Pellorneum ruficeps" Puff-throated Babbler
* "Pellorneum fuscocapillum" Brown-capped Babbler
* "Pellorneum capistratum" Black-capped Babbler
* "Malacopteron magnirostre" Moustached Babbler
* "Malacopteron affine" Sooty-capped Babbler
* "Malacopteron cinereum" Scaly-crowned Babbler
* "Malacopteron magnum" Rufous-crowned Babbler
* "Malacopteron palawanense" Melodious Babbler
* "Malacopteron albogulare" Grey-breasted Babbler
* "Illadopsis cleaveri" Blackcap Illadopsis
* "Illadopsis albipectus" Scaly-breasted Illadopsis
* "Illadopsis rufescens" Rufous-winged Illadopsis
* "Illadopsis puveli" Puvel's Illadopsis
* "Illadopsis rufipennis" Pale-breasted Illadopsis
* "Illadopsis fulvescens" Brown Illadopsis
* "Illadopsis pyrrhoptera" Mountain Illadopsis
* "Illadopsis atriceps" Ruwenzori Hill Babbler
* "Illadopsis abyssinica" Abyssinian Hill Babbler
* "Kakamega poliothorax" Grey-chested Illadopsis
* "Ptyrticus turdinus" Thrush Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus hypoleucos" Large Scimitar Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis" Spot-breasted Scimitar Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus erythrogenys" Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus horsfieldii" Indian Scimitar Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus schisticeps" White-browed Scimitar Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus montanus" Chestnut-backed Scimitar Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus ruficollis" Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps" Red-billed Scimitar Babbler
* "Pomatorhinus ferruginosus" Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler
* "Xiphirhynchus superciliaris" Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler
* "Jabouilleia danjoui" Short-tailed Scimitar Babbler
* "Rimator malacoptilus" Long-billed Wren-babbler
* "Ptilocichla leucogrammica" Bornean Wren-babbler
* "Ptilocichla mindanensis" Striated Wren-babbler
* "Ptilocichla falcata" Falcated Wren-babbler
* "Kenopia striata" Striped Wren-babbler
* "Napothera macrodactyla" Large Wren-babbler
* "Napothera rufipectus" Rusty-breasted Wren-babbler
* "Napothera atrigularis" Black-throated Wren-babbler
* "Napothera marmorata" Marbled Wren-babbler
* "Napothera crispifrons" Limestone Wren-babbler
* "Napothera brevicaudata" Streaked Wren-babbler
* "Napothera crassa" Mountain Wren-babbler
* "Napothera rabori" Rabor's Wren-babbler
* "Napothera epilepidota" Eyebrowed Wren-babbler
* "Pnoepyga albiventer" Scaly-breasted Wren-babbler
* "Pnoepyga immaculata" Nepal Wren-babbler
* "Pnoepyga pusilla" Pygmy Wren-babbler
* "Spelaeornis caudatus" Rufous-throated Wren-babbler
* "Spelaeornis badeigularis" Rusty-throated Wren-babbler
* "Spelaeornis troglodytoides" Bar-winged Wren-babbler
* "Spelaeornis formosus" Spotted Wren-babbler
* "Spelaeornis chocolatinus" Long-tailed Wren-babbler
* "Spelaeornis longicaudatus" Tawny-breasted Wren-babbler
* "Sphenocichla humei" Wedge-billed Wren-babbler
* "Neomixis tenella" Common Jery
* "Neomixis viridis" Green Jery
* "Neomixis striatigula" Stripe-throated Jery
* "Neomixis flavoviridis" Wedge-tailed Jery
* "Stachyris rodolphei" Deignan's Babbler
* "Stachyris ambigua" Buff-chested Babbler
* "Stachyris rufifrons" Rufous-fronted Babbler
* "Stachyris ruficeps" Rufous-capped Babbler
* "Stachyris pyrrhops" Black-chinned Babbler
* "Stachyris chrysaea" Golden Babbler
* "Stachyris plateni" Pygmy Babbler
* "Stachyris dennistouni" Golden-crowned Babbler
* "Stachyris nigrocapitata" Black-crowned Babbler
* "Stachyris capitalis" Rusty-crowned Babbler
* "Stachyris speciosa" Flame-templed Babbler
* "Stachyris whiteheadi" Chestnut-faced Babbler
* "Stachyris striata" Luzon Striped Babbler
* "Stachyris latistriata" Panay Striped Babbler
* "Stachyris nigrorum" Negros Striped Babbler
* "Stachyris hypogrammica" Palawan Striped Babbler
* "Stachyris grammiceps" White-breasted Babbler
* "Stachyris herberti" Sooty Babbler
* "Stachyris nigriceps" Grey-throated Babbler
* "Stachyris poliocephala" Grey-headed Babbler
* "Stachyris oglei" Snowy-throated Babbler
* "Stachyris striolata" Spot-necked Babbler
* "Stachyris leucotis" White-necked Babbler
* "Stachyris nigricollis" Black-throated Babbler
* "Stachyris thoracica" White-bibbed Babbler
* "Stachyris maculata" Chestnut-rumped Babbler
* "Stachyris erythroptera" Chestnut-winged Babbler
* "Stachyris melanothorax" Crescent-chested Babbler
* "Dumetia hyperythra" Tawny-bellied Babbler
* "Rhopocichla atriceps" Dark-fronted Babbler
* "Macronous gularis" Striped Tit-Babbler
* "Macronous flavicollis" Grey-cheeked Tit-babbler
* "Macronous kelleyi" Grey-faced Tit-babbler
* "Macronous striaticeps" Brown Tit-babbler
* "Macronous ptilosus" Fluffy-backed Tit-babbler
* "Micromacronus leytensis" Miniature Tit-babbler
* "Timalia pileata" Chestnut-capped Babbler
* "Chrysomma sinense" Yellow-eyed Babbler
* "Chrysomma altirostre" Jerdon's Babbler
* "Chrysomma poecilotis" Rufous-tailed Babbler
* "Turdoides nipalensis" Spiny Babbler
* "Turdoides altirostris" Iraq Babbler
* "Turdoides caudatus" Common Babbler
* "Turdoides earlei" Striated Babbler
* "Turdoides gularis" White-throated Babbler
* "Turdoides longirostris" Slender-billed Babbler
* "Turdoides malcolmi" Large Grey Babbler
* "Turdoides squamiceps" Arabian Babbler
* "Turdoides fulvus" Fulvous Chatterer
* "Turdoides aylmeri" Scaly Chatterer
* "Turdoides rubiginosus" Rufous Chatterer
* "Turdoides subrufus" Rufous Babbler
* "Turdoides striatus" Jungle Babbler
* "Turdoides rufescens" Orange-billed Babbler
* "Turdoides affinis" Yellow-billed Babbler
* "Turdoides reinwardtii" Blackcap Babbler
* "Turdoides tenebrosus" Dusky Babbler
* "Turdoides melanops" Black-lored Babbler
* "Turdoides squamulatus" Scaly Babbler
* "Turdoides leucopygius" White-rumped Babbler
* "Turdoides hartlaubii" Angola Babbler
* "Turdoides bicolor" Southern Pied Babbler
* "Turdoides sharpei" Sharpe's Pied Babbler
* "Turdoides hypoleucus" Northern Pied Babbler
* "Turdoides hindei" Hinde's Pied Babbler
* "Turdoides plebejus" Brown Babbler
* "Turdoides leucocephalus" Cretschmar's Babbler
* "Turdoides jardineii" Arrow-marked Babbler
* "Turdoides gymnogenys" Bare-cheeked Babbler
* "Babax lanceolatus" Chinese Babax
* "Babax waddelli" Giant Babax
* "Babax koslowi" Tibetan Babax
* "Leiothrix argentauris" Silver-eared Mesia
* "Leiothrix lutea" Red-billed Leiothrix
* "Cutia nipalensis" Cutia
* "Pteruthius rufiventer" Black-headed Shrike-babbler
* "Pteruthius flaviscapis" White-browed Shrike-babbler
* "Pteruthius xanthochlorus" Green Shrike-babbler
* "Pteruthius melanotis" Black-eared Shrike-babbler
* "Pteruthius aenobarbus" Chestnut-fronted Shrike-babbler
* "Gampsorhynchus rufulus" White-hooded Babbler
* "Actinodura egertoni" Rusty-fronted Barwing
* "Actinodura ramsayi" Spectacled Barwing
* "Actinodura nipalensis" Hoary-throated Barwing
* "Actinodura waldeni" Streak-throated Barwing
* "Actinodura souliei" Streaked Barwing
* "Actinodura morrisoniana" Formosan Barwing
* "Minla cyanouroptera" Blue-winged Minla
* "Minla strigula" Chestnut-tailed Minla
* "Minla ignotincta" Red-tailed Minla
* "Alcippe chrysotis" Golden-breasted Fulvetta
* "Alcippe variegaticeps" Gold-fronted Fulvetta
* "Alcippe cinerea" Yellow-throated Fulvetta
* "Alcippe castaneceps" Rufous-winged Fulvetta
* "Alcippe vinipectus" White-browed Fulvetta
* "Alcippe striaticollis" Chinese Fulvetta
* "Alcippe ruficapilla" Spectacled Fulvetta
* "Alcippe cinereiceps" Streak-throated Fulvetta
* "Alcippe ludlowi" Ludlow's Fulvetta
* "Alcippe rufogularis" Rufous-throated Fulvetta
* "Alcippe brunnea" Dusky Fulvetta
* "Alcippe dubia" Rusty-capped Fulvetta
* "Alcippe brunneicauda" Brown Fulvetta
* "Alcippe poioicephala" Brown-cheeked Fulvetta
* "Alcippe pyrrhoptera" Javan Fulvetta
* "Alcippe peracensis" Mountain Fulvetta
* "Alcippe morrisonia" Grey-cheeked Fulvetta
* "Alcippe nipalensis" Nepal Fulvetta
* "Lioptilus nigricapillus" Blackcap Mountain Babbler
* "Kupeornis gilberti" White-throated Mountain Babbler
* "Kupeornis rufocinctus" Red-collared Mountain Babbler
* "Kupeornis chapini" Chapin's Mountain Babbler
* "Parophasma galinieri" Abyssinian Catbird
* "Phyllanthus atripennis" Capuchin Babbler
* "Crocias langbianis" Grey-crowned Crocias
* "Crocias albonotatus" Spotted Crocias
* "Heterophasia annectens" Rufous-backed Sibia
* "Heterophasia capistrata" Rufous Sibia
* "Heterophasia gracilis" Grey Sibia
* "Heterophasia melanoleuca" Black-headed Sibia
* "Heterophasia auricularis" White-eared Sibia
* "Heterophasia pulchella" Beautiful Sibia
* "Heterophasia picaoides" Long-tailed Sibia
* "Yuhina castaniceps" Striated Yuhina
* "Yuhina everetti" Chestnut-crested Yuhina
* "Yuhina bakeri" White-naped Yuhina
* "Yuhina flavicollis" Whiskered Yuhina
* "Yuhina humilis" Burmese Yuhina
* "Yuhina gularis" Stripe-throated Yuhina
* "Yuhina diademata" White-collared Yuhina
* "Yuhina occipitalis" Rufous-vented Yuhina
* "Yuhina brunneiceps" Formosan Yuhina
* "Yuhina nigrimenta" Black-chinned Yuhina
* "Yuhina zantholeuca" White-bellied Yuhina
* "Myzornis pyrrhoura" Fire-tailed Myzornis
* "Oxylabes madagascariensis" White-throated Oxylabes
* "Crossleyia xanthophrys" Yellow-browed Oxylabes
* "Mystacornis crossleyi" Crossley's Babbler
* "Panurus biarmicus" Bearded Parrotbill
* "Conostoma oemodium" Great Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis paradoxus" Three-toed Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis unicolor" Brown Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis gularis" Grey-headed Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis flavirostris" Black-breasted Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis guttaticollis" Spot-breasted Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis conspicillatus" Spectacled Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis webbianus" Vinous-throated Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis brunneus" Brown-winged Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis alphonsianus" Ashy-throated Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis zappeyi" Grey-hooded Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis przewalskii" Rusty-throated Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis fulvifrons" Fulvous Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis nipalensis" Black-throated Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis verreauxi" Golden Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis davidianus" Short-tailed Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis atrosuperciliaris" Black-browed Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis ruficeps" Rufous-headed Parrotbill
* "Paradoxornis heudei" Reed Parrotbill
* "Rhabdornis mystacalis" Stripe-sided Rhabdornis
* "Rhabdornis grandis" Long-billed Rhabdornis
* "Rhabdornis inornatus" Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis
* "Chamaea fasciata" Wrentit
* "Sylvia buryi" Yemen Warbler
* "Sylvia lugens" Brown Warbler
* "Sylvia boehmi" Banded Warbler
* "Sylvia layardi" Layard's Warbler
* "Sylvia subcaeruleum" Rufous-vented Warbler
* "Sylvia atricapilla" Blackcap
* "Sylvia borin" Garden Warbler
* "Sylvia communis" Common Whitethroat
* "Sylvia curruca" Lesser Whitethroat
* "Sylvia minula" Small Whitethroat
* "Sylvia althaea" Hume's Whitethroat
* "Sylvia nana" Desert Warbler
* "Sylvia nisoria" Barred Warbler
* "Sylvia hortensis" Orphean Warbler
* "Sylvia leucomelaena" Red Sea Warbler
* "Sylvia rueppelli" Rüppell's Warbler
* "Sylvia melanocephala" Sardinian Warbler
* "Sylvia melanothorax" Cyprus Warbler
* "Sylvia cantillans" Subalpine Warbler
* "Sylvia mystacea" Menetries's Warbler
* "Sylvia conspicillata" Spectacled Warbler
* "Sylvia deserticola" Tristram's Warbler
* "Sylvia undata" Dartford Warbler
* "Sylvia sarda" Marmora's Warbler

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  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 1 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds conducted by Charles Sibley and Burt Monroe. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. The Sibley Monroe… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 2 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds.AnseriformesAnhimidae* Anhima cornuta Horned Screamer * Chauna… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 3 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. Piciformes (continued)Megalaimidae* Psilopogon pyrolophus Fire… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 4 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. Coraciiformes (continued)Alcedinidae* Alcedo hercules Blyth s… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 5 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. ApodiformesApodidae* Cypseloides rutilus Chestnut collared Swift *… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 6 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds.StrigiformesTytonidae* Tyto tenebricosa Greater Sooty Owl * Tyto… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 7 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. GruiformesEurypygidae* Eurypyga helias SunbitternOtididae* Tetrax… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 8 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. Ciconiiformes (continued)Chionididae* Chionis alba Snowy Sheathbill… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 9 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. Ciconiiformes (continued)Podicipedidae* Rollandia rolland White… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 10 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. PasseriformesAcanthisittidae* Acanthisitta chloris Rifleman *… …   Wikipedia

  • Sibley-Monroe checklist 11 — The Sibley Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds. Passeriformes (continued)Thamnophilidae* Cymbilaimus lineatus… …   Wikipedia

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