

governor=Nils A. Røhne (Ap)
lat_deg=60| lat_min=38| lat_sec=58| lon_deg=11| lon_min=21| lon_sec=59
utm_zone=32V| utm_northing=6726099 |utm_easting=0629390| geo_cat=adm2nd

Audio|Stange.ogg|Stange is a municipality in the county of Hedmark, Norway.

Stange was established as a municipality January 1, 1838 (see formannskapsdistrikt). Romedal was merged with Stange January 1, 1964.

The municipality is situated on the east side of the lake Mjøsa, it borders the municipalities of Hamar on the north, Løten, Våler, and Åsnes to the east, Nord-Odal to the south and Eidsvoll to the west.

The name

The municipality (originally the parish) is named after the old farm Stange (Norse "Stangir"), since the first church was built here. The name is the plural form of "stong" f 'bar, pole, rod'. (The farm is lying on a long hill, and this is probably the background for the name.)


The coat-of-arms is from modern times (1986). It shows an "ard" (scratch-plough).


Stange consists of several areas that were previously distinct, including Vallset, Romedal, Espa, Åsbygda, Tangen, and Stange itself. The municipality can be roughly divided into two areas: the northern area, with rich and fertile agricultural land; and a southern area with craggy, forested area (the Stange Commons). As a result, the northern section is dominated by large, prosperous farms; the southern part by small, marginal farms. history. Stange has one of the most famous musicteachers in history. His name is øystein.


Archeological finds indicate agricultural settlements in the area well before the Viking era. Since the shortest route from the south to Hamar went through the area, there have also been trade and hospitality there since time immemorial. Stange has its own historical association that publishes articles, short research topics, as well as authoritative works on the area's history.

Stange church lies in Stange. It is one of the oldest Norwegian churches. It is mentioned in 1225 im Håkon Håkonsens saga.

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