Women in Photography International

Women in Photography International

Women In Photography International, WIPI, was founded in [1981] to promote the visibility of women working in the Photographic Arts. As an educational nonprofit organization, WIPI provides member benefits that accommodate changing interests and needs as we head into our third decade as a resource for the international photographic community.



*1981 - Created and obtained non-profit 501.c.3 educational status. 1st WIP Members Exhibition at the Cityscape Photo Gallery in Pasadena, July-August 1981.

*1982 - Mary McNally presented her Historical Survey of Women Photographers, Sept. 1982.

*1983 - Eve Arnold, with the help of the Vivitar Corporation, spoke to WIP while in LA promoting her book, In America at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre, 1983...

*1984 - WIPI Program People Who Hire Photographers, which featured 6 art directors from major agencies, consumer stores and magazines, May 1984...

*1985 - Linda Wolf took on the task of coordinating the 1985 WIP Workshop Series. First juried, biannual exhibition spearheaded by photographer E.K.Waller, resulting in two exhibition at The LA Photo Center and The Women's Building, Los Angeles, California.

*1986 - Presented several programs beginning with the educational Getting Your Work Shown lecture by Josine Ianco Starrels and followed by An Evening with Victoria Pearson, LA's leading fashion photographer.

*1987 - Another major competition. Again curated by E. K. Waller and assisted by WIPI's Director, Nancy Clendaniel. Women Photographers in America was presented at the LA Municipal Art Gallery, and included fine art images in many sizes and shapes - even leaping into three-dimensional forms with bus bench murals by Linda Wolf. Judy Coleman presented her unique self-portrait imagery at the Barnsdall Gallery Theatre, and Linda McCartney was the first of our Distinguished Photographers to receive her portfolio award in the made-for WIP custom leather case designed by the NY portfolio maker Brewer/Cantelmo.

*1988 - Mary Ellen Mark was nominated for WIP's Distinguished Photographer Award. We also presented the program Getting Published," a collaboration between publisher Maureen Michelson, NewSage Press and photographer Kenna Love whose work was featured in the NewSage book EXPOSURES: Women and their Art. We closed the year with a spectacular program presented at Paris Photo Lab/LA by Maria Piscopo on Marketing & Self-Promotion.

*1989 - The year of WIPI International . The inaugural opening at The Pacific Grove Art Center on the Monterey Peninsula, proved that WIP is no longer a group of California artists. With winning photographers hailing for the US, Canada, Thailand and Sweden, WIPI took the major step to becoming an international organization dedicated to promoting the visibility of women photographers and their work. Curated by Linda Bellon Fisher and designed by Cloyce Wall from Carmel, the opening reception was attended by over 500 people. In 1989 Jean Ferro's self-portrait work Eye To Eye was presented at Paris Photo Lab with additional support from A&I Color Lab and Fuji Photo Film, Inc.

*1990 - Joyce Tenneson accepted our Distinguished Photographer Award and the year that WIP International traveled to three major photographic centers: The Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, WA; The Portland School of Art, Portland, ME; and The National Centre for Photography, The Royal Photographic Society, Bath, England. It was also the year that the symposium The Women Behind the Images became a coinciding event with WIPI, allowing photographers to come together to share their work with artists from around the world.

*1991 - WIPI opened in Stockholm, and then moved on to the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, Sicily. WIPI stepped into its second decade, and a New Year in which people around the world worked together more than ever to maintain peace health and prosperity...Director Nancy Clendaniel, Director from 1987 - Spring 2000

Rejuvenation - from 1998

*1998 - After a long hiatus, Jean Ferro and Nancy Clendaniel began the process to renew WIPI again, advancing its growth as an online resource center [www.WomenInPhotography.org]

*1999 - WIPI established as online resource - Year end 1999, WIPI launched its premiere issue NOV 1999.

*2000 - April, Jean Ferro, photo artist, became President of WIPI replacing past president, Alexandra Milovanovich. Sylvia White, photographer (and long time member since 1982), became Treasurer, and Helen K. Garber, photographer, became Secretary. Amie Vanderford, photographer and technical advisor, became our webmaster.

With its new found strength and global outreach, WIPI is now one of the most prominent organizations for women photographers. WIPI's online resource serves the needs of photographers, photo educators, photography students, gallery owners and photographic organizations around the world.

*2001 - WIPI's 20th Anniversary Exhibition International Tea Time: Images of Women, Images of Tea October 10 through November 15, House of Photographic Art in San Juan Capistrano with plans for travel to throughout the USA and internationally. A commemorative CD and Poster are available for purchase from the exhibition.

*2002 - Expansion of website and announcement of new committees. Joanne Warfield became Secretary. Stuart Vail designed WIPI's new Homepage & Gallery, and Ludivine Martin became Webmaster Assistant.

New Committees Created Director of Exhibitions, Joanne Warfield expanding WIPI's exhibition outreach
*Cat Jimenez, Funding Outreach
*Carrie Mae Weems joins WIPI Advisory Board
*Susan Scafati, NY Press Representative
*Received City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs grant
*Received Kodak Foundation grant
*Received Epson product support

**Peter Palmquist 1936 - 2003 historian and founder of the Women In Photography International Archive
**Expansion of website, addition of Member Photo Profiles, reactivation of Message Board
**Exhibition Highlights, Start April, New York City
**Carrie Villines, Webmaster assist
**July-August - Peter E. Palmquist Collection transferred to the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale
**Peter Palmquist Founder of the Women In Photography International Archive, collaborated with WIPI to revitalize the organization in 1999 and become WIPI's behind the scenes silent partner. Provided WIPI with his bibliography of over 23,000 women photographers. Peter's archive is now established as the Peter E. Palmquist Collection of Western American and Women's Photography at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University, New Haven Connecticut. Peter provided WIPI with Historical Profiles and the Introduction to the CD of WIPI's 20th Anniversary Exhibition "Tea Time, Images of Women, Images of Tea" Women In Photography Intl as an organization is well represented in the archive, its programs and women photographers
**Established WIPI Member PhotoProfiles connected to Membership Links
**7 December - DISTINGUISHED PHOTOGRAPHERS AWARD - International Photography Awards, WIPI Presentation of Distinguished Photographers Award to Annie Leibovitz, nominees included: Uta Barth, Lillian Bassman, Jodi Cobb, Annie Leibovitz, Helen Levitt, Sally Mann, Annette Messager, Catherine Opie, Cindy Sherman, Carrie Mae Weems, Mariana Yampolsky International Photo Awards Gala Award Banquet

**Advisory Board appointments, Michelle Hill, IPCO, International Photography Copyright Organization, Nancy Clendaniel, past Director and Outreach Director of WIPI
**January - photo l.a. 2004, plus Group trip to Ojai, international call for entries for online juried exhibition, "virtual * visual" curated by Carrie Villines
**Focus on expansion and placement into University
**Sylvia Plachy, Distinguished Photographers Award reciepient, Lucie Awards/American Airlines Theatre /NY

**Decisive Moments, juried virtual online exhibition, curated by Carrie Villines
**Beauty, Camera Eye of the Beholder, juried online virtual exhibition, Curated by Carrie Villines
**Carrie Mae Weems, named as Distinguished Photographer Awardee
**Added Hire-A-WIPI PRO section

**25th Anniversary Juried online and print collection exhibition and Kodak.com sponsored book, curated by Jean Ferro
**The Portrait, juried online exhibition
**New category addition to website HOME page, Spotlight Gallery

**2007 Juried online Competition, curated by Jean Ferro

**Top 100 photographers named for Distinguished Photographers Award

Past Activities

Distinguished Photographer's Award

Established to give recognition to an artist who has contributed significantly to the world of photography.

Past recipients include:

*Eve Arnold, 1983
*Ruth Bernhard, 1984
*Judy Dater, 1985
*Marion Post Wolcott, 1986
*Linda McCartney, 1987
*Mary Ellen Mark, 1988
*Ruth Orkin, 1989
*Joyce Tenneson, 1990
*Berenice Abbott, 1991
*Grace Robertson, 1992
*Annie Leibovitz, 2003
*Sylvia Plachy, 2004
*, 2005
*100 Top Photographers 2008

New Photographer's Lecture Series

Established to honor emerging talent in the photographic community, features a discussion and slide presentation of the artist's work, including a question and answer session. Past recipients include: Victoria Pearson Cameron, Jean Ferro, Judy Coleman, Claire Garoutte and Kenna Love.

Educational Programs and Workshops

Aimed at informing the working photographer, the photography student and the photo enthusiast. Past programs include:

People Who Hire Photographers featuring 6 art directors from major photo agencies, consumer stores and magazines.

Women in Photojournalism featuring photojournalist Debra Denker (National Geographic) and Monica Almeida (NY Times)

Getting Your Work Shown Josine Starrels from the G. Ray Hawkins Gallery in Los Angeles, CA

Print Retouching presented by the Los Angeles Photography Center Staff Negotiating and Pricing Strategies presented by Maria Piscopo, marketing consultant and author of The Photographer's Guide to Marketing and Self-Promotion. Foto Fashion featuring fashion photographers Victoria Pearson and Susan Nygeres The Women Behind the Images presented as an addendum to our traveling expo: Women in Photography International. Photographers whose work was included in this exhibition appeared to lecture at various cities on the international tour.



International Tea Time, Images of Women, Images of Tea (WIPI 20th Anniversary Exhibition) San Juan Capistrano, House of Photographic Art (HOPA), JURORS Connie Butler, Curator of Photography MOCA, Joyce Wilson, Photography Professor, Brooks Institute of Photography) sponsored in part by Epson America, MZ Burger/Timex Clocks, NY/ Paris Photo Lab/Los Angeles Oct.1 - Nov. 15, held over until 12/15/01; featured in TheScreamOnline. DVD Tea Time, produced by CHBphoto, directed by Jean Ferro


photo l.a., Invitation & sponsorship by Stephen Cohen Gallery to have a booth at photo l.a. Santa Monica we supported 40 Professional women artists with almost 60 images on the walls or in the bins for collectors to see: curated by Joanne Warfield, Director of Exhibitions, Additional sponsorship by Epson America, Samy's camera and Allworth Books. Jan 17-20,

HOLLYWOOD BOUND, Frances Howard Goldwyn Library, Hollywood, 16 women artists 73 images of Hollywood, sponsored in part by Hollywood Arts Council 1/10/02-4/30/02

PHOTO IMPACT, Santa Monica, CA, Thirty-seven photographs, a selection of WIPI Pro Member images from photo l.a. on display March 15 - June 20th, sponsored by Photo Impact.

kitsch & klick, the art of the toy camera, Pierce College Gallery, Woodland Hills, JURORS: Scott Canty, Curator Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Jean Ferro, President, WIPI, Mary E. Oliver, Director, Pierce College Gallery) 16 women artists and 50 images made with toy cameras. March 23-Apr. 25th Sponsored by the Pierce Gallery Foundation with support from Lomographic Society USA and Freestyle Photographic Supplies. Lecture by Toy camera specialist Patrick Miller

kitsch & klick, the art of the toy camera, travels to Hollywood. Frances Howard Goldwyn, Hollywood Regional Branch Library, May 1 - July 30th. lecture and children's outreach program


photo l.a. 2003, Jan. 2003 30 WIPI PRO member images on display at photo l.a. 2003 and WIPI online

YALE ARCHIVE contribution of member prints to the Peter E. Palmquist Collection of Western American and Women's Photography at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.


photo l.a. 2004, Jan 2004Artist portfolio presentation at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Michele Dugan, Jean Ferro, Stephanie Flack Freyda Miller, Elizabeth Opalenik, Juanita Richeson, special contribution from Ruth Bernhard "Aquinetta With Child"

"virtual * visual", juried online exhibition, curated by WIPI Pro member Carrie Villines. JURORS: Jean Ferro, Photo Artist/WIPI President; Jeanine Fijol, Photo Editor, Photo District News;Graham Howe, Author/Curator/Founder, Curatorial Assistance, Stephen Perloff, Founder/Editor, The Photo Review, Maria Piscopo, Creative Services Consultant; Miriam Romais, Managing Director, En Foco (New York); Niyatee Shinde, Photo Historian/Writer/Curator (India); Stuart Vail, Editor-In-Chief/Publisher, TheScreamOnline.com. Roger C Watson, curator, Fox Talbot Museum of Photography/England (online August 1 through Oct. 2004)


"Decisive Moments" Decisive Moments, Tribute to Cartier Bresson, curated by Carrie Villines,JURORS: Sue Brisk - Editorial Director, Magnum Photos, Howard Greenberg - Owner, Howard Greenberg Gallery / New York ,Lesley Martin - Executive Book Editor, Aperture Foundation, Esther Woerdehoff - Owner, Galerie Esther Woerdehoff / Paris, France ,

"Beauty Camera Eye of the Beholder, curated by Carrie VillinesJURORS: Tyra Banks, Supermodel, TV/Film Producer, Bankable Productions. Founder, TZONE Foundation, Los Angeles, CA ,Abby Bussel, Executive Editor, Architecture magazine, New York, Michael DePirro, Senior Vice President, Group Creative Director, Deutsch Inc, New York ,Suzanne Donaldson, Photography Director, Glamour magazine, New York, Clare Freestone, Assistant Curator of Photographs, National Portrait Gallery, London, Alfonso Gutierrez, Editor/Managing Director, AGE Fotostock, Barcelona Charlie Holland, Director of Photography, Getty Images, Los Angeles, Valerie May, Senior Editor of New Media, National Geographic magazine, Washington DC, Carol McCusker, PhD, Curator of Photography, Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego (MOPA), Anne Telford, Editor-at-Large, Communication Arts, Menlo Park, CA


"25th Anniversary" Online Exhibition and Kodak.com Sponsored Book, curated by Jean Ferrojurors: Kim Gougenheim, Deputy Photo Director / "O" The Oprah Magazine, Catherine Edelman / Catherine Edelman Gallery, Joyce Tenneson / Photographer, Jean Ferro, Photo Artist / President, Women In Photography International, Rose Shoshana / Rose Gallery, Andrew Smith / The Andrew Smith Gallery, Susanne Konig / Director of The powerHouse Gallery, Laurie Kratochvil / Photography Consultant, Scott Mc Kiernan, Photographer/Publisher/Founder ZUMA Press, Stephen Perloff, Founder, The Photo Review

"The Portrait" curated by Jean Ferro, JURORS:: Susan Spiritus / Gallery Owner,Julian Cox, Curator of Photography / High Museum of Art,Sasha Erwitt, Senior Associate Photo Editor / Vanity Fair,Carol McCusker, PhD - Curator of Photography / Museum of Photographic Arts (MoPA), Jason Murison, Director, P.P.O.W Gallery,


"2007 Competition", curated by Jean FerroJURORS: Andrea Bakacs, Photographer /Senior Photo Editor, Martha Stewart Living,Paul Kopeikin, Owner / Paul Kopeikin Gallery,Royce Bair, Photographer / President, The Stock Solution, Inc., Tim Anderson, Photographer/ Publisher / Managing Editor, CameraArts Magazine


[http://www.womeninphotography.org www.womeninphotography.org]

Our online resource provides member profiles and portfolios, interviews, book reviews, product information, gallery listings, archives and the WIPI reference library, a collection of notations of over 24,000 women photographers, helps to create a premiere resource and an unparalleled network for the international community of women in the photographic arts. Join with us to share your vision and your voice with our membership.

Gallery One: Featured PRO Artist Profile & Portfolio woman photographer who has been working in the photographic community for at least twenty years.

Gallery Two: Member Profile and Portfolio an upcoming woman photographer and WIPI Member, who talks about personal work and building a career.

Gallery Three: Student Gallery, new talent on the horizon

Gallery Four: Historical Profiles (2000-2003, Peter Palmquist contributor)WIPI Archive, a unique historical commentary about a woman photographer who is included in the Women In Photography Archives.

F2 eZine

WIPI News: Feature stories by our Members and special feature: Articles from AbroadExhibition Highlights: Upcoming member exhibits and notes of interestBook Reviews: by Author, Historian Carol Glauber, along with a suggested reading listMarketing News: by Photo Marketing Techniques, Maria Piscopo and Port AuthorityIndustry News - information about technology and photo equipmentAwards & CompetitionsClassified

Our website offers a Reference Library and a wide range of photography links to: member web sites and member PhotoProfiles, photographic organizations and worldwide contacts, with International Translation capability from six different countries. Also see the Site Map for our Archived editions.

ee also

* Women artists
* Women in photography

External links

* [http://www.cla.purdue.edu/waaw/palmquist/index.htm Palmquist, Peter E. Women in Photography International Archive.] "Women Artists of the American West", August 16, 1998. Accessed 2007-10-10.
* [http://www.thescreamonline.com/photo/photo2-1/wipi/index.html Tea time: images of women, images of tea.] "theSCREAMonline.com: An International Magazine for Art, Photography, Literature, Film, Music", January 2002. Accessed 2007-10-10.
* [http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=139&art_id=vn20060724150154195C388669 Cole, Barbara. KZN woman named top photographer.] "Independent Online Daily News" (South Africa), July 24, 2006. Accessed 2007-10-10.
* [http://female-photography.backstagecolombia.com/main.php Colombian Women Photography.] "Giovanni Ortiz Colombian photographer (Bogota D.C.)".


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