Sibley-Monroe checklist 9

Sibley-Monroe checklist 9

The Sibley-Monroe checklist was a landmark document in the study of birds. It drew on extensive DNA-DNA hybridisation studies to reassess the relationships between modern birds.

Ciconiiformes (continued)


* "Rollandia rolland" White-tufted Grebe
* "Rollandia microptera" Short-winged Grebe
* "Tachybaptus ruficollis" Little Grebe
* "Tachybaptus novaehollandiae" Australasian Grebe
* "Tachybaptus rufolavatus" Alaotra Grebe
* "Tachybaptus pelzelnii" Madagascar Grebe
* "Tachybaptus dominicus" Least Grebe
* "Podilymbus podiceps" Pied-billed Grebe
* "Podilymbus gigas" Atitlan Grebe
* "Poliocephalus poliocephalus" Hoary-headed Grebe
* "Poliocephalus rufopectus" New Zealand Grebe
* "Podiceps major" Great Grebe
* "Podiceps grisegena" Red-necked Grebe
* "Podiceps cristatus" Great Crested Grebe
* "Podiceps auritus" Horned Grebe
* "Podiceps nigricollis" Black-necked Grebe
* "Podiceps andinus" Colombian Grebe
* "Podiceps occipitalis" Silvery Grebe
* "Podiceps taczanowskii" Puna Grebe
* "Podiceps gallardoi" Hooded Grebe
* "Aechmophorus occidentalis" Western Grebe
* "Aechmophorus clarkii" Clark's Grebe


* "Phaethon aethereus" Red-billed Tropicbird
* "Phaethon rubricauda" Red-tailed Tropicbird
* "Phaethon lepturus" White-tailed Tropicbird


* "Papasula abbotti" Abbott's Booby
* "Morus bassanus" Northern Gannet
* "Morus capensis" Cape Gannet
* "Morus serrator" Australian Gannet
* "Sula nebouxii" Blue-footed Booby
* "Sula variegata" Peruvian Booby
* "Sula dactylatra" Masked Booby
* "Sula granti" Nazca Booby
* "Sula sula" Red-footed Booby
* "Sula leucogaster" Brown Booby


* "Anhinga anhinga" Anhinga
* "Anhinga rufa" African Darter
* "Anhinga melanogaster" Oriental Darter
* "Anhinga novaehollandiae" Australian Darter


* "Phalacrocorax africanus" Long-tailed Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax coronatus" Crowned Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax pygmeus" Pygmy Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax niger" Little Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax melanoleucos" Little Pied Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax perspicillatus" Pallas's Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax penicillatus" Brandt's Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax harrisi" Flightless Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax neglectus" Bank Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax fuscescens" Black-faced Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax brasilianus" Neotropic Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax auritus" Double-crested Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax fuscicollis" Indian Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax varius" Pied Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax sulcirostris" Little Black Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax carbo" Great Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax capillatus" Japanese Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax nigrogularis" Socotra Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax capensis" Cape Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax bougainvillii" Guanay Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax verrucosus" Kerguelen Shag
* "Phalacrocorax atriceps" Imperial Shag
* "Phalacrocorax bransfieldensis" Antarctic Shag
* "Phalacrocorax georgianus" South Georgia Shag
* "Phalacrocorax campbelli" Campbell Island Shag
* "Phalacrocorax carunculatus" Rough-faced Shag
* "Phalacrocorax chalconotus" Bronzed Shag
* "Phalacrocorax onslowi" Chatham Islands Shag
* "Phalacrocorax colensoi" Auckland Islands Shag
* "Phalacrocorax ranfurlyi" Bounty Islands Shag
* "Phalacrocorax magellanicus" Rock Shag
* "Phalacrocorax urile" Red-faced Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax pelagicus" Pelagic Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax aristotelis" European Shag
* "Phalacrocorax gaimardi" Red-legged Cormorant
* "Phalacrocorax punctatus" Spotted Shag
* "Phalacrocorax featherstoni" Pitt Island Shag


* "Syrigma sibilatrix" Whistling Heron
* "Egretta rufescens" Reddish Egret
* "Egretta vinaceigula" Slaty Egret
* "Egretta ardesiaca" Black Heron
* "Egretta tricolor" Tricolored Heron
* "Egretta novaehollandiae" White-faced Heron
* "Egretta caerulea" Little Blue Heron
* "Egretta garzetta" Little Egret
* "Egretta gularis" Western Reef Egret
* "Egretta dimorpha" Dimorphic Egret
* "Egretta thula" Snowy Egret
* "Egretta eulophotes" Chinese Egret
* "Egretta sacra" Pacific Reef Egret
* "Pilherodius pileatus" Capped Heron
* "Ardea cinerea" Grey Heron
* "Ardea herodias" Great Blue Heron
* "Ardea cocoi" Cocoi Heron
* "Ardea pacifica" Pacific Heron
* "Ardea melanocephala" Black-headed Heron
* "Ardea humbloti" Humblot's Heron
* "Ardea goliath" Goliath Heron
* "Ardea insignis" White-bellied Heron
* "Ardea sumatrana" Great-billed Heron
* "Ardea purpurea" Purple Heron
* "Ardea picata" Pied Heron
* "Casmerodius albus" Great Egret
* "Mesophoyx intermedia" Intermediate Egret
* "Bubulcus ibis" Cattle Egret
* "Ardeola ralloides" Squacco Heron
* "Ardeola grayii" Indian Pond Heron
* "Ardeola bacchus" Chinese Pond Heron
* "Ardeola speciosa" Javan Pond Heron
* "Ardeola idae" Madagascar Pond Heron
* "Ardeola rufiventris" Rufous-bellied Heron
* "Butorides striatus" Striated Heron
* "Butorides virescens" Green Heron
* "Butorides sundevalli" Galápagos Heron
* "Agamia agami" Agami Heron
* "Nyctanassa violacea" Yellow-crowned Night Heron
* "Nycticorax nycticorax" Black-crowned Night Heron
* "Nycticorax caledonicus" Rufous Night Heron
* "Gorsachius leuconotus" White-backed Night Heron
* "Gorsachius magnificus" White-eared Night Heron
* "Gorsachius goisagi" Japanese Night Heron
* "Gorsachius melanolophus" Malayan Night Heron
* "Cochlearius cochlearia" Boat-billed Heron
* "Tigrisoma mexicanum" Bare-throated Tiger Heron
* "Tigrisoma fasciatum" Fasciated Tiger Heron
* "Tigrisoma lineatum" Rufescent Tiger Heron
* "Zonerodius heliosylus" Forest Bittern
* "Tigriornis leucolophus" White-crested Bittern
* "Zebrilus undulatus" Zigzag Heron
* "Ixobrychus involucris" Stripe-backed Bittern
* "Ixobrychus minutus" Little Bittern
* "Ixobrychus sinensis" Yellow Bittern
* "Ixobrychus novaezelandiae" Black-backed Bittern
* "Ixobrychus exilis" Least Bittern
* "Ixobrychus eurhythmus" Schrenck's Bittern
* "Ixobrychus cinnamomeus" Cinnamon Bittern
* "Ixobrychus sturmii" Dwarf Bittern
* "Dupetor flavicollis" Black Bittern
* "Botaurus lentiginosus" American Bittern
* "Botaurus pinnatus" Pinnated Bittern
* "Botaurus stellaris" Great Bittern
* "Botaurus poiciloptilus" Australasian Bittern


* "Scopus umbretta" Hamerkop


* "Phoenicopterus ruber" Greater Flamingo
* "Phoenicopterus chilensis" Chilean Flamingo
* "Phoenicopterus minor" Lesser Flamingo
* "Phoenicopterus andinus" Andean Flamingo
* "Phoenicopterus jamesi" Puna Flamingo


* "Eudocimus albus" White Ibis
* "Eudocimus ruber" Scarlet Ibis
* "Phimosus infuscatus" Whispering Ibis
* "Plegadis falcinellus" Glossy Ibis
* "Plegadis chihi" White-faced Ibis
* "Plegadis ridgwayi" Puna Ibis
* "Cercibis oxycerca" Sharp-tailed Ibis
* "Theristicus caerulescens" Plumbeous Ibis
* "Theristicus caudatus" Buff-necked Ibis
* "Theristicus branickii" Andean Ibis
* "Theristicus melanopis" Black-faced Ibis
* "Mesembrinibis cayennensis" Green Ibis
* "Bostrychia hagedash" Hadada Ibis
* "Bostrychia carunculata" Wattled Ibis
* "Bostrychia olivacea" Olive Ibis
* "Bostrychia rara" Spot-breasted Ibis
* "Geronticus eremita" Waldrapp
* "Geronticus calvus" Bald Ibis
* "Lophotibis cristata" White-winged Ibis
* "Threskiornis aethiopicus" Sacred Ibis
* "Threskiornis melanocephalus" Black-headed Ibis
* "Threskiornis molucca" Australian Ibis
* "Threskiornis spinicollis" Straw-necked Ibis
* "Pseudibis papillosa" Red-naped Ibis
* "Pseudibis davisoni" White-shouldered Ibis
* "Pseudibis gigantea" Giant Ibis
* "Nipponia nippon" Crested Ibis
* "Platalea leucorodia" Eurasian Spoonbill
* "Platalea regia" Royal Spoonbill
* "Platalea alba" African Spoonbill
* "Platalea minor" Black-faced Spoonbill
* "Platalea flavipes" Yellow-billed Spoonbill
* "Ajaia ajaja" Roseate Spoonbill


* "Balaeniceps rex" Shoebill
* "Pelecanus onocrotalus" Great White Pelican
* "Pelecanus rufescens" Pink-backed Pelican
* "Pelecanus crispus" Dalmatian Pelican
* "Pelecanus philippensis" Spot-billed Pelican
* "Pelecanus conspicillatus" Australian Pelican
* "Pelecanus erythrorhynchos" American White Pelican
* "Pelecanus occidentalis" Brown Pelican
* "Pelecanus thagus" Peruvian Pelican


* "Coragyps atratus" Black Vulture
* "Cathartes aura" Turkey Vulture
* "Cathartes burrovianus" Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
* "Cathartes melambrotus" Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
* "Gymnogyps californianus" California Condor
* "Vultur gryphus" Andean Condor
* "Sarcoramphus papa" King Vulture
* "Mycteria americana" Wood Stork
* "Mycteria cinerea" Milky Stork
* "Mycteria ibis" Yellow-billed Stork
* "Mycteria leucocephala" Painted Stork
* "Anastomus oscitans" Asian Openbill
* "Anastomus lamelligerus" African Openbill
* "Ciconia nigra" Black Stork
* "Ciconia abdimii" Abdim's Stork
* "Ciconia episcopus" Woolly-necked Stork
* "Ciconia stormi" Storm's Stork
* "Ciconia maguari" Maguari Stork
* "Ciconia ciconia" White Stork
* "Ciconia boyciana" Oriental Stork
* "Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus" Black-necked Stork
* "Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis" Saddle-billed Stork
* "Jabiru mycteria" Jabiru
* "Leptoptilos javanicus" Lesser Adjutant
* "Leptoptilos crumeniferus" Marabou Stork
* "Leptoptilos dubius" Greater Adjutant


* "Fregata magnificens" Magnificent Frigatebird
* "Fregata aquila" Ascension Frigatebird
* "Fregata minor" Great Frigatebird
* "Fregata ariel" Lesser Frigatebird
* "Fregata andrewsi" Christmas Island Frigatebird


* "Aptenodytes patagonicus" King Penguin
* "Aptenodytes forsteri" Emperor Penguin
* "Pygoscelis papua" Gentoo Penguin
* "Pygoscelis adeliae" Adelie Penguin
* "Pygoscelis antarctica" Chinstrap Penguin
* "Eudyptes chrysocome" Rockhopper Penguin
* "Eudyptes pachyrhynchus" Fiordland Penguin
* "Eudyptes robustus" Snares Penguin
* "Eudyptes sclateri" Erect-crested Penguin
* "Eudyptes chrysolophus" Macaroni Penguin
* "Eudyptes schlegeli" Royal Penguin
* "Megadyptes antipodes" Yellow-eyed Penguin
* "Eudyptula minor" Little Penguin
* "Spheniscus demersus" Jackass Penguin
* "Spheniscus humboldti" Humboldt Penguin
* "Spheniscus magellanicus" Magellanic Penguin
* "Spheniscus mendiculus" Galápagos Penguin


* "Gavia stellata" Red-throated Diver
* "Gavia arctica" Black-throated Diver
* "Gavia pacifica" Pacific Diver
* "Gavia immer" Great Northern Diver
* "Gavia adamsii" White-billed Diver


* "Macronectes giganteus" Antarctic Giant Petrel
* "Macronectes halli" Hall's Giant Petrel
* "Fulmarus glacialis" Northern Fulmar
* "Fulmarus glacialoides" Southern Fulmar
* "Thalassoica antarctica" Antarctic Petrel
* "Daption capense" Cape Petrel
* "Pagodroma nivea" Snow Petrel
* "Pterodroma brevirostris" Kerguelen Petrel
* "Pterodroma aterrima" Mascarene Petrel
* "Pterodroma becki" Beck's Petrel
* "Pterodroma rostrata" Tahiti Petrel
* "Pterodroma macgillivrayi" Fiji Petrel
* "Pterodroma axillaris" Chatham Islands Petrel
* "Pterodroma nigripennis" Black-winged Petrel
* "Pterodroma cervicalis" White-necked Petrel
* "Pterodroma inexpectata" Mottled Petrel
* "Pterodroma hypoleuca" Bonin Petrel
* "Pterodroma leucoptera" Gould's Petrel
* "Pterodroma cookii" Cook's Petrel
* "Pterodroma pycrofti" Pycroft's Petrel
* "Pterodroma brevipes" Collared Petrel
* "Pterodroma defilippiana" Defilippe's Petrel
* "Pterodroma longirostris" Stejneger's Petrel
* "Pterodroma alba" Phoenix Petrel
* "Pterodroma arminjoniana" Herald Petrel
* "Pterodroma sandwichensis" Hawaiian Petrel
* "Pterodroma phaeopygia" Galápagos Petrel
* "Pterodroma neglecta" Kermadec Petrel
* "Pterodroma externa" Juan Fernandez Petrel
* "Pterodroma baraui" Barau's Petrel
* "Pterodroma ultima" Murphy's Petrel
* "Pterodroma solandri" Providence Petrel
* "Pterodroma macroptera" Great-winged Petrel
* "Pterodroma magentae" Magenta Petrel
* "Pterodroma lessonii" White-headed Petrel
* "Pterodroma madeira" Madeira Petrel
* "Pterodroma feae" Cape Verde Petrel
* "Pterodroma mollis" Soft-plumaged Petrel
* "Pterodroma incerta" Atlantic Petrel
* "Pterodroma cahow" Bermuda Petrel
* "Pterodroma hasitata" Black-capped Petrel
* "Halobaena caerulea" Blue Petrel
* "Pachyptila vittata" Broad-billed Prion
* "Pachyptila salvini" Medium-billed Prion
* "Pachyptila desolata" Antarctic Prion
* "Pachyptila belcheri" Slender-billed Prion
* "Pachyptila turtur" Fairy Prion
* "Pachyptila crassirostris" Fulmar Prion
* "Bulweria bulwerii" Bulwer's Petrel
* "Bulweria fallax" Jouanin's Petrel
* "Procellaria aequinoctialis" White-chinned Petrel
* "Procellaria parkinsoni" Black Petrel
* "Procellaria westlandica" Westland Petrel
* "Procellaria cinerea" Grey Petrel
* "Calonectris diomedea" Cory's Shearwater
* "Calonectris leucomelas" Streaked Shearwater
* "Puffinus pacificus" Wedge-tailed Shearwater
* "Puffinus bulleri" Buller's Shearwater
* "Puffinus carneipes" Flesh-footed Shearwater
* "Puffinus creatopus" Pink-footed Shearwater
* "Puffinus gravis" Great Shearwater
* "Puffinus griseus" Sooty Shearwater
* "Puffinus tenuirostris" Short-tailed Shearwater
* "Puffinus nativitatis" Christmas Island Shearwater
* "Puffinus puffinus" Manx Shearwater
* "Puffinus mauretanicus" Balearic Shearwater
* "Puffinus yelkouan" Yelkouan Shearwater
* "Puffinus auricularis" Townsend's Shearwater
* "Puffinus opisthomelas" Black-vented Shearwater
* "Puffinus gavia" Fluttering Shearwater
* "Puffinus huttoni" Hutton's Shearwater
* "Puffinus lherminieri" Audubon's Shearwater
* "Puffinus assimilis" Little Shearwater
* "Puffinus persicus" Persian Shearwater
* "Puffinus bannermani" Bannerman's Shearwater
* "Puffinus heinrothi" Heinroth's Shearwater
* "Pelecanoides garnotii" Peruvian Diving Petrel
* "Pelecanoides magellani" Magellanic Diving Petrel
* "Pelecanoides georgicus" South Georgia Diving Petrel
* "Pelecanoides urinatrix" Common Diving Petrel
* "Diomedea exulans" Wandering Albatross
* "Diomedea amsterdamensis" Amsterdam Island Albatross
* "Diomedea epomophora" Royal Albatross
* "Diomedea irrorata" Waved Albatross
* "Diomedea albatrus" Short-tailed Albatross
* "Diomedea nigripes" Black-footed Albatross
* "Diomedea immutabilis" Laysan Albatross
* "Diomedea melanophris" Black-browed Albatross
* "Diomedea cauta" Shy Albatross
* "Diomedea chrysostoma" Grey-headed Albatross
* "Diomedea chlororhynchos" Yellow-nosed Albatross
* "Diomedea bulleri" Buller's Albatross
* "Phoebetria fusca" Sooty Albatross
* "Phoebetria palpebrata" Light-mantled Albatross
* "Oceanites oceanicus" Wilson's Storm Petrel
* "Oceanites gracilis" White-vented Storm Petrel
* "Garrodia nereis" Grey-backed Storm Petrel
* "Pelagodroma marina" White-faced Storm Petrel
* "Fregetta tropica" Black-bellied Storm Petrel
* "Fregetta grallaria" White-bellied Storm Petrel
* "Nesofregetta fuliginosa" Polynesian Storm Petrel
* "Hydrobates pelagicus" European Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma microsoma" Least Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma tethys" Wedge-rumped Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma castro" Band-rumped Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma leucorhoa" Leach's Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma monorhis" Swinhoe's Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma macrodactyla" Guadalupe Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma tristrami" Tristram's Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma markhami" Markham's Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma matsudairae" Matsudaira's Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma melania" Black Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma homochroa" Ashy Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma hornbyi" Ringed Storm Petrel
* "Oceanodroma furcata" Fork-tailed Storm Petrel

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