Il Muto

Il Muto

"Il Muto" is a fictional opera by Albrizzo, within the musical "The Phantom of the Opera", just as "Hannibal" and "Don Juan Triumphant" are operas inside the show. "Il Muto" is Italian for "The Mute." It is featured in the scene in which the Phantom hangs Joseph Buquet.

Plot of "Il Muto"

"Il Muto" is supposedly based on and a parody of the opera "The Marriage of Figaro".

Act I

A wealthy Countess (played by Carlotta) is having an affair with a pageboy named Serafino (played by Christine). To avoid her husband's wrath she makes Serafino disguise as one of her maids while one of the maids assumes the role of Serafino (played by Meg). However, her husband, Don Attillo (played by Piangi), senses the deception; he pretends to leave the country, but instead conceals himself behind a screen in his wife's room. The Countess, believing her husband to be far away, removes Serafino's disguise and kisses him, laughing about the apparent success of her deception. This aria, with its musical simulation of laughter, shares some similarities with "Mein Herr Marquis" from Die Fledermaus. The rest of the scene is unknown because of the Phantom's interruption.


Although most of the plot of this act is unknown, it features a ballet entitled "Dance of the Sheperdesses".

Cast of Characters

* The Countess: Having an affair with Serafino
* Serafimo, A Page-boy: Having an affair with the countess
* Don Attilio, a Count: Married to the Countess


* The Countess' Jeweler, Hairdresser, & Confidante
* A Maid
* Shepherds & Shepherdesses

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