

governor=Paul Rånes (Kystpartiet)
lat_deg=67| lat_min=31| lat_sec=12| lon_deg=12| lon_min=5| lon_sec=56
utm_zone=33W| utm_northing=7492248 |utm_easting=0376256| geo_cat=adm2nd


Røst is a municipality in the county of Nordland, Norway.

Røst was separated from Værøy July 1, 1928.

There are 365 islands and skerries in the municipality situated some 100 km off the mainland, off the southwestern tip of the Lofoten chain. The municipality also has one of the biggest birdcliffs in the North Atlantic, with puffin colonies, as well as colonies of shag, kittiwake, cormorants etc.

The name

The municipality is named after the mainland island of Røst (Norse "Röst"). The name is identical with the word "röst" f 'maelstrom'.


The coat-of-arms is from modern times (1986). It shows the heads of three cormorants.

(See also the coat-of-arms of Loppa and Skjervøy.)


Røst is reached by boat and Røst Airport has scheduled flights to Bodø.


A vivid description of medieval island life has been delivered by the shipwrecked Venetian sea captain, Pietro Querini, who was rescued by the islanders in 1432. He described the society as very harmonious and pious. The Lundehund originated from this part of Norway, where it natively would have climed along cliff paths to hunt puffins.


Røst and Værøy are rather famous with meteorologists, as it is the most northern location in the world where there is no meteorological winter, as the average temperature is above freezing all winter. The winter temperatures in southern Lofoten represent the largest temperature anomaly in the world relative to latitude.

During the winter, the population of Røst gets doubled due to the number of boats arriving at Røst to fish. Yearly, the small island of Røst produces fish and fish-related products worth more than 40 million US dollars.



Røst is one of the few bird watching localities in Norway that is known world wide. The seabird colonies that are to be found are regarded as internationally important. The island offers a range of habitats, and as one would expect, a stop-over point for many species that are migrating even further north. During the last few years, birders have been showing an interest for Røst during the autumn, producing a whole range of rarities.

Books about Røst:

The Halfbrother Lars Saabye Christensen

External links

* [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Røst&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=67.441229,12.106934&spn=2.335716,9.162598 Røst at Google Maps]

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