- Tritik
Tritik stitching is a small running line of
stitching that is gathered tightly. It is often used inAfrican textiles and the designs are much bolder than in most other forms of stitching.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Tritik stitching is a small running line of
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Tie-dye — used as stage decor, Snoqualmie Moondance festival (1992) Tie dye is a process of resist dyeing textiles or clothing which is made from knit or woven fabric, usually cotton; typically using bright colors. It is a modern version of traditional… … Wikipedia
Batik — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Tela teñida mediante la técnica batik. El Batik es una de las varias técnicas de teñido por reserva (Ikat; Tie Dye; Plangit; Bandhana; Shibori). Es utilizado para colorear tejidos y consiste en aplicar capas de cera… … Wikipedia Español
Textilkunst — Tex|til|kunst, die <o. Pl.>: Kunstgewerbe, das sich mit der künstlerischen Gestaltung von Textilien befasst. * * * Textilkunst, Sammelbegriff für die Gestaltung mit textilem Material in allen Techniken der Stoffbildung und Stoffverzierung … Universal-Lexikon
arthritis — noun (U) a disease that causes a lot of pain in the joints of your body arthritic / TrItIk/ adjective: arthritic fingers … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
gastritis — /gæsˈtraɪtəs/ (say gas truytuhs) noun inflammation of the stomach, especially of its mucous membrane. {gastr + itis} –gastritic /gæsˈtrɪtɪk/ (say gas tritik), adjective …