- Péter Pázmány
Péter Pázmány de Panasz (
October 4 ,1570 –March 19 ,1637 ) was a Hungarianphilosopher ,theologian , cardinal,pulpit orator andstatesman . He was an important figure in theCounter-Reformation inRoyal Hungary .Biography
Péter Pázmány was born in
Nagyvárad and was educated there and inKolozsvár , which is where he converted from theCalvinist Reformed Church of Hungary toRoman Catholicism in 1583, partly under the influence of his stepmother. [CathEncy|wstitle=Peter Pázmány] In 1587 he entered theJesuit Order. Pázmány went through his probation atKraków , took his degree inVienna , studied theology atRome , and finally completed his academic course at the Jesuit college inGraz . In 1601 he was sent to the Order's establishment at Sellye (today Šaľa, Slovakia) , where his eloquence and dialectic won hundreds to Catholicism, including many of the noblest families. PrinceMiklós Esterházy andPál Rákóczi were among his converts.In 1607 he was assigned as archbishop of
Esztergom , and in the following year attracted attention in the Diet by his denunciation of the eighth point of thePeace of Vienna , which prohibited the Jesuits from acquiring landed property inHungary . At about the same timePope Paul V , on the petition of Emperor Matthias, released Pázmány from his monkish vows. OnApril 25 ,1616 he was made dean ofTuróc (sloavak Turiec), and onSeptember 28 he became primate of Hungary. He received the red hat of Cardinal fromPope Urban VIII in 1629. Pázmány was the soul of the Catholic Counter-Reformation in Hungary.Particularly remarkable is his (Guide to Truth), which appeared in 1613. This manual united all the advantages of scientific depth, methodical arrangement and popular style. As the chief pastor of the Hungarian church, Pázmány used every means in his power, short of absolute contravention of the laws, to obstruct and weaken
Protestantism , which had risen during the 16th century. In 1619 he founded a seminary for theological candidates atNagyszombat (today: Trnava, Slovakia), and in 1623 laid the foundations of a similar institution at Vienna, the still famousPázmáneum , at a cost of 200,000florin s. In 1635 he contributed 100,000 florins towards the foundation of a Hungarian university in Nagyszombat. The Faculty of Theology was later turned intoPázmány Péter Catholic University , and the rest of the university became what is now known asEötvös Loránd University , which from 1921-1950 was known as Péter Pázmány University. Its theological faculty became Catholic Péter Pázmány University, Budapest/Piliscscaba, in 1992 (http://www.ppke.hu/index_eng.html). Pázmány also built Jesuit colleges and schools at Pressburg (Bratislava), andFranciscan monasteries atÉrsekújvár (now: Nové Zámky) andKörmöcbánya (now: Kremnica).In politics he played a considerable part. It was chiefly due to him that the diet of 1618 elected Archduke Ferdinand to succeed the childless Matthias. He also repeatedly thwarted the martial ambitions of
Gabriel Bethlen , and preventedGyörgy Rákóczi I , over whom he had a great influence, from allying with theOttoman Empire and the Protestants.Pázmány's chief works include: "The Four Books of
Thomas à Kempis on the imitation of Christ" (Hungarian, 1603), of which there are many editions; "Diatribe theologica de visible Christi in terris ecclesia" (Graz, 1615); "Vindiciae ecclesiasticae" (Vienna, 1620); "Sermons for every Sunday in the Year" (Hung., Pressburg, 1636); "The Triumph of Truth" (Hungarian, Pressburg, 1614).Pázmány died in Pressburg (today Bratislava) in 1637. His most important legacy was his creation of the Hungarian literary language. As an orator he was dubbed "the Hungarian
Cicero in the purple".In 1867, a street in Vienna, the Pazmanitengasse, was named after him.
Work available:
Grazer philosophische Disputationen von Péter Pázmány, ed. Paul Richard Blum and Emil Hargittay, Piliscsaba (Katholische Péter-Pázmány-Universität) 2003.
Secondary sources:
Pázmány Péter és kora [P. P. and his times] , ed. Emil Hargittay, Piliscsaba (Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem) 2001.
*Vilmos Fraknói , "Péter Pázmány and his Times" (Hung. Pest, 1868–1872); "Correspondence of Pázmány" (Hung. and Latin), published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Pest, 1873). (R. N. B.)
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