

Nader ([nɑːder]) is an Arabic given name and means "Rare" , "Unique" and surname and may refer to:


Given name

  • Nader Yosofi, (1991 - 89), former Yosofi of Afganistan (Kabul)
  • Nader Shah, (1736 - 47), former Shah of Iran (Persia)
  • Nader al-Dahabi, (born 1946), Prime Minister of Jordan
  • Nader Darehshori, a businessman in the United States
  • Nader Engheta, Iranian scientist and engineer
  • Nader rahnama, Iranian professor of sport medicine


  • George Nader, Arab-American actor and uncle of Michael Nader
  • Hassan Nader, retired Moroccan football player
  • Laura Nader, American professor of anthropology
  • Michael Nader, American actor
  • Ralph Nader, American attorney, citizen activist and four time third party presidential candidate
  • Rose Nader, American social activist and mother of Ralph Nader
  • Shafeek Nader community advocate and brother of Ralph Nader

Other uses

  • Nader is also an Arabic word used in Hadith evaluation. It can be translated to mean "rare" or "unique"

See also

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  • Nader — Deux possibilités pour ce nom, selon le pays d origine : soit c est un nom de personne arabe qui correspond à l adjectif nâdir (= rare, exceptionnel, et donc précieux). Variante : Nadir, qui peut aussi correspondre à l arabe naDir, naDîr (= beau …   Noms de famille

  • nader — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}przysł., ofic. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} w dużym stopniu, bardzo, ogromnie : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Nader grzeczny. {{/stl 10}} …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • Nader — (Ralph) (né en 1934) avocat américain; pionnier de la défense des consommateurs dès 1965 …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Nader — [nā′dər] Ralph 1934 ; U.S. lawyer & consumer advocate …   English World dictionary

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  • Nader — 1) A dangerously designed car or thing. A: Do you remember the Suzuki Samurai s that would flip over all the time? I used to see those Naders with the bumper stickers upside down... so you could read them when they flipped over! B: We redesigned… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Nader — 1) A dangerously designed car or thing. A: Do you remember the Suzuki Samurai s that would flip over all the time? I used to see those Naders with the bumper stickers upside down... so you could read them when they flipped over! B: We redesigned… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • Nader — n. Ralph Nader (born 1934), American lawyer and consumer advocate who represented the Green Party as a candidate in the presidential campaign of 2000 …   English contemporary dictionary

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