- Bebop and Rocksteady
Bebop and Rocksteady are fictional characters in the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series and the Archie TMNT Adventures comics as well as most of the classic TMNT video games. They follow the orders of series villain The Shredder, leader of the
Foot Clan . Their names are both from genres of music:Bebop is a style ofJazz andRocksteady is a kind of Jamaican music, a precursor toReggae .1987 cartoon
Bebop and Rocksteady used to be human, and part of a
street gang inNew York City that was employed by Shredder. Rocksteady was originally a short and stocky blond Caucasian man (who sported army camouflage pants that would be replaced with simple beigecargo pants later while also occasionally sporting a strong Army helmet on his head in his mutated form) while Bebop was a tallerAfrican American man with a purple mohawk. With other members of their gang, they were sent out to stop a Channel 6 reporter namedApril O'Neil from doing a report about crime in the city. April ran down into the sewers while being chased by the street gang and met theTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , who defeated the gang in afight .After this humiliating setback, The Shredder developed a plan to defeat the Turtles by mutating members of this street gang, so that they would have abilities parallel to the Turtles'. Bebop and Rocksteady both volunteered to undergo the procedure (though neither was particularly aware of what it would entail) with the promise that it would let them get revenge on the Turtles. Bebop was mutated into a human
warthog , and Rocksteady into arhinoceros . However, though the transformation did make them larger and stronger, they remained incompetent simpletons, and were completely inept at stopping the Turtles or carrying out Shredder's plans. For example, in "Enter the Shredder" they charged at the Turtles, who jumped, and crashed into each other. Donatello commented that their mutations didn't "up their IQ's any." For most of the series they were employed forcomic relief purposes. In one episode of the series, Bebop was shown to have kept a pet turtle, which got mutated into the evil turtle Slash.Bebop and Rocksteady's last appearance is in the season 8 finale [http://www.ninjaturtles.com/cartoon/guide/cart178.htm Turtle Trek] . In that episode, the Turtles destroy the Technodrome's engines, trapping it and its inhabitants in Dimension X for good. Bebop and Rocksteady are never seen again after that episode, but Krang and Shredder return during the 10th and last season. Bebop and Rocksteady are presumed to still be somewhere in Dimension X.
Archie Comics
Bebop and Rocksteady were featured in the following TMNT Adventures series, with similar origins and dimwittedness. Like the cartoon, they were punks mutated by the Shredder to help him defeat the turtles. As the series progressed, the animal side of Bebop and Rocksteady surfaced as they dreamed and longed for the 'old days' when they were just animals in the wild (Rocksteady in particular had dreams where he was a real rhino in the wild). When the Shredder and his bunch were defeated by the TMNT in the 'Final Conflict' (issue #13), Bebop and Rocksteady were banished to an Eden-World, a huge paradise planet in Dimension X full of wilderness and natural wildlife, without any humans or similar to disrupt their peace, and they enjoyed it pretty much. Ironically, they also seemed to become more intelligent as their animal side surfaced, even as they became less and less interested in evil.
In issues #23-#25, Krang, who was banished to the toxic waste dump planet "Morbus" for exiled criminals, befriended two other criminals, Slash and Bellybomb, who stole a spaceship and headed to Earth but stopped at the same Eden World Bebop and Rocksteady happened to be on. Being bored of Paradise, Bebop and Rocksteady joined them on the trip back to Earth. However, rather than battle the turtles, the pair left Krang and the villains to fight the turtles and wandered the streets of New York City on their own. They robbed a clothing store to get clothes similar to their original attire, and then robbed a gun store for some guns. Then they went to the zoo and blasted all the cages, setting all the animals free. Just as the turtles managed to defeat Krang (who had taken over Shredder's body), Bebop and Rocksteady arrived with guns and all the zoo animals, intending to take them back to the same Eden world. The turtles surrendered and let Bebop and Rocksteady escape in the spaceship with the animals. Leonardo asked them to take the defeated Krang and Bellybomb with them back to Morbus in Dimension X (Slash had already left the scene and was wandering the city). Bebop and Rocksteady did as asked and bid the Ninja Turtles farewell. The final panel of #25 shows the two mutants removing their clothes and going back to their simple life in the wilds of the Eden World.
Bebop and Rocksteady maintained the abilities they demonstrated in the cartoon, including their superhuman strength and crack shooting abilities.
Character creation
Bebop and Rocksteady were the creations of
Kevin Eastman andPeter Laird whilst co-developing the background behind the original animated series. Both hated the toning down of the characters by the second season and refused to use the goofier versions in the second movie, which the studios insisted on. This is whyTokka and Rahzar were used instead.Weapons
In the 1987 cartoon series, Bebop and Rocksteady were armed with various types, makes, and models of
firearms andlaser weaponry from both Earth and Dimension X. In the early episodes of the 1987 cartoon series, Bebop and Rocksteady were armed with automatic rifles and machine guns which they used against the Turtles in the first major battles between the two sides. Later in the series, they were armed with laser rifles and pistols from Dimension X. In "The cat woman from Channel 6", Rocksteady carried asword and Bebop carried abaseball bat .Besides the extensive array of firepower from both Earth and Dimension X at their disposal, Bebop and Rocksteady were also armed with combat knives; Bebop with a double-bladed knife (which resembles the
Gerber Mark II combat knife ) and Rocksteady with aBowie knife . In some episodes, they are seen fighting with a club.The use of firearms and laser weaponry by Bebop and Rocksteady help to differentiate them from both the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Splinter, the Shredder, and the Foot Soldiers/Ninjas who use traditional ninja weaponry. This is because Bebop and Rocksteady were never ninjas and but street punks that were skilled in the use of firearms and knives before they were mutated.
In the game series they use a variety of different weapons. In , Rocksteady used a machine gun while Bebop used a ray gun. In , Rocksteady uses a harpoon gun, while Bebop uses a ball and chain mounted on his head. In , Rocksteady and Bebop were dressed as a pirate captain and first mate respectively. Rocksteady used a rapier while Bebop used a whip.
Voice actors
In the cartoon series Bebop was voiced by
Barry Gordon (who also voiced Donatello) and Rocksteady was voiced byCam Clarke (who did the voice of Leonardo).Other appearances
In the 2003 series episode "Fallen Angel", there appears for the first time, two characters that are dressed and look identical to Bebop and Rocksteady as humans. In the episode "Samurai Tourist", the humanoid rhino Gen, puts on human clothing that makes him look identical to Rocksteady. Also in that episode, Gen is chased by Kojima, an assassin who happens to be a humanoid warthog.
In the "Fast Forward" episode "Future Shellshock", Michelangelo falls out of a flying truck and onto another vehicle, the driver of which greatly resembles Bebop, only with smaller, more modern sunglasses.
Video games
Bebop and Rocksteady both appear frequently in the classic TMNT
video game s, which are based on the 1987 cartoon. They are always level bosses, usually for one of the levels of the first half of the game – meaning they are easily defeated. Their exact placement vary from game to game:
* In the first Ninja Turtles game released for theNES , the Turtles face Bebop before going up against Rocksteady. In this game, Bebop is actually a mini-boss, while Rocksteady is the level boss. Confusingly, strategy reviews of this game often mistakenly mixed up the pair's names.
* In the original TMNT arcade game, the Turtles defeat Rocksteady in the first level and Bebop in the second level, and then have a rematch with Rocksteady and Bebop together immediately before rescuing April. Occasionally, Rocksteady and Bebop will bump into each other in their attempts to charge the Turtles, but it does not affect their energy. When the game was released on the NES, the rematch with Rocksteady and Bebop was replaced with a second battle withBaxter Stockman in his mutated insect form.
* In "", Rocksteady is the first level boss and Bebop is the third level boss. In this version, Bebop is armed with a head-mounted ball and chain.
* Rocksteady and Bebop are not part of the original arcade version of "". However, they are part of theSuper NES port of the game. They are paired together as a double-boss, and appear in the pirate ship level "Skull and Crossbones" where thetime travel goes to1530 , which in the arcade version was formerlyTokka and Rahzar 's level (Tokka and Rahzar became mini-bosses in theTechnodrome level instead). As in the arcade game, they can bump into each other in their attempts to charge the Turtles; however, they do take damage for it this time. In fact, the player only needs to attack one of them in order to defeat both. As appropriate for the level, they are both dressed inpirate regalia instead of their usual attire, and wield a whip and a rapier instead of firearms.
* Rocksteady appears as the second level boss of "" for theSega Genesis . Bebop, however, is nowhere to be seen in this game.
* The duo appears in the background of the Mount Olympus arena in the Super NES version of "". This was their last appearance in a videogame, and the only game where neither of them is a level boss.Action figures
The Rocksteady action figure that was released by Playmates Toys in 1988 had Rocksteady armed with an automatic rifle (that was fitted with a telescopic sight on top of the receiver) which resembled the appearance of the
US Army 's M60 general purpose machine gun as well as a Bowie knife and a manhole cover shield.The Bebop action figure that Playmates released in the same year was armed with a power drill, a double-bladed knife, and a trashcan lid for a shield.
External links
* [http://www.ninjaturtles.com/html/profile9.htm Bebop's profile on the Official TMNT website]
* [http://www.ninjaturtles.com/html/profile8.htm Rocksteady's profile on the Official TMNT website]
* [http://www.ninjaturtles.com/cartoon/guide/cart002.htm Heroes in a Half Shell - Part Two at the Official TMNT website, is the episode "Enter the Shredder" where Rocksteady and Bebop are mutated and first appear]
* [http://www.ninjaturtles.com/cartoon/guide/cart178.htm Turtle Trek at the Official TMNT website, is the last episode in which Bebop and Rocksteady appeared]
* [http://www.thetechnodrome.com/images/index.php?pageType=folder&currDir=./Bebop_and_Rocksteady_Together The Technodrome website - Images of Bebop and Rocksteady together]
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