- Hypostasis (linguistics)
linguistics , a hypostasis, from the Greek word ὑπόστασις [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0057%3Aentry%3D%23109195] meaning "foundation", "base" or "that which stands behind" is a relationship between a name and a known quantity, as a cultural personification (i.e.objectification with personality) of an entity or quality. It often connotes the personification of typically elemental powers, such as wind and fire, or human life, fertility, and death.In descriptive linguistics, the term was first introduced by
Leonard Bloomfield to account for uses ofsynsemantic words asautosemantic in sentences such as "I'm tired of your buts and ifs". In this sense, the usage meaning of the word is referred to as a whole.The term "hypostasis" is considered to be scientifically and culturally neutral, for the purpose of describing name-to-term relationships that, within
religion andtheology might be termed a "deification ," or otherwise by the more pejorative "idolatry ." The concept of "hypostasis" functions as a kind ofconceptual inverse for terms which may have originated as personal names, and have linguistically evolved to become common terms for general concepts and qualities.
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