- Search Engine Watch
Search Engine Watch (SEW) is a website that provides news and information about
search engines andsearch engine marketing . [cite news |first= |last= |authorlink= |coauthors= |title=The Crumbs You Leave Behind |url= |quote=Search Engine Watch (searchenginewatch.com) offers a useful guide, "Protecting Your Search Privacy: A Flowchart to Tracks You Leave Behind," that takes a comprehensive look at search privacy, from your computer to your Internet service provider to the search engine itself to third parties that traffic in search information. Also on Search Engine Watch: "Private Searches Versus Personally Identifiable Searches," which explains that "there's an important difference between private information and private information that can be actually linked to an individual with confidence." |publisher=New York Times |date=January 28, 2006 |accessdate=2007-08-21 ]Search Engine Watch was started by Danny Sullivan in 1996. In 1997, Sullivan sold it for an undisclosed amount to MecklerMedia (now Jupitermedia). In 2005 the website and related
Search Engine Strategies conference series were sold toIncisive Media for $43 million. OnNovember 30 ,2006 Danny Sullivan left Search Engine Watch, after his resignation announcement onAugust 29 2006 . [ [http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog/060829-063058 Stepping Down From Search Engine Watch [SearchEngineWatch ] ] [ [http://daggle.com/060829-112950.html Leaving Search Engine Watch ] ] Rebecca Lieb was named editor-in-chief the following month.Google 'sMatt Cutts has called Search Engine Watch "must reading."Yahoo 'sTim Mayer has said that it is the "most authoritative source on search." [cite web|publisher=usatoday.com|accessdate=2007-08-30|date=August 1 ,2006 |title=Got a search engine question? Ask Mr. Sullivan|url=http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/technology/2006-08-01-sullivan-search_x.htm]References
External links
* [http://searchenginewatch.com SearchEngineWatch.com]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.