Fraus (genus)

Fraus (genus)

name = "Fraus"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Lepidoptera
familia = Hepialidae
genus = "Fraus"
genus_authority = Walker, 1856
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Fraus" is a genus of moths of the family Hepialidae. There are 25 described species, all endemic to Australia.


*"F. basicornis"
*"F. basidispina"
*"F. bilineata"
*"F. biloba"
*"F. crocea"
*"F. distispina"
*"F. furcata"
*"F. griseomaculata"
*"F. latistria" - Broad-striped Ghost Moth
*"F. linogyna"
*"F. marginispina"
*"F. mediaspina"
*"F. megacornis"
*"F. minima"
*"F. nanus"
*"F. orientalis"
*"F. pelagia"
*"F. pilosa"
*"F. polyspila"
*"F. pteromela"
*"F. quadrangular"
*"F. serrata"
*"F. simulans" - Lesser Ghost Moth:*Larva feeds on grasses
*"F. tedi"

External links

* [ Hepialidae genera]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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