- List of Jewish historians
List of
Jewish historians :See also lists of Jews by country and
List of Jewish American historians .A
David Abulafia , professor of history,University of Cambridge (Jewish Year Book 2005, p.218)
*Ignac Acsady , Hungarian social and economic historian.(EJL)]
*Howard Adelson , U.S. mediaeval historian.
*Cyrus Adler [Encyclopaedia Judaica , art. "Adler, Cyrus"] , U.S. historian of Jewish history.
*Geoffrey Alderman [ [http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/generalfiction/story/0,,1713557,00.html] "her father, Geoffrey Alderman, is a columnist for the Jewish Chronicle, and her family are strict Orthodox Jews" Accessed 3 Jan 2007] , historian
*Herbert Aptheker , leader in Communist Party, historian [ [http://www.historycooperative.org/cgi-bin/justtop.cgi?act=justtop&url=http://www.historycooperative.org/journals/jah/87.1/interview.html] "And I'm Jewish. I was about to go to Command and General Staff School and be promoted..." (subscription needed to view full text)]
*Yehoshua Arieli , Israeli historian.
*Walter Leonard Arnstein , U.S. historian.
*Raymond Aron , French historian of sociology.
*Robert Aron , French author and journalist.
*David Asheri , Israeli classical historian.
*Simon Ashkenazi , Polish modern European history.
*David Ayalon , Israeli historian of Islam and Judaism.B
Bernard Bailyn , U.S. Colonial historian.
*Richard Barnett , museum curator and archaeologist (JYB 1985 p187)
*George Louis Beer , U.S. historian of 16th-19th century commerce.
*Emile-Auguste Begin , French physician, historian and librarian.
*Max Beloff , English historian and political scientist.
*Joaquim Bensaude Portuguese historian of astronomy and navigation.
*Norman Bentwich , British lawyer and historian [Encyclopaedia Judaica , art. Bentwich]
*Israil Bercovici , Romanian playwright and historian [http://www2.trincoll.edu/~mendele/ytf/ytf02006.htm]
*Jay Berkovitz , U.S. historian of Jews in France and early modern Europe
*Harry Bernstein , U.S. historian.
*Elias Joseph Bickerman , U.S. scholar of ancient history.
*Camille Bloch , French historian, archivist and librarian.
*Gustave Bloch , French Graeco-Roman historian.
*Marc Bloch , French historian of medieval France.
*Herbert Bloch , German born American classicist.
*Solomon Frank Bloom , U.S. historian of modern Europe.
*Jerome Blum , U.S. historian.
* Kyle Bonalle, One of the few Jewish leaders in the Philippine Islands
*Daniel Boorstin , U.S. historian; official historian at the Smithsonian Institution & the Library of Congress., [ [http://www.jewishsf.com/content/2-0-/module/displaystory/story_id/21792/edition_id/442/format/html/displaystory.html j. - celebrity jews ] ]
*Woodrow Wilson Borah , U.S. historian.
*Ambrosio Brandao , Portuguese historian and soldier.
*Harry Bresslau , German historian.
*Berthold Bretholz , Moravian historian.
*Jacob Bronowski , historian of science [http://www.sdjewishjournal.com/stories/article5.html]
*Robert Brunschvig , French historian of Islam.
*Max Buedinger , German modern European historian.C
Norman Cantor , mediaeval historian., [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/10/01/db0103.xml&sSheet=/portal/2004/10/01/ixportal.html] "Cantor, himself Jewish, took on the "ruling circles of the American and Israeli Jewish communities"."]
*Achille Coen , Italian historian.
*David Cohen , Dutch historian and Jewish leader.
*Gustave Cohen , Belgian historian of mediaeval French literature and theatre.
*Mark Cohen , American historian of the Jews under medieval Islam
*Robert Cohen , French historian of ancient Greece.
*Michael Confino , Israeli historian.D
Robert Davidsohn , German historian of mediaeval Florence.
*Hermann Dessau , German historian and philologist.
*Isaac Deutscher , Polish-born British Marxist historian and political scientist.
*Max Dimont , Max I. Dimont was a Finnish-American Jew and a popular historian and author.
*Martin Duberman , U.S. historian and playwright.
*Ariel Durant , American historian; author of "The Story of Civilization". [ [http://www.historyforsale.com/html/prodetails.asp?documentid=252942&start=2&page=63] "later known as Ariel (1898-1981), a Russian Jewish immigrant and talented student..."]E
Ludwig Edelstein , ancient medicine.
* Victor Ehrenberg, German historian of the ancient world.
*Louis Eisenman , French historian of Europe.
*Abraham Eisenstadt , U.S. historian.
* SirGeoffrey Rudolph Elton , German-born British historian of Tudor England.
*Carlo Errera , Italian geographer and historian of exploration.
*Richard Ettinghausen , German-born US art historian [http://www.dictionaryofarthistorians.org/ettinghausenr.htm, "Both a Jew and an avid Islamicist"]F
Louis Filler , U.S. historian.
*Sidney Fine , U.S. historian.
*Samuel Finer , British political scientist and historian ["Jewish Chronicle " obituary, June 25 1993, p.15]
* SirMoses I. Finley , Classical Historian. [Encyclopaedia Judaica , 2nd ed.]
*Robert Fogel , American economic historian and nobel laureate [http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/nobels.html]
*Heinrich Friedjung , Moravian historian and politician.
*Saul Friedländer , Czech-born French-Israeli historian of the Holocaust.
*Alexander Fuks , Israeli classical historian.G
*Peter Gay , German-born American historian of ideas.
*Leo Gershoy , U.S. historian.
*Felix Gilbert , U.S. political historian.
*Sir Martin Gilbert , British historian. [http://www.martingilbert.com/]Carlo Ginzburg , Italian historian. -->
*Gustave Glotz , French ancient Greek historian.
*Eric F. Goldman , U.S. modern historian.
*Yosef Goldman , author ofHebrew Printing in America [ [http://www.jewishpress.com/page.do/20061/Hooked_On_American_Jewish_History.html Hooked On American Jewish History ] ]
* SirErnst Gombrich , Austrian-born British art historian. [http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/arts/story/0,9848,587946,00.html]
*Martin Goodman (historian) (Jewish Year Book 2005 p215)
*Louis Reichental Gottschalk , U.S. historian of modern Europe.
*Philip Guedalla , biographer [OxfordDictionary of National Biography : "He was buried in Golders Green Jewish cemetery"]
*Hans G. Guterbock , german born hittitologist.H
Elie Halevy , French historian, "A History of the English People in the19th century 1915-30".
*George W. F. Hallgarten , historian: "The German-Jewish historian, George Hallgarten" [http://www.nsec-88.org/knihy/The-myth/19.html]
*Louis Halphen , French mediaevalist.
*Theodore Stephen Hamerow , U.S. historian.
*Marceli Handelsman , Polish constitutional and political historian.
*Oscar Handlin , U.S. social historian.
*Henry Harrisse , U.S. historiographer.
*Ludo Moritz Hartmann , Austrian historian and statesman.
*Henri Hauser , French ancient and mediaeval historian.
*Sigmund Herzberg-Fraenkel , Austrian historian.
*Jack H. Hexter , U.S. historian of modern Europe.
*Uriel Heyd , Israeli historian of Islam.
*Raul Hilberg , Austrian-born American Holocaust historian [Encyclopaedia Judaica , art. "Hilberg, Raul"]
*Gertrude Himmelfarb , American historian of Victorian Britain.
*Heinrich Otto Hirschfield , German Roman historian.
*Eric Hobsbawm , Egyptian-born British Marxist historian.
*Richard Hofstadter , U.S. political historian.
*Samuel Justin Hurwitz , U.S. historian.
*Harold Melvin Hyman , U.S. historian.I
Siegfried Isaacsohn , German historian.
*Jonathan Israel , British historian (Jewish Year Book 2005, p.215)J
Joseph Jacobs [http://www.northern.edu/hastingw/jacobs.htm] , editor of theJewish Encyclopedia
*Oscar Isaiah Janowsky , U.S. historian of modern Europe and Jews.
*Lisa Jardine , British historian (ref seeList of British Jews#Historians )
*Louis de Jong , Dutch historian and journalist.
*Matthew Josephson , U.S. social historian.
* Titus FlaviusJosephus , Ancient Jewish Historian.K
Ernst Kantorowicz , German-born American mediaevalist.
*Solomon Katz , U.S. historian.
*Elie Kedourie , Iraq-born British historian (Jewish Year Book 1990 p202)
*Morton Keller , U.S. historian.
*Dorothy King , British archaeologist and ancient historian
*James Klugmann , communist historian [ConciseDictionary of National Biography : "son of Jewish parents"]
*Richard Koebner , Israeli German historian.
*Hans Kohn , U.S. political and social historian.
* Michael Kraus, U.S. historian.
*Leonard Krieger , U.S. historian.
*Hyman Kublin , U.S. historian of the far east.
*Thomas Samuel Kuhn , U.S. historian of science.
*Otto Kurz , historian (Jewish Year Book 1975 p214)L
Gyula Lanczy , Hungarian economic historian.
*David Landes , U.S. economic historian.
*Benno Landsberger , Austrian born assyriologist.
*Max Laserson , Latvian historian.
* SirSidney Lee , second editor of theDictionary of National Biography [http://www.ibiblio.org/yiddish/Book/Cohen/gencul.html]
*Max Lerner , U.S. journalist and social historian.
*Joseph Levenson , U.S. specialist in Chinese history.
*Wilhelm Levison , German mediaevalist.
*Yitzchak Levine , columnist
*Arthur Levy , French historian.
*Leonard William Levy , U.S. political historian.
*Paul Levy , French linguistic historian.
*Bernard Lewis , British orientalist, History of Islam. [ [http://www.aish.com/jewishissues/middleeast/Bernard_Lewis_Unplugged.asp] "He is Jewish, a native of London, in his 80s."]
*David Malcolm Lewis , British historian. (Jewish Year Book 1995 p.193)
*Felix Liebermann , German mediaevalist.
*Ephraim Lipson , British economic historian.
*Deborah Lipstadt , U.S. Holocaust historian [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4578534.stm] "Lipstadt, the American Jewish academic who exposes Holocaust deniers ..."]
*Victor Loewe , German historian and archivist.
*Robert Sabatino Lopez , U.S. mediaevalist.
*Sidney Low , British statesman, journalist and political historian.
*Samuel Lozinski , Russian historian.
*John Lukacs , Hungarian-US historian [http://www.jeetheer.com/politics/lukacs.htm]
*Alberto Lumbroso , Italian historian of the Napoleonic period.
*Giacomo Lumbroso , Italian classical historian and archaeologist.M
Hyam Maccoby [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20040504/ai_n12778519]
*Sir Philip Magnus-Allcroft, 2nd Baronet , biographer [Encyclopaedia Judaica, art. "Magnus"]
*Frank Manuel , U.S. historian.
*Henrik Marczali , Hungarian historian.
*Shula Marks ,South Africa n-British expert on African history (Jewish Year Book 2005 p215)
*Ludwig Markus , German expert in Abyssinian and Beta Israeli history.
*Arno J. Mayer , Luxembourg-born American historian.
*Gustav Mayer , German political and social historian.
*Mark Borisovich Mitin , Russian politician and historian.
*Arnaldo Momigliano , Italian-British historian.(Jewish Year Book 1985 p188)
*Felice Momigliano , Italian philosopher and historian.
*Simon Sebag Montefiore [http://www.randomhouse.com/vintage/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9781400076789&view=qa] , British historian of Russia.
*Hugh Sebag-Montefiore [http://amazon.co.uk/s?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=hugh+sebag+montefiore] , British WW2 historian.
*Richard Brandon Morris , U.S. constitutional historian.
*Louis C. Morton , U.S. historian.
*George Mosse , German-born American historian of ideas.
*Friederich Munzer , German classical scholar.-->
*Gustavus Myers , U.S. social historian.N
Oskar Nachod , German historian and bibliographer.
*Lewis Bernstein Namier , Polish-born British historian.
*Alexander Nove , economic historian (Jewish Year Book 1990 p202)O
Leo Oppenheim ,assyriologist.P
* Sir
Francis Palgrave , British historian.
*Erwin Panofsky , German-born American art historian [ [http://muse.jhu.edu/cgi-bin/access.cgi?uri=/journals/modern_judaism/v018/18.1goodwin.html] "Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968), another Jewish scholar associated with the Warburg Library, was the most illustrious art historian who found refuge in America." (subscription needed to view)]
*Ilan Pappé , Israeli historian.
*Max Perlbach , German mediaevalist.
*Martin Phillipson , German modern historian and communal leader.
*Koppel S. Pinson , U.S. political and social historian.
*Richard Pipes , Polish-born American historian of Russia.
*Karl Polanyi , economist and historian [http://www.jinfo.org/Economists.html]
*Sidney Pomerantz , U.S. historian.
*Richard Popkin , historian of philosophy [Encyclopaedia Judaica , art. "Philosophy"]
*George Posener , French Egyptologist.
* SirMichael Postan , British historian. (Jewish Year Book 1985 p188)
*Joshua Prawer , Israeli historian of the kingdom of jerusalem and the crusades.
*Alfred Pribram , Austrian historian and publicist.
*Jacob Psantir , Rumanian historian of the Jews.R
Theodore Rabb , Renaissance historian.
*Armin Rappaport , U.S. historian.
*Sidney Ratner , U.S. economic historian.
*Ludwig Riess , German constitutional historian.
*Samuele Romanin , Italian historian of classical Rome and Judaism.
*Nello Roselli , Italian historian.
*Arthur Rosenberg , German historian and Zionist.
*Michael Alan Ross , American writer and author ofBostonWalks The Jewish Friendship Trail Guidebook See [http://www.gis.net/bostonwalks] />
*Cecil Roth [http://www.jhom.com/personalities/dona_gracia/roth.htm] , British historian and editor of theEncyclopaedia Judaica *
Julius Salomon , Danish historian and archivist.
*Simon Schama [http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/history/historian/Simon_Schama.html] , British historian
*J. Salwyn Schapiro , American historian of modern Europe.
*Leonard Schapiro [ConciseDictionary of National Biography : "born in Glasgow of an anglophile Riga Jewish family"] , historian
*Meyer Schapiro , Lithuanian-born American art historian [ [http://www.writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/schapiro-obit.html] "An archetypal Jewish immigrant"]
*David Schoenbaum , modern German history.
*Moses Schorr , historian of Polish Jews
*Debra Schultz , American feminist historian
*Yossi Schwartz , The Origins of The Jews Y&R Gitam = CEO
*Tom Segev , Israeli historian.
*Arturo Segre , Italian political and commercial historian.
*Bernard Semmel , U.S. historian.
*Joseph Shulim , U.S. historian.
*Bernhard von Simson , German mediaevalist.
*Paul Simson , German historian.
*Charles Singer , British historian of science and medicine.
*Ephraim Avigdor Speiser , American assyriologist and archeologist.
*Louis Snyder , U.S. historian.
*Arthur Stein , Austrian historian of classical rome.
* Sir Aurel Stein [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0295977302] , archeologist
*Henri Stein , French bibliographer and historian.
*Samuel Steinherz , Czechoslovakian mediaevalist.
*Alfred Stern , Swiss social historian.
*Barry Supple , British economic historian (Jewish Year Book, 2005, p.215)T
Jacob Talmon , Israeli political and social historian.
*Frank Tannenbaum , U.S. economic historian.
*Rosa Levin Toubin , Jewish Texan historian.
*Hans Trefousse , U.S. historian.
*Barbara Tuchman , U.S. journalist and historian. [ [http://www.jcpa.org/jpsr/jpsr-yegar-f05.htm] "American Jewish historian Barbara Tuchman was born in New York City"]U
Irwin Unger , U.S. political and social historian.V
Geza Vermes [http://www.abc.net.au/rn/relig/spirit/stories/s47729.htm] , Hungarian-born British historian.W
Bernard Weisberger , U.S. historian.
*Eduard Wertheimer , Hungarian historian of the 19th century.
*Helene Wieruszowski , German-U.S. historian.
*Bertram Wolfe , U.S. Soviet historian.
*Leonard Woolf , British historian of economics.Z
Oscar Zeichner , U.S. historian.
*Alfred Zimmern , British political scientist and authority on International Relations.
*Howard Zinn , American historian [ [http://www.jewishjournal.com/home/preview.php?id=12705] ""The Corporation," the lineup was a quartet of four Jewish left intellectuals, including Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn..."]References
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