

name = Šaľa
category = Town
etymology =
official_name =
motto =
nickname =

image_caption =

symbol = Coat of arms of Šaľa.png symbol_type =
country = Slovakia

state =
region = Nitra
district = Šaľa
municipality =
parent = Dolné Považie
parent_type = Tourism region
river = Váh
location =
elevation = 118
prominence =
lat_d =48 | lat_m =09 | lat_s =01 | lat_NS =N
long_d =17 | long_m =52 | long_s =39 | long_EW =E
highest =
highest_location = | highest_region = | highest_state =
highest_elevation =
highest_lat_d = | highest_lat_m = | highest_lat_s = | highest_lat_NS =
highest_long_d = | highest_long_m = | highest_long_s = | highest_long_EW =
lowest =
lowest_location = | lowest_region = | lowest_state =
lowest_elevation =
lowest_lat_d = | lowest_lat_m = | lowest_lat_s = | lowest_lat_NS =
lowest_long_d = | lowest_long_m = | lowest_long_s = | lowest_long_EW =
length = | length_orientation =
width = | width_orientation =
area = 44.967
area_land =
area_water =
area_urban =
area_metro =
population =24256 | population_date = 31 December 2006
population_urban =
population_metro =
population_density = auto
population_density_urban =
population_density_metro =
established = 1002
established_type = First mentioned
date =
government =
government_location = | government_region = | government_state =
government_elevation =
government_lat_d = | government_lat_m = | government_lat_s = | government_lat_NS =
government_long_d = | government_long_m = | government_long_s = | government_long_EW =
mayor = Martin Alföldi
leader =
timezone =

map_caption = Location in Slovakia
map_background = Slovakia - background map.png map_locator = Slovakia
map1 = Nitra Region - outline map.svg
map1_background = Nitra Region - background map.png map1_caption = Location in the Nitra Region
map1_locator = Nitra Region
commons =
statistics = [http://www.statistics.sk/mosmis/eng/prvav2.jsp?txtUroven420405&lstObec504025&Okruhzaklad MOŠ/MIS]
website = http://www.sala.sk
footnotes =

Šaľa (Audio|Sk-Sala.ogg|pronunciation; _hu. Vágsellye, _de. Schelle) is a town in south-western Slovakia.


The town is located on the Danubian Lowland, on both banks of the Váh River, around 65 km from Bratislava and 30 km from Nové Zámky. Except the town itself, it has also the borough of Veča on the left bank of the river and settlements of Hetméň and Kilič. The town lies in the warm climatic zone. [ [http://www.sala.sk/cms/index.php?id=160 Mesto Šaľa ] ]


The town was first mentioned in 1002 in a document of Pannonhalma abbey. It was promoted in 1536 into a market town. The railway, built in 1850 between Vienna and Budapest speeded development. After 1918, the town was part of Czechoslovakia, belonging for a short time between 1938 and 1945 to Hungary before being returned to Czechoslovakia.


According to the 2001 census, the town had 24,564 inhabitants. 79.72% of inhabitants were Slovaks, 17.88% Hungarians, 0.48% Czechs and 0.40% Roma.cite web | title = Municipal Statistics | publisher = Statistical Office of the Slovak republic | url = http://www.statistics.sk/mosmis/eng/run.html | accessdate = 2007-12-15] The religious make-up was 66.63% Roman Catholics, 23.62% people with no religious affiliation and 4.00% Lutherans.


The economy of the town is primarily based on the chemical industry, by the company Duslo Šaľa, bit east of the town. Other sectors include textile and construction industry.

Twin towns

*flagicon|Poland Końskie, Poland
*flagicon|Finland Kuhmo, Finland
*flagicon|Hungary Oroszlány, Hungary
*flagicon|Czech Republic Telč, Czech Republic

ee also

* FK Slovan Duslo Šaľa


External links

* [http://www.sala.sk Official website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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