

Gribenes (rough pronunciation "GRIB-bin-iss," literally "scraps" in Yiddish), a byproduct of the preparation of schmaltz, are crisp chicken skin and onion cracklings, somewhat similar to pork rinds.

A favored food among Ashkenazi Jews, gribenes is frequently mentioned in Jewish stories and parables. Many Jews believe "that there is no flavor comparable with the tawny and well-watched scraps."Fact|date=April 2008

This food is often associated with the Jewish holidays Hannukah and Shabbat.Fact|date=April 2008 Gribenes is also associated with Passover, as large amounts of schmaltz with its resulting gribenes were traditionally used in Passover recipes.

Gribenes can be eaten as a snack, typically on rye or pumpernickel bread with salt, or used in recipes such as chopped liver.

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