- Wendell
Wendell is a name that has many uses:
Wendell, Idaho , USA
*Wendell, Massachusetts , USA
*Wendell, Minnesota , USA
*Wendell, North Carolina , USAPeople
First name
Wendell Alexis - American basketball player
*Wendell Anderson -Minnesota , USA politician
*Wendell Berry - American novelist, poet, essayist and farmer
*Wendell Cushing Neville - Commandant of the United States Marine Corps
*Wendell H. Ford -Kentucky , USA politician
*Wendell H. Murphy - North Carolina politician
*Wendell Johnson - psychologist and author
*Wendell Meredith Stanley -Nobel Prize -winningbiochemist and virologist
*Wendell Phillips -Massachusetts , USAabolitionist and activist
*Wendell Sailor , Australian dual-code rugby international
*Wendell Willkie -United States Republican Party nominee for the 1940 presidential election (lost to Franklin D. Roosevelt)Middle name
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. -poet and essayist
*Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. - Justice of theSupreme Court of the United States urname
James Wendell - 1912 Olympic silver medalist
*James A. Wendell - NYS Comptroller 1921-1922
*Krissy Wendell - American ice hockey player
*Nathan D. Wendell - NYS Treasurer 1880-1881In fiction
Wendell Borton is a recurring character on the television series "The Simpsons ".
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