- Green Parakeet
Taxobox | name = Green Parakeet
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum =Animalia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Aves
ordo =Psittaciformes
familia =Psittacidae
genus = "Aratinga "
species = "A. holochlora"
binomial = "Aratinga holochlora"
binomial_authority = (Sclater,1859 )The Green Parakeet ("Aratinga holochlora"), is a medium-sized
parrot that is native toCentral America , fromMexico south to northernNicaragua . These birds have established self sustaining populations in some cities in southeastTexas in theUnited States . It is unclear if the US population areferal released birds or may be some wild vagrants which have moved north from Mexico. The Green Parakeet is usually nonmigratory, but will move sometimes to take advantage of food supplies.The
Pacific Parakeet , formerly considered a distinctspecies , is now placed herein as asubspecies "Aratinga holochlora strenua".The bird is 32 cm in length, and is mostly green in color. It also has a yellow beak. The bird feed on
seeds , variousfruits , and corn. It can sometimes be considered a crop pest. Wild birds primarily use scrub and swamp forests, woodlands, and forest clearings. The US population takes advantage of palm groves in the cities.Green Parakeet pairs usually find holes in trees to nest in where it lays 3-4 eggs. It will also nest colonially on crevices in cliff faces. After the breeding season is completed, the birds will form large communal roosts.
* Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern Parrots are bigger than voles
* "National Geographic" "Field Guide to the Birds of North" "America" ISBN 0-7922-6877-6
*"Handbook of the Birds of the World Vol 4", Josep del Hoyo editor, ISBN 84-87334-22-9
*"National Audubon Society" "The Sibley Guide to Birds", by David Allen Sibley, ISBN 0-679-45122-6External links
* [http://www.worldbirdingcenter.org/bird_info/green_parakeet.phtml Green Parakeet in Texas]
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