Landsdale, Western Australia

Landsdale, Western Australia

Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb
name = Landsdale
city = Perth
state = wa

caption =
lga = City of Wanneroo
postcode = 6065
est =
pop = 5,630 [{Census 2006 AUS|id=SSC51801|name=Landsdale (State Suburb)|quick=on|accessdate=2008-10-02
stategov = West Swan
fedgov = Cowan
near-nw =
near-n = Gnangara
near-ne =
near-w = Darch
near-e = Cullacabardee
near-sw =
near-s = Alexander Heights
near-se =
dist1 =
location1= coord|-31.809|115.839|type:city(5630)_region:AU-WA_scale:30000|format=dms|display=title

Landsdale is a northern suburb of Perth, Western Australia, located within the local government area of the City of Wanneroo. Its postcode is 6065. In politics Landsdale is in the federal division of COWAN and is state the district of Wanneroo.

The area of Landsdale, Darch and Madeley are located between Gnangara road, Hepburn ave, Alexander drive and Wanneroo road. Landsdale is about 40 minutes from the Perth CBD.

Landsdale was founded in approximately 1955, but it was not until the 1970s that the suburb first took that name. The area had been used as farming (market gardens) land from around 1900. In the late 1990s was when landsdale started to develop from market gardens into residential development. The main area of landsdale is landsdale gardens and includes most of the facilities of the area. Landsdale hit its highest point in growth and development in 2003. Recently Landsdale has be sub-divided, with the western areas renamed Darch and Madeley.

Landsdale has many facilities including a small medical complex including; a medical centre, pysio and pharmacy (possibly a dentist in the future as well), the Warradale centre (named after Warradale park), parks and reserves, lakes, walking trails, a shopping centre: Landsdale Forum as well as two schools The Landsdale Primary School which was built in 1998 and is from kindy through to year 7 and the Landsdale Christian School. The city of Wanneroos mobile library also stops near the shopping centre all day Friday and Saturday morning.

There is also a new high school being built in the area near Darch being named Ashdale secondary college. This high school was originally planned to be more for the Landsdale side of the area but due to its late start and more people on the Darch side it has been changed.

The Warradale centre (named after Warradale park) is a hall which is used for many community events as well as a club room and change room for the sporting clubs of landsdale including; the landsdale rockets football club, the landsdale lions cricket club as well as a small teaball club. The centre also has a canteen, parking and toilet facilities and is located near Warradale Park and reserve.

The landsdale Forum shopping centre is only a small centre but has everything a small community needs. The shops include IGA, Landsdale Forum news (Newsagency), Dry cleaners, Jenny K Hair salon, Elders real estate, Pet arcade, BWS liquor, Feet up DVD and video rental as well as a mini food court including; Chooks, Perth noodle wok, Fish and chips, Cafe 7 and The pizzeria restaurant. The centre also has facilities including; public toilets and baby change facilities, a huge car park, walking distance to the medical complex and Broadview Park.

Landsdale is easily accessible by road and has two public bus services from landsdale; 376 to mirraboka bus station (replaced the 355 service) and 352 to Whitfords interchange, this service is used for people wanting to connect to trains to the City at Whitfords.

Landsdale is also located near the Telstra Perth international telecommunications centre which is located in between Landsdale/Whiteman.


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