Provinces of France

Provinces of France

The Kingdom of France was organised into provinces until March 4, 1790, when the establishment of the "département" system superseded provinces. The change was an attempt to eradicate local loyalties based on feudal ownership of land and focus all loyalty on the central government in Paris.

The names of the former provinces are still used by geographers to designate natural regions, and several French administrative regions carry their names.

The meaning of "province"

French "départements", their names, and their borders were chosen by the central government. In contrast, the existence of provinces came from the "droit coutumier" ("customary law") and was merely certified by the state. A province, also known as "état" ("state"), was characterised by the laws that belonged to it. A province itself could encompass several other provinces. For example, Burgundy was a province but Bresse — another province — was nevertheless a part of Burgundy.

There is therefore no official list of provinces. The list of "généralités", administrative subdivisions of the kingdom, is often presented when one wants to establish the list of provinces on the eve of the French Revolution. The list below is much larger, encompassing provinces throughout French history.

List of former provinces of France


Parts of France in 1789

* Alsace
** Basse-Alsace
** Haute-Alsace
** Sundgau
* Angoumois
* Anjou
** Besugeois
** Mauges
* Artois
** Boulonnais
* Aunis
* Auvergne
* Basse-Navarre
* Béarn
** Soule
* Beaujolais
* Berry
* Bourbonnais
* Burgundy
** Autunois
** Auxerrois
** Auxois
** Bassigny
** Châlonnois
** Charollois
** Dijonnais
** Mâconnais
** Bresse
*** Bugey
*** Dombes
*** Pays de Gex
*** Valromey
* Brittany
* Champagne
** Brie champenoise
** Perthois
** Rhemois
** Senonais
** Vallage
* Corsica
* Dauphiné
** Baronnies
** Briançonnois
** Champsaur
** Diois
** Gapençais
** Graisivaudan
** Embrunais
** Valentinois
** Viennois
* Flanders and Hainaut
** Flandre maritime
** Flandre wallonne
** Hainaut (France)
** Cambrésis
* Pays de Foix
** Donnezan
* Forez
* Franche-Comté
* Gascony
** Agenois
** Armagnac
** Bigorre
** Comminges
** Condomois
** Couserans
** Estarac
** Grave
** Lomagne
** Marsan
** Nébouzan
** Quatre-Vallées
* Guyenne
** Bordelais
** Bazadois
** Chalosse
** Labourd
** Lannes
** Périgord
** Quercy
** Rouergue
* Île-de-France
** Beauvaisis
** Brie française
** Gâtinais français
** Hurepoix
** Laonnois
** Mantois
** Multien
** Noyonnais
** Omois
** Parisis
** Pays de France
** Quart de Noyon
** Soissonnois
** Vexin français
** Valois
* Languedoc
** Gévaudan
** Principality of Orange
** Velay
** Vivarais
* Landau (Imperial Free City occupied in 1680, restored to Bavaria in 1815)
* Limousin
* Lorraine
** Barrois
* Lyonnais
** Plat pays de Lyonnais
** Lyon
** Franc-Lyonnais
* Maine
* Marche
** Combrailles
* Nivernais
* Normandie
** Avranchin
** Pays d'Auge
** Bessin
** Pays de Bray
** Campagne de Caen
** Pays de Caux
** Cotentin
** Le Houlme
** Lieuvin
** Campagne du Neubourg
** Pays d'Ouche
** Roumois
** Campagne de Saint-André
** Vexin Normand
* Orléanais
** Blésois
** Pays chartrain
** Dunois
** Gâtinais orléanais
** Vendômois
* Perche
** Perche-Gouët
** Thimerais
* Picardy
** Amienois
** Ponthieu
** Santerre
** Thiérache
** Vermandois
** Vimeu
* Poitou
* Provence
* Roussillon
** Roussillon
** Cerdagne
** Conflent
** Vallespir
** Capcir
* Saintonge
* Touraine
* Trois-Évêchés

Provinces not part of France in 1789

* Avignon and the Comtat Venaissin, belonging to the Pope were incorporated in 1791
* Montbéliard was incorporated in 1793 as part of the Rauracian Republic, to which it belonged briefly.
* Mulhouse, an Imperial Free City allied with Switzerland was incorporated in 1798
* Savoy and Nice were temporarily annexed to France in the period 1792-1815 but were restored to the Kingdom of Sardinia by the Congress of Vienna. Only in 1860 were they annexed again to France.
* Several other territories along the northern border of Alsace and Lorraine were also incorporated during the course of the French Revolution.

See also

* Lists of unofficial regions by country
* Ancien Régime in France

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