- Image differencing
Image differencing is an
image processing technique used to determine changes between images. The difference between two images is calculated by finding the difference between each pixel in each image, and generating an image based on the result. For this technique to work, the two images must first be aligned so that corresponding points coincide, and their photometric values must be made compatible, either by careful calibration, or by post-processing. The complexity of the pre-processing needed before differencing varies with the type of image.Image differencing techniques are commonly used in
astronomy to locate objects that fluctuate in brightness or move against the star field.The
Hutchinson metric can be used to "measure of the discrepancy between twoimage s for use infractal image processing ". [ [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1355938 Efficient computation of the Hutchinson metric between digitized images] abstract] [ [http://isis.pub.ro/iafa2003/files/3-5.pdf HUTCHINSON METRIC IN FRACTAL DNA ANALYSIS -- A NEURAL NETWORK APPROACH] ]See also
Blink comparator
*Difference matte
*Image stabilization ources and notes
External links
* Sussex Computer Vision webpage: [http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CVonline/LOCAL_COPIES/YOUNG/vision6.html Use of motion information in computer vision]
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