

Artemon (fl. ca. 230 AD), a prominent Christian teacher in Rome, who held Adoptionist, or Nontrinitarian views, about whose life little is known for certain.

He is mentioned as the leader of a nontrinitarian sect at Rome in the third century. He is spoken of by Eusebius of Caesarea ["Ecclesiastical History", V.28.] as the forerunner of Paul of Samosata, an opinion confirmed by the acts of a council held at Antioch in 264, which connect the two names as united in mutual communion and support. Eusebius and Theodoret ["Haer. Fab.", II,4; V,2.] describe his teaching as a denial of Christ's divinity and an assertion that he was a mere man, the falsification of Scripture, and an appeal to tradition in support of his errors. Both authors mention refutations: Eusebius an untitled work, Theodoret one known as "The Little Labyrinth", which has been attributed to a Roman priest named Caius, and more recently to Hippolytus of Rome, the supposed author of the "Philosophoumena".




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