

Nobel (phonetic: [nobél]) can mean:

  • Nobel Prize, awarded annually since 1901, from the bequest of Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel
The Nobel family
  • Alfred Nobel, (1833-1896), the inventor of dynamite, instituted the Nobel Prizes
  • Immanuel Nobel, (1801-1872), father of Ludvig and Alfred Nobel
  • Robert Nobel, (1829-1896), brother of Alfred Nobel, pioneer of the oil industry
  • Ludvig Nobel, (1831-1888), brother of Alfred Nobel, founder of Branobel and its first president
  • Emil Oskar Nobel, (1843-1864), brother of Alfred Nobel
  • Emanuel Nobel, (1859-1932), son of Ludvig Nobel and Branobel's second president
  • Marta Helena Nobel-Oleinikoff, (1881-1973), daughter of Ludvig Nobel
  • Claes Nobel, great grandnephew of Alfred
  • Nobel Brothers Museum, in Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Baku Nobel Heritage Fund, established in 2004 as a civil initiative to restore the Nobel brothers' heritage in Baku
  • Nobel Family Museum, in Rybinsk, Russia
  • Branobel, or The Petroleum Production Company Nobel Brothers, Limited, an oil industry founded by Ludvig Nobel
  • Nobelite, an employee of the Nobel family's companies
  • Nobelium, a synthetic element with the symbol No and atomic number 102, named after Alfred Nobel
  • Nobel Industries (Scotland), a UK chemicals company founded by Alfred Nobel
  • Nobel Industries (Sweden) - UK chemicals company founded by Alfred Nobel, merged in 1994 with Akzo.
  • Nobel Biocare, a bio-tech company, formerly a subsidiary of Nobel Industries
  • Akzo Nobel, the result of the merger between Akzo and Nobel Industries in 1994
  • Nobel, Ontario, a village located in Ontario, Canada.
  • Nobel (crater), a crater on the far side of the Moon
  • Fuldamobil a German car, manufactured under license in the U.K. and Chile as the Nobel.
  • The Nobel School, a Secondary School in Stevenage, England.
  • The Nobel Ice (Fabergé egg)
  • Nobel (typeface), a geometric, sans-serif typeface.

See also

  • Noble (disambiguation)

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  • nobel — nobel …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • NOBEL (A.) — NOBEL ALFRED (1833 1896) La poudre noire et le coton poudre sont les seuls explosifs pratiquement employés, quand Ascanio Sobrero découvre en 1846, à Turin, la nitroglycérine (1846). L’action de l’acide azotique sur la glycérine, elle même… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Nobel — 1. Nombre de los premios instituidos por el químico sueco Alfred Nobel. En su lengua de origen, el sueco, es palabra aguda ([nobél]), y así se recomienda pronunciarla en español, a pesar de que la pronunciación llana [nóbel] está muy extendida,… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • nobel — (plural nobel) sustantivo masculino 1. Premio de la fundación Alfred Nobel a científicos, hombres de letras o personas que se han destacado en ciertas actividades: La fundación le ha dado el Nobel de Física. premio nobel. 2. Persona ganadora de… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • nobel — ● nobel nom Personne qui a reçu le prix Nobel. Nobel (Alfred) (1833 1896) chimiste suédois; inventeur de la dynamite. Il fit don de sa fortune pour la création des prix Nobel qui, depuis 1901, récompensent les bienfaiteurs de l humanité dans les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • nobel — Adj std. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. noble gleicher Bedeutung, zunächst mit französischer Schreibung. Das Wort stammt aus l. nōbilis adelig, vornehm (eigentlich kenntlich, bekannt ), zu l. nōscere kennenlernen .    Ebenso nndl. nobel …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • nobel — Adj. (Aufbaustufe) geh.: Anstand und Würde zeigend Synonyme: großmütig, edel (geh.), großherzig (geh.), hochherzig (geh.) Beispiel: Er hat einen noblen Charakter. Kollokation: nobel aussehen nobel Adj. (Oberstufe) ugs.: von jmds. Großzügigkeit… …   Extremes Deutsch

  • nobel — adj. 2 g. s. m. 1. Diz se de ou prêmio atribuído por uma fundação sueca a pessoas que se distinguem em algumas áreas científicas, artísticas ou sociais. • s. 2 g. 2. Pessoa que recebeu esse prêmio. • Sinônimo geral: NÓBEL   ‣ Etimologia: [Alfred] …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • nóbel — adj. 2 g. s. 2 g. s. m. O mesmo que nobel.   ‣ Etimologia: [Alfred] Nobel, antropônimo [químico sueco] …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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