Admiel Kosman

Admiel Kosman

Admiel Kosman, (b. 1957, Haifa) is an Israeli poet.

Kosman studied in religious schools and yeshivot, but after serving in the Israel Defense Forces, he entered the Bezalel Academy of Art in Jerusalem to study graphic art and pottery. He did his Ph.D. in Talmud at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan and taught at the university's Talmud Department. Kosman began writing in the 1980s and has published many collections of poetry. His poems often deal with the tension between his religious faith and artistic sensibilities. Kosman is the academic director of Abraham Geiger College, and teaches Talmud and Halacha as a full professor at the School of Jewish Studies at Potsdam University, Germany.


*"And Then the Act of Poetry", Massada, 1980 [Ve-Aharei Mora`ot Ma`ase Ha-Shir]
*"The Prince's Raiment", Keter, 1988 [Bigdei Nasich]
* "Soft Rags", Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1991 [Smartutim Rakim]
*"What I Can, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1995 [Ma Ani Yachol]
*"We Reached God, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1998 [Higanu Le-Elohim]
*"Forty Love Poems and Two Additional Love Poems to God", Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2003 [Arbaim Shirei Ahava Ve-Shnei Shirei Ahava Nosafim Le-Elohim] []
*"Men’s Tractate: Rav and the Butcher and other Stories – On Manhood, Love and Authentic Life in Aggadic and Hassidic Stories", Keter, Jerusalem 2002 [ [ Admiel Kosman (Admiel_Kosman) : Poetry, Prose, Biography, comments, texts ] ]

See "The Modern Hebrew Poem Itself", 2003, ISBN 0-8143-2485-1


ee also

"Home Libraries" Vered Lee, Haaretz interview with Admiel Kosman,

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