Yellow-footed Antechinus

Yellow-footed Antechinus

status = LC
status_system = iucn3.1
trend = stable
status_ref = [IUCN2008|assessors=Menkhorst, P., Friend, T., Burnett, S. & McKenzie, N.|year=2008|id=40524|title=Antechinus flavipes|downloaded=09 October 2008]

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
infraclassis = Marsupialia
ordo = Dasyuromorphia
familia = Dasyuridae
genus = "Antechinus"
species = "A. flavipes"
binomial = "Antechinus flavipes"
binomial_authority = (Waterhouse, 1838)The Yellow-footed Antechinus ("Antechinus flavipes"), also known as the Mardo, is a shrew-like marsupial found in Australia. One notable feature of the species is its unusual sexual behavior. The male Yellow-footed Antechinus engages in such frenzied mating that it commonly dies of sexual stress.


The Yellow-footed Antechinus was described in 1838 by George Robert Waterhouse, who noted its most distinctive feature in its species name "flavipes", which means "yellow-footed". The species has occasionally been combined with the Brown Antechinus ("A. stuartii").

A member of the family Dasyuridae, the Yellow-footed Antechinus is the most widespread of all the members of its genus, "Antechinus".

Three subspecies of the Yellow-footed Antechinus are recognised:
*"A. f. flavipes", found in southeastern Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia
*"A. f. leucogaster", found in southwestern Western Australia
*"A. f. rubeculus", found in northeastern Queensland


The Yellow-footed Antechinus has a variable fur colour, but is generally somewhat greyish. Other notable features include a white eye-ring and a black tip to the tail.Citation|last=Van Dyck|first=S.M.|contribution=Yellow-footed Antechinus|title=The Mammals of Australia|year=1995|publisher=Reed Books|pages=86-88|editor-first=Ronald|editor-last=Strahan|id=ISBN 0-7301-0484-2] In size and body shape this species is fairly typical of its genus.

The Yellow-footed Antechinus differs from its relatives in its comparatively diurnal habits.cite book|first=Peter|last=Menkhorst|year=2001|title=A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia|publisher=Oxford University Press|pages=54] The mating season lasts for two weeks either in August, for southern animals; in October, for animals from southern Queensland; or in June-July, for north Queensland animals. The diet is invertebrates, eggs, nectar and sometimes small vertebrates.

Distribution and habitat

The Yellow-footed Antechinus is found from around the Mount Lofty Ranges in South Australia to around Eungella in Queensland, with the exception of most of coastal New South Wales and Victoria. Isolated populations occur in northeastern Queensland and in southwestern Western Australia.

The Yellow-footed Antechinus occupies a variety of habitats, including dry arid scrubland and sclerophyll forest. In the north, it also inhabits coastal heaths, swamps and woodland; in the far north it is found in tropical vine forest.


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