Haiti — During the years of French and Spanish colonial rule, Roman Catholicism became the dominant religion in Haiti. However, West African religion remained a strong influence among the descendants of African slaves who make up almost the entire… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Protestantism by country — The following is a list of Protestants by country. For the purposes of this list, Protestant includes the following denominations: Assemblies of God, Anglican/Episcopalian (not always reckoned as Protestant), Baptist, Church of God, Church of the … Wikipedia
Christianity in Haiti — Haiti saw the introduction of Christianity when Europeans arrived to colonize the island. It was first introduced by the Spanish, later followed by French colonialists. The primary brand of Christianity was Catholicism, and this has intermingled… … Wikipedia
Haiti — /hay tee/, n. 1. Formerly, Hayti. a republic in the West Indies occupying the W part of the island of Hispaniola. 6,611,407; 10,714 sq. mi. (27,750 sq. km). Cap.: Port au Prince. 2. Also, Hayti. a former name of Hispaniola. * * * Haiti… … Universalium
Culture of Haiti — The culture of Haiti is primarily a culture that has strong West African roots, as well as strong French roots due to the French colonization of Haiti, as is evidenced in the Haitian language, music and religion. The culture also encompasses… … Wikipedia
Demographics of Haiti — Population of Haiti (in thousands) from 1961 to 2003 Although Haiti averages approximately 255 people per square kilometer (650 per sq. mi.), its population is concentrated most heavily in urban areas, coastal plains, and valleys. About 80 85% of … Wikipedia
Evangelical Baptist Mission of South Haiti — Part of a series on Baptists … Wikipedia
Caribbean — Protestantism entered the Caribbean as part of the Dutch and English attempt to challenge Spanish hegemony. The elimination of most of the native inhabitants (Caribs, Arawaks) in the 16th century and their replacement by African slaves, and… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
bishops — The office of bishop (Greek episcopos) emerged slowly over the first centuries of the Christian church. In New Testament times, a bishop was hardly distinct from what is termed elsewhere an elder (Greek presbyteros). By the 16th century, the… … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Potter, Philip A. — (b. 1921) Methodist minister and ecumenical leader Philip A. Potter was born on August 12, 1921, in Roseau, Dominica. In 1944, he entered Caenwood Theological Seminary in Jamaica. After completing his training for the Methodist ministry, he … Encyclopedia of Protestantism