

Prolepsis (from the Greek "prolambanein", to anticipate) can be:

#A figure of speech in which a future event is referred to in anticipation. For example, a character who is about to die might be described as "the dead man" before he is actually dead. The same device can be used in non-verbal media such as film, where it is also called "flashforward". [Source: Britannica]
#The anticipation of an objection. For example, a speaker might say "'Ah', you say, 'but that is impossible!'" Here the speaker is anticipating the objection 'Ah, but that is impossible!' from his audienceand is probably about to refute that objection before it arises. This form is more accurately called "procatalepsis". []
#A grammatical construction that consists of placing an element in a syntactic unit before that to which it would logically correspond. Example: "That noise, I just heard it again", where "that noise" grammatically belongs in place of "it".
# A philosophical concept used in ancient epistemology (in particular by Epicurus and the Stoa) to indicate a so-called "preconception", i.e., a pre-theoretical notion which can lead to true knowledge of the world.

"Prolepsis" may also refer to:
* "Prolepsis" album by the band "Arrogance"

Proleptic may also refer to:
* Proleptic Gregorian calendar
* Proleptic Julian calendar
* Proleptic syllogism

See also

* analepsis/flashback
* flashforward
* back-date
* déjà vu
* foreshadowing
* Procatalepsis



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  • Prolepsis — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Prolepsis (del griego prolambanein, anticipación). Contenido 1 Sentidos del término 1.1 Sentido gramatical 1.2 Sentido literario …   Wikipedia Español

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  • prolepsis — 1570s, the taking of something future as already done or existing, from L., from Gk. prolepsis an anticipating, lit. a taking beforehand, from prolambanein to take before, from pro before (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + lambanein to take (see ANALEMMA (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

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  • prolepsis — noun aphorism, assumption, hypothesis, postulation, presupposition Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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