- List of futures exchanges
This is a list of
futures exchange s. Thosestock exchange s that also offer trading infutures contract s besides trading in securities are listed both here and the list of stock exchanges.North America
Montreal Exchange
*Winnipeg Commodity Exchange USA
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
*Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME):
**Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) [Merged, July 2007]
**International Monetary Market (IMM) [Merged]
**New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) [Acquired, August 2008]
*Chicago Climate Exchange
*Intercontinental Exchange (ICE):
**New York Board of Trade (NYBOT)
*TradeSports [unregulated]
*Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT)
*Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX)
*OneChicago [Single-stock futures (SSF's) and Futures on ETFs]
*U.S. Futures Exchange (USFE)Mexico
Mexican Derivatives Exchange (MexDer)Europe
*European Climate Exchange
*OMX Austria
Österreichische Termin-und Optionenbörse (ÖTOB)Belgium
* BELFOX (Belgian Futures & Options Exchange)
Czech Republic
* PSE (Prague Stock Exchange) [http://www.pse.cz]
Risk Management Exchange (RMX), previously called Warenterminbörse Hannover (Commodity Exchange Hannover, WTB)Greece
* ADEX (Athens Derivatives Exchange) [http://www.adex.ase.gr]
Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) [http://www.bse.hu]Italy
* IDEM (Italian Derivatives Equity Market) [http://www.borsaitalia.it/]
WGT (Warsaw Commodity Exchange) [http://www.wgt.com.pl/]
*GPW (Warsaw Stock Exchange) [http://www.gpw.com.pl]Portugal
* BDP (Porto Derivatives Exchange)
Bursa de Valori Bucureşti (BVB) (Bucharest Stock Exchange) [http://www.bvb.ro/]
*Bursa Romana de Marfuri (BRM) [http://www.brm.ro/]
*Sibiu Monetary Financial and Commodities Exchange (BMFMS) [http://www.bmfms.ro/]Russia
Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) [http://www.micex.com/]
* Futures & Options RTS (Russian Trading System) (FORTS) [http://www.forts.ru/]pain
* Mercado Oficial Español de Futuros y Opciones (MEFF) [http://www.meff.com/ing/indexi.htm]
* SOFFEX (Swiss Options & Financial Futures Exchange)
* Turkish Derivatives Exchange [http://www.turkdex.org.tr]
United Kingdom
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE Futures)
*London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE), precursor toEuronext.liffe
*London Metal Exchange (LME)
* NYMEX Europe [http://www.nymexeurope.co.uk/]Asia
Mercantile Exchange Nepal Limited (MEX) [http://www.mexnepal.com]
*Commodities & Metal Exchange Nepal Limited (COMEN) [http://www.comexnepal.com]China
Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) [http://www.dce.com.cn/portal/en/index.jsp]
*Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) [http://www.shfe.com.cn/Ehome/index.jsp]
*Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE) [http://english.czce.com.cn/]
*China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) [http://www.cffex.com.cn/] Future stock exchange and derivative board of india recorded pre quarterly growth of 3.04% over last years measle 0.04% due to liquidity crunch hitting the contemprory lending rates.Hong Kong
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx)
**Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) [merged]
**Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKSE) [merged]India
National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) [http://www.nseindia.com/]
*Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) [http://www.bseindia.com/]
*Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX) [http://www.mcxindia.com/]
*National Multi Commodity Exchange of India (NMCE) [http://www.nmce.com/]
*National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) [http://www.ncdex.com/]
* Complete list of Futures Exchanges in India [http://www.fmc.gov.in/htmldocs/exchanges/exchange_list.htm]Indonesia
Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) [http://www.bbj-jfx.com/]Iran
International Oil Bourse Japan
Central Japan Commodity Exchange (C-COM)
*Kansai Commodities Exchange (KEX)
*Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE)
*Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM)
*Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)
* Tokyo Grain Exchange (TGE) [http://www.tge.or.jp]
**Yokohama Commodity Exchange (Y-COM)(merged,2006)
*Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX)Korea
Korea Exchange (KRX), formed from merger of :* KSE: Korea Stock Exchange: Stock Market Division; :* KOFEX: Korea Options & Futures Exchange: Derivatives Division; :*KOSDAQ : Technology Stocks: Growth Stocks Market Division.Malaysia
Bursa Malaysia [http://www.mdex.com.my/]Pakistan
Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) [http://kse.com.pk]
*National Commodity Exchange Limited (NCEL) [http://www.ncel.com.pk/]ingapore
Singapore Commodity Exchange (SICOM)
*Singapore Exchange (SGX)Taiwan
Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) [http://www.taifex.com.tw/eng/eng_home.htm]United Arab Emirates
Dubai International Financial Exchange (DIFX) [http://www.difc.ae/exchange/]
* Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange (DGCX) [http://www.dgcx.ae]
*Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME) [http://www.dubaimerc.com]outh America
MATba Mercado a Termino de Buenos Aires
* ROFEX (Rosario Futures Exchange)Brazil
Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange (BM&F)
*Maringá Mercantile and Futures Exchange Oceania
Australian Securities Exchange New Zealand
New Zealand Exchange
*New Zealand Futures & Options Exchange Africa
outh Africa
South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX)ee also
List of stock exchanges
*List of stock market indices
*Stock exchange External links
* [http://www.numa.com/ref/exchange.htm List of Futures & Options Exchanges]
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