ETAOIN SHRDLU is the approximate order of frequency of the twelve most commonly used letters in the English language, best known as a nonsense phrase that sometimes appeared in print in the days of "hot type" publishing due to a custom of Linotype machine operators.

Linotype history

As the letters on Linotype keyboards were arranged by letter frequency, ETAOIN SHRDLU were the first two vertical columns on the left side of the keyboard. Linotype operators who had made a typing error could not easily go back to delete it, and had to finish the line before they could eject the slug and re-key a new one. Since the line with the error would be discarded and hence its contents didn't matter (and since the line needed to be filled to successfully pass through the casting unit), the quickest way to enter enough letters to finish it was to run a finger down the keys, creating this nonsense phrase.

Operators could correct an assembled line of matrices in the assembler by rearranging them by hand, or by picking out individual matrices ("mats") to "delete" a character, temporarily placing the rejected mats in a tray attached to the machine for this purpose. In the example on this page, the operator wanted to return an "m," a spaceband and an "e" to the machine, so after casting the final line of the story he placed the rejects in the empty assembler, filled the line by running a finger down the keys (with a spaceband between each line), added a few em spaces, and sent the line of mats through. Such lines would normally have been caught by the proofreaders or compositor.

If the slug with the error made it as far as the compositors, the distinctive set of letters served to quickly identify it for removal. Occasionally, however, the phrase would be overlooked and get printed erroneously. This happened often enough that the ETAOIN SHRDLU is listed in the "Oxford English Dictionary" and in the "Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary".

It also became part of the lore of newspapers. A documentary about the last issue of "The New York Times" to be composed in the hot-metal printing process (2 July 1978) was entitled "Farewell, Etaoin Shrdlu". [ [ EMC: Abstract: Farewell Etaoin Shrdlu] ]

The Linotype keyboard had the following alphabet arrangement given twice, one for lower-case and once for upper-case letters, with extra keys for numbers and symbols located between the two cases:

:etaoin / shrdlu / cmfwyp / vbgkqj / xz

Appearance outside typography


*SHRDLU was used in 1972 by Terry Winograd as the name for an early artificial-intelligence system in Lisp.
*The ETA esoteric programming language uses the letters E, T, A, O, I, N, S and H as commands, and ignores the rest.


*Elmer Rice's 1923 play "The Adding Machine" had Etaoin Shrdlu as a character.
*"Etaoins" is used in James Thurber's 1931 "Owl in the Attic" to indicate the incompetence of a Linotyper.
*Mr. Etaoin is a character in Charles G. Finney's "The Circus of Dr. Lao" (1935). He is the proofreader of the local newspaper, characterized as a "corrector of errors."
*In 1942 it was the title of a short story by Fredric Brown about a sentient Linotype machine. (A sequel, "Son of Etaoin Shrdlu: More Adventures in Typer and Space", was written by others in 1981.)
*Etaoin Shrdlu is a character in Max Shulman's novel of college life, "Barefoot Boy with Cheek" (1943).
*Anthony Armstrong's 1945 whimsical short story "Etaoin and Shrdlu" ends "And Sir Etaoin and Shrdlu married and lived so happily ever after that whenever you come across Etaoin's name even today it's generally followed by Shrdlu's".
*It was the name of an irascible bookworm in Walt Kelly's comic strip "Pogo".
*Emile Mercier, Australian cartoonist of the 1950s, would sometimes incorporate the word Shrdlu into his text.
*Ogden Nash's poem "Peekabo, I Almost See You" includes this description of a visit to an optometrist::"And you look at his chart and it says SHRDLU QWERTYOP, and you say Well, why SHRDNTLU QWERTYOP? and he says one set of glasses won't do.":"You need two."
*A short story in Thomas Pynchon's "Slow Learner" compilation has a character named Etienne Shrdlu.
*The Harvard Lampoon's "The Lord of the Rings" parody "Bored of the Rings" (1969) includes the phrase as part of some Elven poetry: "O Nasa O Ucla! O Etaoin Shrdlu! O Escrow Beryllium! Pandit J. Nehru!"
*Douglas Hofstadter's "Gödel, Escher, Bach" (1979) includes a dialogue between fictional programmer "Eta Oin" and the artificial-intelligence program SHRDLU.
*It is drawn in block letters in Rex Miller's book "Slob" by detective Jack Eichord, as a way to concentrate on the facts of the "Lonely Hearts Killer" case.
*In 2005, the web comic "Girl Genius" had two otherworldly characters, Eotain and Shurdlu.
*In the Black Hole Travel Agency novels by Jack McKinney, Etaoin Shrdlu is the elusive author of the Worlds Abound science fiction novels.
*Some of cartoonist Robert Crumb's stories for "Weirdo" feature a haggard character named Etaoin Shrdlu.
*Etaoin Shrdlu is a minor character in the novel "Psychoshop" by Roger Zelazny and Alfred Bester.


The writer Denys Parsons wrote several books compiling misprints from publications ("It Must be True", "Can It Be True?", etc.) in which a character called Gobfrey Shrdlu (with a Welsh wife called Cmfwyp and a son called Etaoin) was supposedly responsible for all such occurrences.


*The phrase was used as the title for a piece by the band Cul de Sac on their 4th album "Crashes To Light, Minutes To Its Fall", in 2000. The band also released a piece by the name of "Etaoin Without Shrdlu" on a live recording titled "Immortality Lessons" in 2002.
*There is a Macedonian demo band called Etaoin Shrdlu.
*In "The Complete Charlie Parker On Verve", four titles—"JATP Blues", "Blues For Norman", "Jam Blues" and "The Opener"—are credited to Shrdlu, and "The Closer" is credited to Etaoin. Etaoin is also credited as the composer for "Blues" on the original 1944 10" LP "Jazz at the Philharmonic" (Mercury/Clef MG35005).


*Herb Caen claimed that the "San Francisco Chronicle" newspaper was nicknamed the "Etaoin Shrdlu" because of its questionable production standards.
*A blog by editors of the McClatchy newspaper chain is called Etaoin Shrdlu. []

Other languages

*The French version of this twelve letter combination, "elaoin sdrétu", was used as the name of a robot in the "Petit Noël" comics of André Franquin.

In Letter frequency the table shown there has one version of the French frequency as 'esait nrulo'.

The German version comes out as 'enis ratulo'; the Spanish version as 'eaosr niltu'; the Italian as 'aeion lrtsu', the Swedish as 'eantr sildo' and the Esperanto as 'aieon lsrtu'. These all being European languages with the similar "basic" 25+ character alphabet.

ee also

*Letter frequencies
*Filler text


External links

* [ Fun with words - SHRDLU]
* [ Straight Dope Article]
* [ World Wide Words article]

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  • ETAOIN SHRDLU — sind die zwölf am häufigsten genutzten Buchstaben der englischen Sprache. Dies ist leicht verschieden von der Buchstabenhäufigkeit in Wörterbucheinträgen. Die gesamte Sequenz ist ETAOIN SHRDLU CMFWYP VBGKQJ XZ Drucksatz Tastatur einer Linotype… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • etaoin shrdlu — 1931, journalism slang, the sequence of characters you get if you sweep your finger down the two left hand columns of Linotype keys, which is what typesetters did when they bungled a line and had to start it over. It was a signal to cut out the… …   Etymology dictionary

  • etaoin\ shrdlu — something that is nonsense or absurd.... An error. The order of letters on the old Linotype machines, from most frequently used to least frequently used in speech and writing, not in words. etaoin shrdlu cmfgyp wbvkxj qz. Some of the SMS text… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • etaoin\ shrdlu — something that is nonsense or absurd.... An error. The order of letters on the old Linotype machines, from most frequently used to least frequently used in speech and writing, not in words. etaoin shrdlu cmfgyp wbvkxj qz. Some of the SMS text… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • ETAOIN SHRDLU — Un clavier Linotype. ETAOIN SHRDLU est la suite, par ordre décroissant, des 12 lettres de l alphabet dont la fréquence d utilisation est approximativement la plus élevée dans la langue anglaise (E, T, A, O, I …   Wikipédia en Français

  • etaoin shrdlu — /et ee oyn sherrd looh, oh in, ee tee / the letters produced by running the finger down the first two vertical rows of keys at the left of the keyboard of a Linotype machine: used as a temporary marking slug or to indicate that an earlier mistake …   Universalium

  • etaoin shrdlu — noun Nonsense, filler text, or an example of accidental typing …   Wiktionary

  • etaoin shrdlu — ˈed.]ēˌȯinˈshərdˌlü, ˈēd.], ˈād.], ]əˌȯi , n(ˌ)shərdˈlü noun ( s) : a combination of letters set by running a finger down the first and then the second left hand vertical banks of six keys of a Linotype machine to produce a temporary marking… …   Useful english dictionary

  • SHRDLU — a été l’un des premiers programmes informatiques de compréhension du langage naturel, développé par Terry Winograd au MIT à partir de 1968 1970. Il était écrit en Micro Planner et en Lisp et implémenté sur un ordinateur PDP 6 de DEC équipé d’un… …   Wikipédia en Français

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