

Nikkal, Ugaritic

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  • Nikkal — (en ugarítico nkl , o su nombre completo Nikkal wa Ib), es una diosa de Ugarit / Canaán y después de los fenicios. Es una diosa de los huertos, cuyo nombre significa Gran Dama y la fructífera y se deriva del acadio / semita occidental ´Ilat ´Inbi …   Wikipedia Español

  • Nikkal — Ningal (Große Herrin), auch Ningaldi (Laut rufende Herrin), war die Gattin des sumerischen Mondgottes Nanna, Tochter des Enki und der Ningikuga. Zu ihren Kindern zählen der Sonnengott Utu und die Kriegs , Liebes und Fruchtbarkeitsgöttin Inanna.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Nikkal —    Sumerian sun goddess and bride of Yarih. Yarih sent Hirihbi, a Sumerian king, to Baal, with the offer of 10,000 shekels of gold for her hand. She is Ningal in her lunar aspect …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

  • Kizzuwatna — Das Hethiterreich um 1300 v. Chr., man sieht das Kizzuwatna Gebiet nordöstlich von Zypern Kizzuwatna (akkadisch Kizwatna, ägyptisch Qiduwadana) war ein Königreich im südöstlichen Anatolien ab etwa 1600 v.Chr [1], das im 14. Jahrhundert v. Chr.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kotharat — The Kotharat, or Kotharot, or Kathirat (various suggested pronunciations of Ugaritic ktrt ), the skilful ones were a group of northwest Semitic goddesses appearing in the Ugartic texts as divine midwives. They are the only Canaanite deities that… …   Wikipedia

  • Yarij — Yarij, en la mitología cananita, Yarjibol en fenicio, y a veces encontrado escrito como Jarich, Jerah, Jarah o Jorah (en hebreo, ירח), es un dios lunar, cuya epítetos son iluminador de los cielos , iluminador de las miríadas de estrellas , o… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Yarih —    Moon god of Ugarit, and lover of Nikkal; he sent Hirihbi, King of Sumer, to ask Baal for her hand, offering 1,000 shekels of silver, even 10,000 shekels of gold, saying: ‘I shall send gems of lapis lazuli, I shall make her fields into… …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

  • Lunar deity — Chandra sculpture, British Museum In mythology, a lunar deity is a god or goddess associated with or symbolizing the moon. These deities can have a variety of functions and traditions depending upon the culture, but they are often related to or… …   Wikipedia

  • Ugarit — Entrance to the royal palace at Ugarit …   Wikipedia

  • Elyon — Religions of the Ancient Near East Levantine deities …   Wikipedia

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