Jacqui Dean

Jacqui Dean

Infobox MP

honorific-prefix =
name =Jacqui Dean
honorific-suffix =
caption =
constituency_MP =Otago
parliament =New Zealand
majority =1995
term_start =8 November 2005
term_end =
predecessor =David Parker
successor =
birth_date =birth date and age|1957|05|13
birth_place =Palmerston North, New Zealand
death_date =
death_place =
nationality =
party =National Party
spouse =Bill Dean
relations =
children =
residence =Oamaru
alma_mater =
occupation =
profession =
religion =

website =http://jacquidean.co.nz
footnotes =

Jacqueline Isobel (Jacqui) Dean (born 13 May 1957 in Palmerston North) is a New Zealand politician and the current Member of Parliament for the Otago electorate.

Early career

Dean has worked in a number of roles, including professional acting. She is perhaps best known as a former host of "Play School", a children's television program, but has also acted on stage and been a radio announcer. She has also worked in the education sector.

Early in Dean's political career, she served on the Waitaki District Council, representing the Oamaru ward. She also unsuccessfully contested the mayoralty.

Member of parliament

In the 2005 election, she was the National Party's successful candidate for the Otago seat, a traditional National stronghold which had unexpectedly been taken by the Labour Party's David Parker. Dean has campaigned on water issues, saying in her maiden speech to parliament that she believed water to be the "single most important issue facing New Zealand today". [Dean 2005.]

She is currently a member of the Local Government and Environment Committee. Her official roles are Spokesperson, Archives New Zealand and Associate Spokesperson, Environment and RMA. She has no official role on drug issues,New Zealand Parliament MPs - Jacqui Dean.] though many of her press releases focus on drug use. [Dean - Press Releases]

Drug policy

Jacqui Dean speaks for New Zealand National Party on drug issues, although she has no official role in this capacity. She has been criticised in this role for indulging in political grandstanding rather than the evidence based policy required by the Misuse of Drugs Act.

'Party pills'

Jacqui Dean campaigned for the banning of the sale of "party pills", namely Benzylpiperazine (BZP), over which Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton (Progressive party) has accused her of indulging in political grandstanding, saying - "Perhaps Mrs Dean doesn't subscribe to the idea that any Government must balance the need to act promptly with its responsibilities to act fairly and follow due process, particularly where its actions affect those who are currently acting within existing legal constraints."Anderton 2007.] Dean's press releases refer to BZP as either "cattle drench" or a "worming agent" [New Zealand National Party 2007-03-22 (Media story)] [Dean 2007b.] . BZP was developed for this use, but has never been commercially used as a wormer or drench.EMCDDA 2007.] [http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/html.cfm/index875EN.html] Evidence that Dean has used to promote the BZP ban (such as the MRINZ report on BZP) has been criticized as consisting of flawed research which does not meet peer review requirements. [Dawson & Wodak 2007.]

alvia divinorum

In November 2007 Jacqui Dean called for the government to take action against "Salvia divinorum", saying - "Salvia divinorum is a hallucinogenic drug, which has been banned in Australia, and yet here in New Zealand it continues to be sold freely." and "Were dealing with a dangerous drug here, with the minister's wait and see approach like playing Russian Roulette with young people's lives." [New Zealand National Party 2007-11-05 (Media story).] In March 2008 she was reportedly pleased on hearing about plans for action against salvia, but saying she was not hopeful it would be fast, given that it had taken the Government two and a-half years to move on BZP. Her concern about salvia was that people were self-medicating with it and combining it with other drugs including alcohol. "I dont think we understand the long-term effects of Salvia divinorum." she said. [Elspeth 2008-03-14 (Media story)]

Opponents of prohibitive Salvia restrictions argue that such reactions are largely due to an inherent prejudice and a particular cultural bias rather than any actual balance of evidence, pointing out inconsistencies in attitudes toward other more toxic and addictive drugs such as alcohol and nicotine. [#noteAlcohol| [i] [Nutt et al. 2007.] While not objecting to some form of regulatory legal control, in particular with regard to the sale to minors or sale of enhanced high-strength extracts, most Salvia proponents otherwise argue against stricter legislation. [#noteSalvia| [ii] [Siebert (Legal status).]

Alcohol and tobacco

When questioned by Maori Party MP Tariana Turia, on why she was unwilling to take the same prohibitory line on smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol as she took on BZP. Ms Dean said - "Alcohol and tobacco have been with our society for many, many years." [Stuff 2007-10-10 (Media story).] It is estimated that alcohol-related conditions account for 3.1% of all male deaths and 1.41% of all female deaths in New Zealand. [New Zealand Ministry of Health]

Dean's Otago electorate is also home to approximately 5% of New Zealand's wine production, described by the New Zealand Wine Growers Association as a new but aggressively expanding wine area, which is now New Zealand's seventh largest wine region. [NZ Wine Growers 2006.]


In August 2007, as a result of emails from ACT on Campus members based loosely around the well known Dihydrogen monoxide hoax, she sent a letter to Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton, asking if there were any plans to ban "Dihydrogen Monoxide", apparently not realizing that this is water.Stuff 2007-09-13 (Media story).] [Dean 2007a.]

In September 2007, the Social Tonics Association of New Zealand (STANZ) called for Jacqui Dean to step down from speaking on drug issues after she demonstrated - "a lack of credibility in calling for the ban of dihydrogen monoxide (water.)" STANZ Chairman Matt Bowden said - "The DHMO hoax played on the member this week is not a joke, it highlights a serious issue at the heart of drug policy making. Ms Dean demonstrated aban anything moderately harmfulreflex. This approach is just downright dangerous." - "Jacqui Dean has clearly demonstrated a lack of credibility in her requests to the Minister to consider banning water; She has also seriously embarrassed her National Party colleagues who can no longer have confidence in her petitions to ban BZP or anything else."Social Tonics Association 2007-09-15 (Media story).]

When interviewed on the radio by Marcus Lush on September 14, 2007, she referred to the members of ACT on Campus as "left wingers". She also suggested that there was no lessons to be learned from her attempts to call for a ban on water. [Dean 2007c.]


  1. ^ The worldwide number of alcohol related deaths is calculated at over 2,000 people per day, [Lopez 2005, Table 2.] in the US for example the number is over 300 deaths per day. [NIAAA 2001.]
  2. ^ Those advocating consideration of Salvia divinorum's potential for beneficial use in a modern context argue that more could be learned from Mazatec culture, where Salvia is not really associated with notions of drug taking at all and it is rather considered as a spiritual sacrament. In light of this it is argued that Salvia divinorum could be better understood more positively as an entheogen rather than pejoratively as a hallucinogen. [Blosser (Mazatec Lessons).]



*cite web
author = Anderton, Jim
year = 2007
month = Apr
title = Jacqui Dean indulging in political grandstanding
url = http://www.progressive.org.nz/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2674
publisher = Progressive Party Website
accessdate = 2007-11-05

*cite web
last = Blosser
first = Brett
title = Lessons in The Use of Mazatec Psychoactive Plants
publisher = The Salvia divinorum Research and Information Center
url = http://www.sagewisdom.org/lessons.html
accessdate = 2007-10-19

*cite web
author = Dawson, Michael; Wodak, Alex
year = 2007
month = Apr
title = RE. Draft report on the BZP/TFMPP and alcohol safety study
url = http://www.savethepills.com/MRINZreview.pdf
publisher = access UTS
accessdate = 2008-02-26

*cite web
author = Dean, Jacqui
title = Press Releases
url = http://jacquidean.co.nz/index.php?/pages/news.html
publisher = Jacqui Dean
work = Personal Website
accessdate= 2008-02-27

*cite web
author = Dean, Jacqui
year = 2005
month = Nov
title = Maiden Speech to Parliament
url = http://www.national.org.nz/Article.aspx?articleId=5519
publisher = New Zealand National Party

title=Letter to Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton re Dihydrogen Monoxide

*cite journal
author = Dean, Jacqui
year = 2007b
month = Sep
title = Misuse of Drugs (Classification of BZP) Amendment BillFirst Reading
url = http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/PB/Debates/Debates/f/2/5/48HansD_20070911_00000731-Misuse-of-Drugs-Classification-of-BZP-Amendment.htm
journal = Order Paper, Debates (Hansard), Questions, Daily Progress, Journals
volume = 642
pages = 11714
publisher = New Zealand Parliament
accessdate = 2008-02-26
format = dead link|date=June 2008 – [http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3AMisuse+of+Drugs+%28Classification+of+BZP%29+Amendment+Bill+%E2%80%94+First+Reading&as_publication=Order+Paper%2C+Debates+%28Hansard%29%2C+Questions%2C+Daily+Progress%2C+Journals&as_ylo=2007b&as_yhi=2007b&btnG=Search Scholar search]

*cite web
author = Dean, Jacqui
year = 2007c
month = Sep
title = LUSH~talks to National MP Jacqui Dean about being caught out a long-running hoax designed to trick MPs into supporting a ban on water
url = http://www.radiolive.co.nz/AudioPodcasts/tabid/109/Default.aspx?filtdt731=5&cat=2
publisher = LUSH Radio
accessdate = 2008-02-26

*cite paper
author = EMCDDA
year = 2007
title = Risk Assessment Report of a new psychoactive substance: 1-benzylpiperazine (BZP)
url = https://ednd-cma.emcdda.europa.eu/assets/upload/Risk_Assessment_Report_BZP.pdf
publisher = The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
format = PDF
accessdate= 2008-02-27

*cite web
author = Goode, Dr Richard
year = 2007
month = Apr
title = Libertarianz: Mind Your Own Business, Jacqui Dean
url = http://www.libertarianz.org.nz/?libzpr=457
publisher = Libertarianz Party
accessdate = 2008-02-27

*cite journal
author = Lopez, Alan D
year = 2005
month = Apr
title = The evolution of the Global Burden of Disease framework for disease, injury and risk factor quantification: developing the evidence base for national, regional and global public health action
url = http://www.globalizationandhealth.com/content/1/1/5
journal = Globalization and Health
volume = 1
issue = 5
publisher = BioMed Central Ltd
doi = 10.1186/1744-8603-1-5
pmid = 15847690
pages = 5
- [http://www.globalizationandhealth.com/content/1/1/5/table/T2 Table 2] . Global burden of disease and injury attributable to selected risk factors, 1990.

*cite web
author = New Zealand Ministry of Health
title = Alcohol in New Zealand
url = http://www.moh.govt.nz/alcohol
publisher = New Zealand Ministry of Health Publications
accessdate= 2008-02-26

*cite web
author = New Zealand Parliament MPs
title = Jacqui Dean, Member for Otago, National Party
url = http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/MPP/MPs/MPs/d/3/8/48MP127311-Dean-Jacqui.htm
work = Members of Parliament
publisher = New Zealand Parliament
accessdate= 2008-02-27

*cite web
author = New Zealand Wine Growers
year = 2006
title = Central Otago
url = http://www.nzwine.com/regions/
work = Otaga Region, with [http://www.nzwine.com/statistics/vineyard.php3 regional statistical tables 1997-2006]
publisher = New Zealand Wine
accessdate = 2008-03-02

*cite web
author = NIAAA
year = 2001
month = Aug
title = Number of deaths and age-adjusted death rates per 100,000 population for categories of alcohol-related (A-R) mortality, United States and States, 1979-96.
url = http://www.niaaa.nih.gov/Resources/DatabaseResources/QuickFacts/Other/armort01.htm
work = Database Resources / Statistical Tables
publisher = National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

date=Mar 2007
title=Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse
journal=The Lancet

*cite web
title=The Legal Status of Salvia divinorum
publisher=The Salvia divinorum Research and Information Center

*cite web
author = Stargate (press release)
year = 2006
month = Jan
title = Party pills: BZP safety review
url = http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/BU0601/S00187.htm
publisher = Scoop - Business
accessdate = 2008-03-02

News references

*cite news
author = Mclean, Elspeth
title = Ban on BZP nears, salvia targeted
url = http://www.odt.co.nz/article.php?refid=2008,03,14,3,00300,d5f2f345e1bd5601f85f7c01890d4023&sect=4
publisher = Otago Daily Times
date = 2008-03-14

*cite news
author = New Zealand National Party (Press Release)
title = Govt Sits Back On Salvia Divinorum Sales
url = http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0711/S00052.htm
publisher = Scoop - Parliament
date = 2007-11-05

*cite news
author = New Zealand National Party (Press Release)
title = Party pills - a bad export
url = http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA0703/S00448.htm
publisher = Scoop - Parliament
date = 2007-03-22

*cite news
author = Stuff (NZPA)
title = MP slams BZP as gateway drug, cause of psychosis
url = http://www.stuff.co.nz/4232873a11.html
publisher = Stuff National News Story (Fairfax New Zealand)
date = 2007-10-10

*cite news
author = Social Tonics Association (Press Release)
title = Water banning reflex no joke
url = http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0709/S00211.htm
publisher = Scoop - Politics
date = 2007-09-15
accessdate= 2007-11-05

*cite news
author = Stuff (NZPA)
title = National MP falls victim to water hoax
url = http://www.stuff.co.nz/4200797a6160.html
publisher = NZPA
date = 2007-09-13
accessdate= 2007-09-13

General references

* [http://www.parliament.nz/en-NZ/MPP/MPs/MPs/d/3/8/48MP127311-Dean-Jacqui.htm New Zealand Parliament - Dean, Jacqui]

External links

* [http://jacquidean.co.nz/ Offical site]

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