Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Po - Pz)

Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Po - Pz)

Each "article" in this category is in fact a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries themselves are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers.

See the page for details of the project.


;Dates : 1918 -;Capital : Warsaw;Currency : (1918) 100 pfennige = 1 mark: (1918) 100 halerze = 1 krone: (1918) 100 fenigi = 1 mark: (1924) 100 groszy = 1 zloty

;Main Article Needed :

;Includes : Poland (Russian Province)

;See also : General Gouvernement;: German Occupation Issues (WWI);: German Occupation Issues (WWII)

Poland (German Occupation WWI)

;Dates : 1915 - 1918;Currency : 100 pfennige = 1 mark

;Refer : German Occupation Issues (WWI)

Poland (German Occupation WWII)

;Dates : 1939 - 1945;Currency : 100 groszy = 1 zloty

;Refer : German Occupation Issues (WWII)

Poland (Russian Province)

;Dates : 1860 - 1863;Capital : Warsaw;Currency : 100 kopecks = 1 Russian ruble

;Refer : Poland

Polish Army in Russia

;Dates : 1942 only;Currency : 100 kopecks = 1 Russian ruble

;Refer : Polish Post Abroad

Polish Corps in Russia

;Dates : 1918 only;Currency : 100 kopecks = 1 Russian ruble

;Refer : Polish Post Abroad

Polish Government in Exile

;Dates : 1941 - 1945;Currency : 100 groszy = 1 zloty

;Refer : Polish Post Abroad

Polish Military Post

;Refer : Central Lithuania (Polish Occupation);: Polish Army in Russia;: Polish Corps in Russia

Polish Occupation Issues

;Refer : Polish Post Abroad

Polish Post Abroad

;Main Article Needed :

;Includes : Central Lithuania (Polish Occupation);: Constantinople (Polish Post Office);: Danzig (Polish Post Office);: Polish Army in Russia;: Polish Corps in Russia;: Polish Government in Exile


;Refer : Poland


;Refer : French Indian Settlements

Ponta Delgada

;Dates : 1892 - 1905;Currency : 1000 reis = 1 milreis

;Refer : Azores Territories


;Dates : 1876 - 1894;Currency : 12 pies = 1 anna; 16 annas = 1 rupee

;Refer : Indian Native States

Port Arthur & Dairen

;Dates : 1946 - 1950;Currency : 100 cents = 1 dollar

;Refer : CPR Regional Issues

Port Gdansk

;Refer : Danzig (Polish Post Office)

Port Lagos (French Post Office)

French PO in Thrace when under Turkish rule. Issued French stamps overprinted PORT-LAGOS. The officeclosed in 1898. Port Lagos is a seaport in Western Thrace which now belongs to Greece.

;Dates : 1893 - 1898;Currency : 100 centimes = 1 franc

;Refer : French Post Offices in the Turkish Empire

Port Said (French Post Office)

;Dates : 1899 - 1931;Currency : (1899) 100 centimes = 1 franc: (1921) 1000 milliemes = 1 pound

;Refer : Egypt (French Post Offices)


;Dates : 1853 -;Capital : Lisbon;Currency : (1853) 1000 reis = 1 milreis: (1912) 100 centavos = 1 escudo: (2002) 100 cent = 1 euro

;Main Article Needed :

;See also : Africa (Portuguese Colonies);: Angola;: Azores;: Cape Verde Islands;: Guinea-Bissau;: Macao;: Madeira;: Mozambique;: Portuguese Congo;: Portuguese Guinea;: Portuguese India;: Sao Tome e Principe;: Timor

Portuguese Africa

;Refer : Africa (Portuguese Colonies)

Portuguese Congo

;Dates : 1894 - 1920;Capital : Cabinda;Currency : (1894) 1000 reis = 1 milreis: (1912) 100 centavos = 1 escudo

;Main Article Needed :

;See also : Africa (Portuguese Colonies)

Portuguese Guinea

;Dates : 1881 - 1974;Capital : Bissau;Currency : (1881) 1000 reis = 1 milreis: (1912) 100 centavos = 1 escudo

;Main Article Needed :

;See also : Africa (Portuguese Colonies);: Guinea-Bissau

Portuguese India

Portugal sought territory in India after Vasco da Gama's successful voyage round the Cape of Good Hopein 1497-1498. The three enclaves of Goa (1505), Damao (1531) and Diu (1534) were annexed to collectively form the colony of Portuguese India.

Goa, including the capital Pangim (now Panaji), is on the Malabar coast of SW India, roughly midway between
Bombay and Bangalore. Damao (now called Daman) is on the west coast, at the entrance to the Gulf of Cambay, about 100 miles north of Bombay. Diu, which includes the towns of Diu and Simbor, is a small island(15 sq. miles) off the south coast of Kathiawar peninsula in western India.

The first stamps were issued 1 October 1871. Stamps of British India were also valid until 1877.Standard Portuguese types such as the Ceres issue were used until 1925 when specific types began tobe produced. All stamps were inscribed INDIA in some way; from 1946, the inscription was usuallyESTADO DA INDIA.

In 1950, newly independent India demanded the transfer of the Portuguese territories but Portugalrefused. India set up a land blockade in 1954 and then annexed the territories on 17 December 1961.Stamps of India were introduced on 29 December 1961.

Goa became a State of India in 1987 while Daman and Diu (combined) is a Union Territory.

;Dates : 1871 - 1961;Capital : Pangim (Goa);Currency : (1871) 1000 reis = 1 milreis: (1882) 12 reis = 1 tanga; 16 tangas = 1 rupia: (1959) 100 centavos = 1 escudo

;Main Article : Postage stamps and postal history of Portuguese India

Portuguese Occupation of German East Africa

;Refer : German East Africa (Portuguese Occupation)

Portuguese Timor

;Refer : Timor


;Refer : Prussia

Priamur & Maritime Provinces

;Dates : 1921 - 1922;Capital : Vladivostock;Currency : 100 kopecks = 1 Russian ruble

;Refer : Russian Civil War Issues

Prince Edward Island

;Dates : 1861 - 1873;Capital : Charlottetown;Currency : (1861) 12 pence = 1 shilling; 20 shillings = 1 pound: (1872) 100 cents = 1 dollar

;Refer : Canadian Provinces

Protectorat Français

;Refer : French Protectorate, Morocco


;Dates : 1850 - 1867;Capital : Berlin;Currency : (1850) 12 pfennige = 1 silbergroschen; 30 silbergroschen = 1 thaler: (1867) 60 kreuzer = 1 gulden

;Main Article Needed :

;See also : Germany (Imperial);: North German Confederation

Puerto Rico

;Dates : 1873 - 1900;Capital : San Juan;Currency : (1873) 100 centimos = 1 peseta: (1881) 1000 milesimas = 100 centavos = 1 peso: (1898) 100 cents = 1 dollar

;Main Article Needed :

;See also : Cuba & Puerto Rico

Pulau Pinang

;Refer : Penang


;Refer : Patiala


* Stanley Gibbons Ltd: various catalogues
* [ Encyclopaedia of Postal History]
* Stuart Rossiter & John Flower: "The Stamp Atlas"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (To — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Co — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (A — Each article in this category is in fact a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries themselves are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers.… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Ba — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries themselves are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Ea — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Al — Each article in this category is in fact a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries themselves are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers.… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Be — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Ca — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Gh — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Sp — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

  • Compendium of postage stamp issuers (Ci — Each article in this category is a collection of entries about several stamp issuers, presented in alphabetical order. The entries are formulated on the micro model and so provide summary information about all known issuers. See the… …   Wikipedia

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