

Infobox French region
native_name = Région Picardie
common_name = Picardy

image_flag_size = 115px

image_logo_size = 95px
capital = Amiens
area = 19,399 | area_scale = 10
Regional president = Claude Gewerc
(PS) (since 2004)
population_rank = 12th
population_census = 1,857,481
population_census_year = 1999
population_estimate = 1,890,000
population_estimate_year = 2007
population_density = 97
population_density_year = 2007
arrondissements = 13
cantons = 129
communes = 2,292
departments = Aisne


Picardie (English: Picardy) is one of the 26 regions of France. It is located in the northern part of France.

The modern region of Picardie is larger than the historical province of Picardy. The south of the Aisne department and most of the Oise department were historically part of the province of Île-de-France, while the Somme department and the north of the Aisne department were the province of Picardy proper, with the Boulonais, that is now in Nord-Pas-de-Calais region (Pas-de-Calais " _fr. departement").

As the historical Picardy was deemed too small to become a region, the French government decided to join it with the north of Île-de-France (specifically, the "pays" of Beauvaisis, Valois, Noyonnais, Laonnois, Soissonnais, Omois, to name only the most prominent). The name of the historical province of Picardy was given to this new region.

Thus, the Picardie region is somewhat an artificial region,POV-statement|date=December 2007 with the south of the Oise department lying inside the metropolitan area of Paris. People in the south of Oise commute to Île-de-France for work, and hardly feel "Picard" ("Picardy inhabitant" and traditionally Picard-speakers) unlike those coming from the north of this new artificial region for whom the term is very meaningful.Facts|date=September 2007

The industrial area of Saint-Quentin in the north of Picardie has been hard hit by economic crisis, the south of the region, at the border with Île-de-France, is booming due to the increasing inflow of Parisians relocating to the distant and greener towns of the Oise department, in short thanks to what the French call "rurbanisation".Facts|date=September 2007

Between the 1990 and 1999 French censuses, the population of Oise increased 0.61% per year (almost twice faster than France as a whole), while the Aisne department lost inhabitants, and the Somme barely grew, at a laggard 0.16% per year. Today, 41.3% of the population of Picardie live inside the Oise department, which historically was not part of Picardy.

Although Picardy proper is a vast flat plain of open fields, famed for the gruesome Battle of the Somme, the south of Picardie (historically part of Île-de-France) is a very scenic hilly area with large forests.

Major communities


External links

* [http://www.cr-picardie.fr/ Official regional council website]
* [http://www.images-en-somme.net/en/ Pictures of Picardy]
* [http://www.offrench.net/photos/gallery-10.php photos from Southern Picardie]

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