

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Keiko

pronunciation= Keiko
gender = Female
meaning =
region = Japanese
origin = Japanese
related names = Kei
footnotes = [ [ Kei - Meaning and origin of the name Kei] ]

Keiko is a very popular female Japanese given name.

Possible meanings

As with many Japanese names, Keiko can be written using a number of different kanji. Some of the most common ways of writing Keiko (and the most representative meanings of the respective kanji) are:
* 子 — "lucky/blessed child"
* 子 — "respectful child"
* 子 — "sunlight/view/scenic child"
* 子 — "katsura tree child"
* 子 — "square jewel child"
* 子 — "happy child"
* 子 — "open (one's eyes)/express/spring (season) child"

The suffix "ko" () implies the name is female and the name is almost never given to males. Much less commonly, Keiko can also be written as 子, 子, or 子.

Keiko is also the shortened form of the Ojibwa (Native American Tribe) word "Keikhota," which is both a derivative of the word "Keik" (meaning 'golden') and "khota" (meaning season). "Keikhota" thus means "Golden Season," and is the Ojibwa word designated to the season of Fall.


* Keiko Agena, actress
* Keiko Fukuda, judoka
* Keiko Fuji (圭子), singer
* Keiko Fujimori, Peruvian congresswoman and former first lady
* Keiko Han (恵子), seiyu (voice actress)
* Mazie Keiko Hirono, politician
* Keiko Ihara (慶子), racing car driver
* Keiko Kitagawa (景子), model/actress
* Keiko Seiko, actress
* Keiko Masuda, one of the J-pop duo Pink Lady
* Keiko Matsui (慶子), internationally renowned pianist/composer
* Keiko Miura, field hockey athlete
* Keiko Nakazawa (慶子), adult video actress
* Keiko Nobumoto, (敬子) creator of "Wolf's Rain"
* Keiko Takeshita (景子), actress
* Keiko Toda (恵子), actress
* Keiko Utoku (敬子), singer/songwriter
* Keiko Yamada (圭子), singer from j-pop band Globe

Keikō (景行), with a long "o," is the name given to Emperor Keikō posthumously.

Fictional characters

* Keiko O'Brien, from "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"
* Keiko Onuki, character in "Battle Royale"
* Keiko Yukimura (螢子), the "YuYu Hakusho" character


* Keiko (orca), the orca, or killer whale, which performed in the film "Free Willy"

ee also

*Japanese names
*Japanese writing system


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