- Kim Chuan Depot
Kim Chuan Depot is a rail depot for the Mass Rapid Transit system in
Singapore . The depot costs S$297 million to construct and houses the trains for the upcoming Circle and Downtown MRT lines. The depot will be fully underground, reaching a depth of 24 m at some points. It will provide stabling of the trains, maintenance and operational control of the line. The depot has a capacity for 78 trains (even though only 40 trains have been ordered for the line), and has an area of 100,000 m². The depot is located along Upper Paya Lebar Road and 2.1 million cubic metres of soil had to be excavated for its construction. An administration building with offices, a warehouse, a canteen and a 66 kilovolt substation will be located above the depot. The remaining 3 hectares of land left empty will be used for light industrial use with buildings on it up to 9 storeys high.External links
* [http://www.lta.gov.sg/projects/proj_kim_chuan.htm LTA page on Kim Chuan Depot]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20070609064415/http://www.bluescopesteelasia.com/BlueScopeSteel/country/singapore/lysaght/en/index.cfm?method=full&ID=d2520a77-6637-48a2-9e28-ccf84ea9d5af&KEY=Kim+Chuan+depot More Information on Kim Chuan Depot] (Archived inThe Internet Archive )
* [http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/325090/1/.html News article about Kim Chuan Depot from Channel News Asia]
* [http://www.ies.org.sg/e-newsletter/Tech%20Visit%2013012007.pdf PDF Document - LTA Technical Visit to Circle Line Underground Depot/Control Centre (Kim Chuan Depot)]
* [http://app.sgdi.gov.sg/listing.asp?agency_subtype=dept&agency_id=0000013012 Government C830 Project Office - Kim Chuan Depot]
* [http://app.sgdi.gov.sg/listing.asp?agency_subtype=dept&agency_id=0000008879 Government CIRCLE LINE CONTRACT C821/C822 DIVISION (Kim Chuan Depot)]
* [http://app.sprinter.gov.sg/data/pr/20080125985.htm Government Speech/Press Release from Kim Chuan Depot]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.