Calcium lactate

Calcium lactate

Chembox new
ImageFile=calcium lactate.pngImageSize=200px
IUPACName=calcium 2-hydroxypropanoate
OtherNames=calcium lactate 5-hydrate,
calcium lactate,
2-hydroxypropanoic acid
calcium salt pentahydrate
Section1= Chembox Identifiers
SMILES=CC(C(=O) [O-] )O.CC(C(=O) [O-] )O. [Ca+2]

Section2= Chembox Properties

Section3= Chembox Hazards

Calcium lactate is a white crystalline salt made by the action of lactic acid on calcium carbonate. It is used in foods (as a baking powder) and given medicinally. Its E number is E327.

Calcium lactate is often found in aged cheeses. Small crystals of it precipitate out when lactic acid is converted into a less soluble form by the bacteria active during the ripening process.

In medicine, calcium lactate is most commonly used as an antacid and also to treat calcium deficiencies. Calcium lactate can be absorbed at various pHs and does not need to be taken with food for absorption for these reasons.

Calcium lactate is added to sugar-free foods to prevent tooth decay. When added to chewing gum containing xylitol, it increases the remineralization of tooth enamel. [cite journal | last = Sudaa | first = R. | coauthors = T. Suzukia, R. Takiguchib, K. Egawab, T. Sanob, K. Hasegawa | year = 2006 | title = The Effect of Adding Calcium Lactate to Xylitol Chewing Gum on remineralization of Enamel Lesions | journal = Caries Research | volume = 40 | issue = 1 | pages = 43–46 | doi = 10.1159/000088905 ] It is also added to fresh-cut fruits such as cantaloupes to keep them firm and extend their shelf life, without the bitter taste caused by calcium chloride, which can also be used for this purpose. [cite journal | last = Luna-Guzman | first = Irene | coauthors = Diane M. Barrett | year = 2000 | title = Comparison of calcium chloride and calcium lactateeffectiveness in maintaining shelf stability and quality of fresh-cut cantaloupes | journal = Postharvest Biology and Technology | volume = 19 | pages = 16–72 | doi = 10.1016/S0925-5214(00)00079-X ]


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