List of abbreviations in the CIA World Factbook

List of abbreviations in the CIA World Factbook

This is a list of abbreviations used in the CIA World Factbook [ CIA - The World Factbook - Appendix A ] ] .


*ABEDA — Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
*ACC — Arab Cooperation Council
*ACCT — Agency for the French-Speaking Community
*ACP Group — African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States
* AfDB — African Development Bank
* AFESD — Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
* Air Pollution — Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
* Air Pollution-Nitrogen Oxides — Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or Their Transboundary Fluxes
* Air Pollution-Persisten Organic Pollutants — Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutants
* Air Pollution-Sulphur 85 — Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or Their Transboundary Fluxes by at Least 30%
* Air Pollution Sulphur 94 — Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution on Further Reduction of Sulphur Emissions
* Air Pollution-Volatile Organic Compounds — Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or Their Transboundary Fluxes
*AL — Arab League
* AMF — Arab Monetary Fund
* AMU — Arab Maghreb Union
* Antarctic-Environmental Protocol — Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
* Antarctic-Marine Living Resources — Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
* Antarctic Seals — Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Seals
* ANZUS — Australia-New Zealand-United States Security Treaty
* APEC — Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
* Arabsat — Arab Satellite Communications Organization
* ARF — ASEAN Regional Forum
* AsDB — Asian Development Bank
* ASEAN — Association of Southeast Asian Nations
* AU — African Union
* Autodin — Automatic Digital Network


* bbl/day — barrels per day
* BCIE — Central American Bank for Economic Integration
* BDEAC — Central African States Development Bank
* Benelux — Benelux Economic Union
* BGN — United States Board on Geographic Names
* Biodiversity — Convention on Biological Diversity
* BIS — Bank for International Settlements
* BSEC — Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone


* C — Commonwealth
* CACM — Central American Common Market
* CAEU — Council of Arab Economic Unity
* CAN — Andean Community of Nations
* Caricom — Caribbean Community and Common Market
* CB — citizen’s band mobile radio communications
* CBSS — Council of the Baltic Sea States
* CCC — Customs Cooperation Council (name changed to World Customs Organization in 1994)
* CDB — Caribbean Development Bank]
* CE — Council of Europe
* CEEAC — Economic Community of Central African States
* CEI — Central European Initiative
* CEMA — Council for Mutual Economic Assistance] ; also known as CMEA or Comecon
* CEMAC — Monetary and Economic Community of Central Africa
* CEPGL — Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries
* CEPT — Conference Europeanne des Postes et Telecommunications
* CERN — European Organization for Nuclear Research
* c.i.f. — Cost, Insurance and Freight
* CIS — Commonwealth of Independent States
* CITES — see Endangered Species
* Climate Change — United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
* Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol — Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
* COCOM — Coordinating Committee on Export Controls
* COMESA — Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
* Comsat — Communications Satellite Corporation
* CP — Colombo Plan
* CY — calendar year
* DC — developed country
* Desertification — United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa
* DDT — dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane
* DIA — United States Defense Intelligence Agency
* DSN — Defense Switched Network
* DWT — deadweight ton


* EADB — East African Development Bank
* EAPC — Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
* EAS — East Asia Summit
* EBRD — European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
* EC — European Community
* ECA — Economic Commission for Africa
* ECE — Economic Commission for Europe
* ECLAC — Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
* ECO — Economic Cooperation Organization
* ECOSOC — Economic and Social Council
* ECOWAS — Economic Community of West African States
* ECSC — European Coal and Steel Community
* EEC — European Economic Community
* EFTA — European Free Trade Association
* EEZ — exclusive economic zone
* EIB — European Investment Bank
* EMU — Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union
* Endangered Species — Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES)
* Entente — Council of the Entente
* Environmental Modification — Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
* ESA — European Space Agency
* ESCAP — Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
* ESCWA — Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
* est. — estimate
* EU — European Union
* Euratom — European Atomic Energy Community
* Eutelsat — European Telecommunications Satellite Organization
* Ex-Im — Export-Import Bank of the United States


* FAO — Food and Agriculture Organization
* FAX — facsimile
* f.o.b. — free on board
* FOC — flags of convenience
* FLS — Front Line States
* FRG — Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany); used for information dated before October 3, 1990 or CY91
* FSU — former Soviet Union
* FY — fiscal year
* FYROM — Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
* FZ — Franc Zone


* G-2 — Group of 2
* G-3 — Group of 3
* G-5 — Group of 5
* G-6 — Group of 6
* G-7 — Group of 7
* G-8 — Group of 8
* G-9 — Group of 9
* G-10 — Group of 10
* G-11 — Group of 11
* G-15 — Group of 15
* G-19 — Group of 19
* G-24 — Group of 24
* G-77 — Group of 77
* GATT — General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade; now WTO
* GCC — Gulf Cooperation Council
* GDP — gross domestic product
* GDR — German Democratic Republic (East Germany); used for information dated before October 3, 1990 or CY91
* GNP — gross national product
* GRT — gross register ton
* GSM — global system for mobile cellular communications
* GUUAM — acronym for member states Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moldova
* GWP — gross world product
* Habitat — United Nations Center for Human Settlements
* Hazardous Wastes — Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
* HF — high-frequency
* HIV/AIDS — human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome


* IADB — Inter-American Development Bank
* IAEA — International Atomic Energy Agency
* IANA — Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
* IBRD — International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
* ICAO —International Civil Aviation Organization
* ICC — International Chamber of Commerce
* ICCt — International Criminal Court
* ICFTU — International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
* ICJ — International Court of Justice (World Court)
* ICRC — International Committee of the Red Cross
* ICRM — International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
* ICSID — International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
* ICTR — International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
* ICTY — International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
* IDA — International Development Association
* IDB — Islamic Development Bank
* IEA — International Energy Agency
* IFAD — International Fund for Agricultural Development
* IFC — International Finance Corporation
* IFCTU — International Federation of Christian Trade Unions
* IFRCS — International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
* IGAD — Inter-Governmental Authority on Development
* IGADD — Inter-Governmental Authority on Drought and Development
* IHO — International Hydrographic Organization
* IIB — International Investment Bank
* ILO — International Labour Organization
* IMF — International Monetary Fund
* IMO — International Maritime Organization
* Inmarsat — International Mobile Satellite Organization
* InOC — Indian Ocean Commission
* INSTRAW — International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
* Intelsat — International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
* Interpol — International Criminal Police Organization
* Intersputnik — International Organization of Space Communications
* IOC — International Olympic Committee
* IOM — International Organization for Migration
* ISO — International Organization for Standardization
* ISP — Internet Service Provider
* ITU — International Telecommunication Union


* kHz — kilohertz
* km — kilometer
* kW — kilowatt
* kWh — kilowatt hour
* LAES — Latin American Economic System
* LAIA — Latin American Integration Association
* LAS — League of Arab States
* Law of the Sea — United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOS)
* LDC — less developed country
* LLDC — least developed country
* London Convention — see Marine Dumping
* LOS — see Law of the Sea


* m — meter
* Marecs — Maritime European Communications Satellite
* Marine Dumping — Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping Wastes and Other Matter
* Marine Life Conservation — Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Living Resources of the High Seas
* MARPOL — MARPOL 73/78 / Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973
* Medarabtel — Middle East Telecommunications Project of the International Telecommunications Union
* Mercosur — Southern Cone Common Market
* MHz — megahertz
* MICAH — International Civilian Support Mission in Haiti
* MIGA — Multilateral Investment Geographic Agency
* MINURSO — United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
* MINUSTAH — United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
* MIPONUH — United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti
* MONUC — United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


* N/A|NA — not available
* NAFTA — North American Free Trade Agreement
* NAM — Non-Aligned Movement
* NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
* NC — Nordic Council
* NEA — Nuclear Energy Agency
* NEGL — negligible
* NGA — National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
* NIB — Nordic Investment Bank
* NIC — newly industrializing country
* NIE — newly industrializing economy
* NIS — new independent states
* NM — nautical mile
* NMT — Nordic Mobile Telephone
* NSG — Nuclear Suppliers Group
* Nuclear Test Ban — Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Under Water
* NZ — New Zealand


* OAPEC — Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
* OAS — Organization of American States
* OAU — Organization of African Unity; see African Union
* ODA — official development assistance
* ODF — Official Development Finance
* OECD — Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
* OECS — Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
* OHCHR — Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
* OIC — Organization of the Islamic Conference
* ONUB — United Nations Operation in Burundi
* OOF — other official flows
* OPANAL — Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean
* OPCW — Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
* OPEC — Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
* OSCE — Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
* Ozone Layer Protection — Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer


* PCA — Permanent Court of Arbitration
* PDRY — People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (Yemen (Aden)) or South Yemen; used for information dated before May 22, 1990 or CY91
* PFP — Partnership for Peace
* PIF — Pacific Islands Forum
* PPP — purchasing power parity
* Ramsar — see Wetlands
* RG — Rio Group

*SAARC — South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
*SAASA — Servicios Aereos Amazonicos SA (Air support in Peru 1973-1980)
*SACU — Southern African Customs Union
*SACEP — South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme
*SADC — Southern African Development Community
*SAFE — South African Far East Cable
*SCO — Shanghai Cooperative Organization
*SFRY — Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
*SHF — super-high-frequency
*Ship Pollution — Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (MARPOL)
*Sparteca — South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement
*SPC — Secretariat of the Pacific Community
*SPF — South Pacific Forum
* km² — square kilometer
*sq mi — square mile


*TAT — Trans-Atlantic Telephone
*Tropical Timber 83 — International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1983
*Tropical Timber 94 — International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994


* UAE — United Arab Emirates
*UDEAC — Central African Customs and Economic Union
*UHF — ultra-high-frequency
*UK — United Kingdom
*UN — United Nations
*UNAMIR — United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda
*UNAMSIL — United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone
*UNAVEM III — United Nations Angola Verification Mission III
*UNCLOS — United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, also known as LOS
*UNCRO — United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia
*UNCTAD — United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
*UNDCP — United Nations Drug Control Programme
*UNDOF — United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
*UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
*UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
*UNESCO — United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
*UNFICYP — United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
*UNFPA — United Nations Population Fund
*UNHCR — United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
*UNHCRHR — United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
*UNICEF — United Nations Children's Fund
*UNICEP — United Nations International Comparison Programme
*UNICRI — United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
*UNIDIR — United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
*UNIDO — United Nations Industrial Development Organization
*UNIFIL — United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
*UNIKOM — United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission
*UNITAR — United Nations Institute for Training and Research
*UNMEE — United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea
*UNMIBH — United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
*UNMIK — United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
*UNMIL — United Nations Mission in Liberia
*UNMIS — United Nations Mission in the Sudan
*UNMISET — United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor
*UNMOGIP — United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
*UNMOP — United Nations Mission of Observers in Prevlaka
*UNMOT — United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan
*UNMOVIC — United Nations Monitoring and Verification Commission
*UNOMIG — United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia
*UNOCI — United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
*UNOMSIL — United Nations Mission of Observers in Sierra Leone
*UNOPS — United Nations Office of Project Services
*UNRISD — United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
*UNRWA — United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
*UNSC — United Nations Security Council
*UNSMIH — United Nations Support Mission in Haiti
*UNSSC — United Nations System Staff College
*UNTAET — United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
*UNTSO — United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
*UNU — United Nations University
*UPU — Universal Postal Union
*US — United States
*USSR — Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union); used for information dated before December 25, 1991
*USSR/EE — Union of Soviet Socialist Republics/Eastern Europe


*UV — ultra violet
* VHF — very-high-frequency
* VSAT — very small aperture terminal


* WADB — West African Development Bank
* WAEMU — West African Economic and Monetary Union
* WCL — World Confederation of Labour
*WCO — World Customs Organization (new name for CCC as of 1994)
* Wetlands — Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially As Waterfowl Habitat
* WEU — Western European Union
* WFC — World Food Council
* WFP — World Food Programme
* WFTU — World Federation of Trade Unions
* Whaling — International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
* WHO — World Health Organization
* WIPO — World Intellectual Property Organization
* WMO — World Meteorological Organization
* WP — Warsaw Pact
* WTO — see WToO for World Tourism Organization or WTrO for World Trade Organization
* WToO — World Tourism Organization
* WTrO — World Trade Organization


* YAR — Yemen Arab Republic Yemen (Sanaa) or North Yemen; used for information dated before May 22, 1990 or CY91
* ZC — Zangger Committee


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