Laodice of Macedonia

Laodice of Macedonia

Laodice (in Greek Λαοδικη) was wife of Antiochus, a general of distinction in the service of Philip II of Macedon, and mother of Seleucus, the founder of the Seleucid Empire. It was pretended, in con­sequence of a dream which she had, that Apollo was the real father of her child.rf|1|just_15.4 No less than five cities were founded by Seleucus in different parts of his dominions, which bore in her honour the name of Laodicea.rf|2|app_57


*Smith, William; "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", [ "Laodice (4)"] , Boston, (1867)


ent|1|just_15.4 Justin, "Epitome", [ xv. 4] ent|2|app_57 Appian, "Foreign Wars", "The Syrian Wars", [ 57]


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