Doctor Liberalium Artium

Doctor Liberalium Artium

The Doctor Liberalium Artium or Doctor of Liberal Arts degree (D.L.A.) is a professional artistic doctorate in the field of the Liberal Arts or more exactly in the field of the creative arts, such us architecture, dance, music, theater and visual arts. Like other doctorates, is an academic degree of the highest level. In the academic world, the DLA degree is an honor and a prerequisite to become a qualified instructor. It is equivalent to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctorates in Creative Arts (DCA) degree. The D.L.A. is intended for artists who wish to combine the highest attainments in their area of specialization with doctoral-level academic study in the field of the creative arts.

D.L.A. students of music typically complete applied studies culminating in several solo recitals, take courses within their area of specialization (as well as related courses in music theory and music history), and write a thesis or dissertation.

In the field of the visual arts it is the joint intention of the artist professors teaching on the program to give young artists the chance to develop into creative individuals, through intensive studio practice, in which they have the chance to study the materials, tools, theory and methodology of professional practice at a high level. The three-year doctoral program leads to the DLA degree (Practical PhD) in the fields of painting, sculpture, graphics, graphic design, intermedia, and restoration. The works produced during these studies, and the final master works, are regularly exhibited.

The D.L.A. program is generally designed to prepare students to be artist-performers, creative artists, instructors and conductors in either university settings, or in the professional arena.

Universities which can granted DLA degree

The Doctor Liberalium Artium is granted at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary.

The Fine Art Doctoral Program of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts at the University of Pécs was the first in Hungary to offer doctoral degrees in the fine arts. Now next to it the Doctor of Liberal Arts is granted at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design and at the University of Theater and Film in Budapest.

See also

External links

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