

SUMI refers to "Sourcing Unit Managed Inventory" a web application used by Unilever for regional sourcing throughout the world. There are many versions of SUMI in the web for different regions but the most prominent among them is Ametsumi for Asia and the AMET region.For regional sourcing SUMI is driven by the Sourcing Units that is factories hence the name SUMI. It helps in reliable planning, forecasting and works as a communication tool between the SU and the MSO(Marketing and sales organization) when previously there was none but email exchange.It has also been inbuilt with lots of Key Performance Indicators the primary among them being the ICCFOT(Inter Company Case Fill on Time) a parameter used to measure the efficiency of the entire supply chain.

Sumi is a word for a form of activated charcoal that is used in a wide range of applications, from grand-scale river clean-up to the purification of individual glasses of drinking water using little sumi “tea-bags”. Domestic use of sumi has become increasingly popular in Japan owing to its remarkable properties, including bacteria reduction, improved ionization (air purification), and high levels of liquid and gas permeability. Popular applications include floristry (reducing algae in vases), gardening (as a slow release for water and nutrients), home air purification (absorbing bad smells), and in fish tanks (reducing the risk of rot in aquatic plants & fish).

Sumi charcoal is produced by firing certain species of hardwood (including cedar, cypress, oak or bamboo) in clay kilns at temperatures of up to 1000 degrees celsius for as long as ten days. Unlike the ordinary charcoal used at a barbecue, sumi retains the natural shape of the raw wood while becoming harder and denser. After being removed from the kiln, washed and properly prepared, Sumi has the appearance and feel of polished stone.

Sumi also refers to the ink used for writing with a writing brush, particularly in calligraphy, a style called sumi-e in Japan.

The Philosophy of Sumi-e is contrast and harmony, expressing simple beauty and elegance. The Tai Chi diagram demonstrates the perfectly balanced interchange of the two dynamically opposed forces of the Universe, the dot represents integration.Sumi-e employs these principles of nature's vitality in its design and execution. The balance and integration of these forces and the eternal interaction of Yin Yang are the ultimate goal of Sumi-e. The art of brush painting, aims to depict the spirit, rather than the semblance of the object. In creating a picture the artist must grasp the spirit of the subject. Sumi-e attempts to capture the Chi or "life spirit" of the subject, painting in the language of the spirit.Patience is essential in brush painting. Balance, rhythm and harmony are the qualities the artist strives for by developing patience, self-discipline and concentration.The goal of the brush painter is to use the brush with both vitality and restraint. Constantly striving to be a better person because his character and personality come through in his work.

Sumi also means "Software Usability Measurement Inventory" which is a commercial questionnaire and analysing solution for determining the usability of software. more information on [] .

Sumi or Sumis are one of the major tribes in the north-eastern state of Nagaland in India. known as the "martial" tribe or the "warrior" tribe, the Sumis are well known for their bravery and skill in fighting. They are sub-divided again into different clans often named after one of their forefathers. Example, The Kinimi clan, The Yepthomi clan, The Zhimomi clan etc. The headquarters of the sumis is Zunheboto district in Nagaland.

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