Jew Watch

Jew Watch

Infobox Website
name = Jew Watch

caption = Screenshot of Jew Watch's home page, May 9, 2006
url =
commercial =
type = hate site
language = English
registration =
owner = Frank Weltner
author = Frank Weltner
launch date =
current status =
revenue =

Jew Watch is a controversial website that describes itself asThe Internet's Largest Scholarly Collection of Articles on Jewish History" and asa Not-For-Profit Library for private study, scholarship, or research.” The site is widely categorized as an antisemitic hate site.Antisemitic:
*"Racists of all beliefs can find materials to their liking on the Internet. [...] One such site, Jew Watch, contains articles and other writings on anti Semitic themes, with such titles asWorld War Two Slave Labor Issues and Greedy Jewish LawyersandThe Rothschild Internationalist Zionist Banking One World Order Family”." [$File/G0113724.doc?OpenElement Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the use of the Internet for purposes of incitement to racial hatred, racist propaganda and xenophobia, and on ways of promoting international cooperation in this area.] World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. Preparatory Committee Second session. Geneva, 21 May-1 June 2001. Item 6 of the provisional agenda. Review of Reports, Studies and Other Documentation for the Preparatory Committee and the World Conference. United Nations General Assembly. A/CONF.189/PC.2/12. 27 April 2001
*"He runs Jew Watch, a wildly anti-Semitic, 6-year-old Web site that carries archives of conspiracy theories about Jews." [ Radical Radio: Neo-Nazi broadcasting from St. Louis AM station] , Southern Poverty Law Center, Fall 2004. Retrieved May 21, 2007.
*cite news| title = Google caught in Anti-Semitism flap | work = CNET | first = David | last = Becker | date = 2004-04-07 | url = | accessdate = 2006-04-09
*cite news | title = Google In Controversy Over Top-Ranking For Anti-Jewish Site | url = | work = Search Engine Watch | date = 2004-04-25 | first = Danny | last = Sullivan | accessdate = 2006-08-08
*"In fact, the No. 1 result for the search entry "Jew" turns out to be The fanatically anti-Semitic hate site is ranked first in relevance of more than 1.72 million Web pages..." Joe Eskenazi. [ No. 1 Google result forJewis fanatical hate sitefor now] , "j.", March 19, 2004.
*"As previously reported, the anti-Semitic site Jew Watch used to be the first item returned from a Google search on the word "Jew," a result that attracted widespread criticism and several online protest campaigns." David Becker. [ Anti-Semitic site drops off Google] , "CNET", April 26, 2004. Retrieved May 21, 2007.
*"Money donated through multiple Web sites registered to Frank Weltner of St. Louis was redirected to a site that collected money for an anti-Semitic and racist organization, Nixon said... Nixon said Weltner registered at least 10 Internet domain names with Katrina-related themes, such as and The Web sites showed photos of neighborhoods in rubble and families in peril, along with a pitch to donate. Those who clicked on a link to donate were redirected to a central Web site,, the same collection point for individuals pledging donations to" [ Nixon obtains permanent injuntion against operator who deceptively solicited Katrina donations] , Attorney-General Jay Nixon press release, October 26, 2006. Retrieved May 21, 2007.
*"Jew Watch organizes its anti-Semitic materials much in the same way a popular Web directory might group more benign information." [ Poisoning the Web: Hatred Online - Don Black: White Pride World Wide] , Anti-Defamation League. Retrieved May 21, 2007.
*"Google's review comes a couple weeks after the Anti-Defamation League and online petitioners expressed concern over an anti-Semitic Web site, Jew Watch, showing up among the top results for the search term 'Jew.'" Verne Kopytoff. [ Google revisits policy on hate sites] , "San Francisco Chronicle", April 23, 2004.
*"A New York real estate developer has launched an online petition to get an anti-Semitic site removed from Google's index after it came up as the first result when he did a search for the word 'Jew'." [ Online petition launched against anti-Semitic site] , "The Age", April 7, 2004.
*"So its ironic that an anti-Semitic website,, would find a host in Boca Raton. But it did." [ Hate Speech: Boca anti-Semitic website host tells site owner totake his business elsewhere.”] , "Boca Raton News", January 5, 2006.
*"Although not mentioned in the Audit, two specific antisemitic web sites came to the attention of the Canadian Jewish community. Jew Watch, a vehemently antisemitic web site, was being listed by an Internet search engine under the 'Jewish Resources' section." [ 1998 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents] , B'nai Brith Canada. Retrieved May 21, 2007.
*"In March, during a casual Web search, the 26-year-old real-estate investor accidentally found that Jew Watch, an anti-Semitic site, was the top Google result." John Brandon. [ Dropping the Bomb on Google] , "Wired News", May 11, 2004. Retrieved May 21, 2007.
*"...even when they appear on the internet, the antisemitic extremes of and the ethnic boosterism of seem relics of an archaic time." Vincent Brook. "You Should See Yourself: Jewish Identity in Postmodern American Culture", Rutgers University Press, 2006, ISBN 0813538459, p. 232.
*"... Jew Watch (a hate site allegedly reporting Jewish monopoly, banking, and media control worldwide)." Eli M. Salzberger, Niva Elkin-Koren: "Law, Economics and Cyberspace. The Effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Analysis of Law." Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004. ISBN 1840646691. p. 72
* "... an anti-Semitic website named 'Jew Watch.'" [ Experts Warn of Rapid Growth in On-Line Hate] by Kirk Makin. "Globe and Mail", September 13, 2006
* "Racist skinheads connect and reconnect online through a multitude of websites like Stormfront and Jew Watch, which are deep reservoirs of hate..." Barry Howard Minkin: "Ten Great Lies That Threaten Western Civilization" Ten Great Lies, 2007. ISBN 0979290406. p. 140]

The site became notorious in April 2004 when it emerged as the first result in a Google search for the wordJew”. A scandal in 2006 involved solicitations for donations to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina being redirected to Jew Watch.


The website is owned and maintained by Frank Weltner of St. Louis, Missouri. Weltner is a member of the National Alliance, a white nationalist organization.cite web
title=Radical Radio. Neo-Nazi broadcasting from St. Louis AM station
publisher=Southern Poverty Law Center, Fall 2004
] Cite web|url=|title=Jewish History - Frank Weltner - Personal Statement|accessdate = 2007-04-02|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] cite journal|last=Perlmutter|first=Dawn|date=Fall 2001 / Winter 2002|title=Skandalon 2001: The Religious Practices of Modern Satanists and Terrorists|journal=Anthropoetics|publisher=UCLA|location=Los Angeles, CA|volume=7|issue=2|pages=1-26|issn=1083-7264|oclc=32874935|url=|accessdate=2008-07-30 " [O] ne example is a white supremacist web site called Jew Watch" ]


Jew Watch features an archive of writings, articles, videos, and links, organized in the form of a Web directory. The material is organized under topic headings such as Jewish Controlled Press, Jewish Entertainment, Jewish Banking & Financial Manipulations, Jewish-Zionist-Soviet Anti-American Spies, Jewish Communist Rulers & Killers, Jewish Terrorists, Zionist Occupied Governments, Jewish Communists, and Jewish Atrocities, to name a few. Jew Watch claims that Communism as invented by Karl MarxCite web|url=|title=Jewish Reference Documents - Talmud Folder|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] was a Jewish plot to enslave the world,Cite web|url=|title=Jewish World Conspiracies|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] and that Jews control the world's financial systems and media.Cite web|url=|title=Jewish Controlled Press|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] It also claims that the "All Anti-Christian Jewish Red Commissars" killed 100 million Christians in Russia from 1917-1945 under the orders of "Trotsky, the Jewish Commissar of Commissars".Cite web|url=|title=Jewish Occupied Governments - USSR - Jews and Communism|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] It also makes the suggestion that global Jewry is the driving force behind both global capitalism and communism.Cite web|url=|title=Jewish Controlled Press - Reports by Historical Sources|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] The site links to others which speculate that Jews have committed or are planning genocide against the Palestinian people;Cite web|url=|title=Jewish Genocidal Murders of Others - Palestinian|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] the site also promotes Holocaust denial, maintaining that the Holocaust either never happened or was greatly exaggerated.Cite web|url=|title=Jewish Holocaust - Media Lies - Frauds - Hoaxes|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=JewWatch|author=Frank Weltner]

Jew Watch also has a large list of names of celebrities and historical figures which it claims are Jewish or of Jewish descentfor example, it claims that individuals such as Joseph Stalin,Cite web|url=|title=Leaders - Joseph Stalin - Jews and Communism|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] Dwight David Eisenhower,Cite web|url=|title=Leaders - Dwight David Eisenhower|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] Franklin Delano Roosevelt,Cite web|url=|title=Leaders - Franklin Delano Roosevelt|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] and Winston ChurchillCite web|url=|title=Leaders - Sir Winston Churchill|accessdate=2007-03-20|publisher=Jew Watch|author=Frank Weltner] were Jewish. The website also describes Christianity as a "Jewish Religion." [cite web | url= | title=Jewish Religions - Christianity | publisher=Jew Watch | accessdate=2006-04-08]

In addition, the website claims that the former Soviet Union, the United States, the former Soviet CIS states, Austria, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, and France are "Zionist Occupied Governments." [cite web | url= | title=Jewish Occupied Governments | publisher=Jew Watch | accessdate=2006-04-08]

Jew Watch also links to a host of YouTube clips recorded by Weltner, in which he claims, among others, that Zionists planned and carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks, were responsible for the Armenian Genocide, are forcing the United States into a war with Iran, are responsible for stock market fluctuations, and so forth. Weltner also links to another website of his where he posted his "Relevations", [cite web | url= | title=The Relevations of Frank Weltner | publisher=Frank Weltner | accessdate=2007-09-22] among which God told him that "Hitler was a Saint," that the Jews were responsible for the Waco Siege, and that black Africans are "the abomination of Noah".

Google controversy

The increasing publicity has resulted in many news sources, weblogs, and general information sites to link to Jew Watch, and thus created a Google bomb. In May 2004, Steven Weinstock launched an online petition to remove Jew Watch from Google. "When performing a search for the word 'Jew' on Google, the first Web site listed is, a site that has been notorious for being anti-Semitic," Weinstock wrote in a widely disseminated e-mail.

"In order for Google to remove this, they would need a petition of over 50,000 requests," Weinstock said. He set up an online petition site called Within a few days 2,000 signatures had been added to the list. By mid-2004 the site had collected over 125,000 signatures. [cite news | url =,1284,63380,00.html | title = Dropping the Bomb on Google
first = John | last = Brandon | work = Wired | date = 2004-05-11 | accessdate = 2007-01-01
] went offline, but a preserved version remains. [cite web | url = | title = | work = WhyNot Media | accessdate = 2007-01-01 ]

Google's response has been a sponsored link for the search term since 2004 which explains how Google results are automatically ranked by computer algorithms. [cite web | url = | title = An explanation of our search results | work = Google | date = 2004 | accessdate = 2007-01-01 ]

National Vanguard writer Kevin Strom claimed that Weinstock's efforts resulted in a "censor-fest" of Jew Watch and insisted "Our race deserves to live in freedom, and no trickster, thug, or con man can stop us from achieving that goal. We are going to win." [cite news | first=Kevin | last=Strom | date = 2004-04-24 | url = | title = The Censorious Race | publisher = National Vanguard | accessdate = 2006-04-08] John Goth, in the same publication, described his "disgust" as a "loyal White man" at "the recent Jewish attacks on free speech and particularly, on" [cite news | first = John | last = Goth | date = 2004-04-22 | url = | title = The Jew Watch Saga Can Be Fun | publisher = National Vanguard | accessdate = 2006-04-08]

In December 2004, OSCE's Sandy Starr addressed the issues of freedom of speech in his article "Understanding Hate Speech, Hate Speech on the Internet":

When it transpired that the anti-Semitic website Jew Watch ranked highest in the search engine Googles results for the search termJew”, a Remove Jew Watch campaign was established, to demand that Google remove the offending website from its listings. Fortunately for the principle of free speech, Google did not capitulate to this particular demand... Forced to act on its own initiative, Remove Jew Watch successfully used Googlebombing... Better still would have been either a proper contest of ideas between Jew Watch and Remove Jew Watch, or alternatively a decision that Jew Watch was beneath contempt and should simply be ignored. Not every crank and extremist warrants attention, even if they do occasionally manage to spoof search engine rankings. [Sandy Starr: [ Understanding Hate Speech. Hate Speech on the Internet] . Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe December 2004]

To this day Jew Watch's ranking fluctuates in the top three to five positions for the search term "Jew" on the American Google site, along with two Wikipedia articles for "Jew" and "Judaism". [Google search for the word 'Jew':]

The Katrina controversy

St. Louis City Circuit Judge Julian L. Bush permanently barred Frank Weltner and his site from soliciting funds in Missouri for charitable purposes after it was revealed by State Attorney General Jay Nixon that Frank Weltner had set up multiple websites soliciting funds for Katrina victims and then redirected those wishing to donate to his site that collected money for Jew Watch. [ [ Missouri Sues To Stop Phony Katrina Relief Sites] ConsumerAffairs. September 13, 2005] A press release from the Attorney General said: "Anyone who takes advantage of the generosity and compassion of his fellow citizens in an attempt to fund his hate-filled Web site should never again be in the position to solicit charitable funds from well-meaning Missourians". [cite web |title=Nixon obtains permanent injunction against operator who deceptively solicited Katrina donations |url= |publisher=Attorney General, 2006 |accessdate=2007-02-21]


ee also

*History of antisemitism
*Timeline of antisemitism
*Antisemitic canard

External links

* [ Site's Homepage]
* [ Google search for "Jew"]
* [ Watching Jew Watch]
* [ Official letter to Anti-Defamation League from Google's president]
* [ Jew Watch, Google, and Search Engine Optimization] by Seth Finkelstein
* [ Attorney General's News Release] - Nixon obtains permanent injuntion against operator who deceptively solicited Katrina donations

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