Car language

Car language

region=Nicobar Islands

Car is the most widely spoken of the Nicobarese languages spoken in the Nicobar Islands of India.

Although related distantly to Vietnamese and Khmer, it is typologically much more akin to nearly Austronesian languages such as Nias and Acehnese, with which it forms a linguistic area [Cysouw, Michael; [ Quantitative explorations of the world-wide distribution of rare characteristics, or: the exceptionality of north-western European languages] ; pp. 11-12] .

Car is a VOS language and somewhat agglutinative [ [ WALS: Nicobarese] ] . There is a quite complicated verbal suffix system with some infixes, plus distinct genitive and "interrogative" cases for nouns and pronouns [Whitehead, Rev. G.; "Dictionary of the Car (Nicobarese) language"; published 1925 by American Baptist Mission Press; pp. "xxvi"-"xxxii"]


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