Ionic strength

Ionic strength

The ionic strength, "I", of a solution is a function of the concentration of "all" ions present in a solution.

I_c = egin{matrix}frac{1}{2}end{matrix}sum_ m B}=1}^{n} c_{ m B}z_{ m B}^{2}

where "c"B is the molar concentration of ion B (mol dm-3), "z"B is the charge number of that ion, and the sum is taken over all ions in the solution. For a 1:1 electrolyte such as sodium chloride, the ionic strength is equal to the concentration, but for MgSO4 the ionic strength is four times higher. Generally multivalent ions contribute strongly to the ionic strength.

For example the ionic strength of a mixed 0.0050M Na2SO4 + 0.0020M NaCl solution is :

I = 1/2(2 * (+1)2 * 0.005) + (+1)2 * 0.0020 + (-2)2 * 0.005 + (-1)2 * 0.002)= 0.017M

Because in non-ideal solutions volumes are no longer strictly additive it is often preferable to work with molality (mol/kg H2O ) rather than amount concentration. In that case, ionic strength is defined as:

I_m = egin{matrix}frac{1}{2}end{matrix}sum_ m B}=1}^{n} m_{ m B}z_{ m B}^{2}


The ionic strength plays a central role in the DebyeHückel theory that describes the strong deviations from ideality typically encountered in ionic solutions. It is also important for the theory of Double Layer (interfacial) and related Electrokinetic phenomena and Electroacoustic phenomena in colloids and other heterogeneous systems. That is, the Debye length, which is the inverse of the Debye parameter ("κ"), is inversely proportional to the square root of the ionic strength. Debye length is characteristic of the Double layer thickness. Increasing the concentration or valence of the counterions compresses the double layer and increases the electrical potential gradient.

Media of high ionic strength are used in stability constant determination in order to minimize changes, during a titration, in the activity quotient of solutes at lower concentrations. Natural waters such as seawater have a non-zero ionic strength due to the presence of dissolved salts which significantly affects their properties.


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