Herman Bemberg

Herman Bemberg

Herman Bemberg (29 March, 1859 - 21 July, 1931) [Baker, Theodore; rev. by Nicolas Slonimsky (1978) "Baker's Biographical dictionary of musicians - 6th ed." New York: Schirmer Books, 138.] was a French musical composer.

He was born in Paris of German Argentine parents and studied at the Paris Conservatoire, under Massenet, whose influence, with that of Gounod, is strongly marked in his music. He won the Rossini prize in 1885. As a composer, he was known by numerous songs and pieces for the piano, as well as by his cantata "La Mort de Jeanne d'Arc" (1886), comic opera "Le Baiser de Suzon" (1888), and grand opera "Elaine" (produced at Covent Garden in 1892). Among his songs the dramatic recitative "Ballade du Desespere" was well known, and "Chant Hindou" was quite popular and frequently included in anthologies. He died in Bern, Switzerland.



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